Executive Committee Agenda

04/07/2021 03:30 PM - Online, Zoom Webinar. Please email univcouncil@uga.edu for information.
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  1. Approval of the minutes from the February 10, 2021, meeting
  2. Action Items:
    1. Proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
      1. Proposal to change the name of the Department of Foods and Nutrition to the Department of Nutritional Sciences
      2. Proposal for a new minor in American Sign Language
      3. Proposal for a new minor in Biological and Medical Anthropology
      4. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Data Analytics in Public Policy
      5. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in LGBTQ Studies
      6. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in African Studies
      7. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Transformative Leadership on the Athens, Gwinnett, and online campuses
      8. Proposal to reactivate the Graduate Certificate in Creativity and Innovation
      9. Proposal for a new major in Artificial Intelligence (Ph.D.)
    2. Proposal from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
      1. Proposal to revise the Bylaws for the Committee on Student Life
    3. Proposal from the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Baldwin Hall:
      1. Report from the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Baldwin Hall to the Executive Committee
  3. Information Items:
    1. From the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
      1. Second Reading: Proposal to revise the University Council Bylaws to approve electronic meetings of the Council and its standing committees
      2. Second Reading: Proposal to add a sentence to the University Council Bylaws regarding the Faculty Conference
      3. Second Reading: Proposal to revise information in the University Council Bylaws regarding the UGA representative on the University System of Georgia Faculty Council
    2. From the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost:
      1. Name Change: From the Housing Demographics Research Center to the Center for Housing and Community Research
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business
  6. Adjourn