
The Committee on Facilities reviews and evaluates policies concerning campus planning, the use of University land and facilities, and campus safety and recommends necessary changes to the Council and the President.
Committee on Facilities
  1. Membership
    Faculty: One voting member of the Committee on Facilities shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College, except for the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, which shall have two voting members, one representing the Arts and Humanities and the other the Sciences. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms.
    Students:  One undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members from and by the student members of the University Council. The student members may be elected from within or outside the University Council. These students shall serve one-year terms as voting members.
    Staff: Two staff members, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve three-year terms as voting members.
    Administration: The Associate Vice President for Facilities Management Division, the Chief of the UGA Police Department, the Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning and University Architect, and the Vice President for Student Affairs shall serve as voting members.
    Committee on Facilities Chair: The Chair of the Committee on Facilities shall be elected each year from among the faculty and staff members on the committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To review and evaluate policies concerning campus planning, the use of University land and facilities, and campus safety and to recommend necessary changes to the Council, the President, and appropriate offices.
Mathew Mundy
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Benjamin, Jeffrey (Ex-Officio) Associate VP Facilities Management Division Ex-Officio Indefinite
Bilskie, Matthew College of Engineering Assistant Professor 2027
Boley, Bynum Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Associate Professor 2026
Calabria, Jon College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2026
Clark, Jeffrey (Ex-Officio) UGA Chief of Police Ex-Officio Indefinite
Cook, Michelle (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Student Affairs Ex-Officio Indefinite
Darden, Gwynne (Ex-Officio) Associate VP, Facilities Planning Office Ex-Officio Indefinite
Dumas, Denis Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2027
Easley, Chas College of Public Health Associate Professor 2025
Ellenberg, Thea College of Family & Consumer Sciences Lecturer 2025
Fleming, Virginia College of Pharmacy Clinical Associate Professor 2026
Gibbs, Jeremy School of Social Work Assistant Professor 2025
Heckman, Bernadette The Graduate School Professor 2025
Landrum, Kim Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Senior Lecturer 2027
Lawler, Emily School of Public & International Affairs Assistant Professor 2027
LeGette, Casie Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Lechtreck, Karl Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
McCrackin, M.A. College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2025
Mundy, Mathew (Chair) Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Redmon, Melissa School of Law Clinical Assistant Professor 2026
Sial, Ashfaq College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Turner, John Terry College of Business Professor 2025
Van Rees, Charles Odum School of Ecology Assistant Research Scientist 2025
Weaver, Kyleigh Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
August 2021 - - - August 31, 2021
October 2021 - - - October 21, 2021
November 2021 - - - November 19, 2021
January 2022 - - - January 2022
February 2022 - - - February 2022
October 2022 - - - October 12, 2022
January 2023 - - - January 11, 2023
April 2023 - - - April 12, 2023
September 2023 September 7, 2023 September 7, 2023
November 2023 November 9, 2023 November 9, 2023
February 2024 February 12, 2024 February 12, 2024
April 2024 April 8, 2024 April 8, 2024
The Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics meets with the Athletic Director of the Athletic Association to review policies and plans pertinent to the University program of student involvement in intercollegiate athletics; meets with the Associate Athletic Director for Student Services and the Compliance Coordinator of the University of Georgia Athletic Association to review admission and transfer criteria for student athletes and the University of Georgia’s compliance with NCAA rules and regulations. The Committee also reports to Council on the academic progress of student-athletes at least once a semester; provides an annual written review of the Academic Support Group of the Athletic Association, mandated by the NCAA; formulates and recommends to the Council and the Athletic Association any changes in the present University program of intercollegiate athletics.
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Nine voting members shall be on the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics. Of these nine members, one shall be the University Council representative to the UGA Athletic Association Board of Directors serving on the Executive Committee of the Board, and one shall be the Faculty Athletics Representative appointed by the President. Seven members shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members of the University Council and shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Students: One undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members from and by the student members of the University Council. In addition, the President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council shall serve on the Committee. The elected students shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Administration: The Athletic Director, or an appointed representative, shall be a non-voting member.
    Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics Chair: The Chair of the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics shall be elected each year from among the faculty members with academic rank on the Committee. However, the Faculty Athletics Representative appointed by the President is not eligible to serve as Chair.
  2. Duties
    1. To meet with the Athletic Director of the University of Georgia Athletic Association to review the Athletic Association policies and plans pertinent to the University program of student involvement in intercollegiate athletics.
    2. To meet with the Associate Athletic Director for Student Services and the Compliance Coordinator of the University of Georgia Athletic Association to review admission and transfer criteria for student athletes and the University of Georgia’s compliance with NCAA rules and regulations. The Committee will report to Council on the academic progress of student-athletes at least once a semester.
    3. To provide an annual written review of the Academic Support Group of the Athletic Association, mandated by the NCAA. The review will consist of the results of interviews with academic counselors, student-athletes, and an evaluation of the facilities and policies of the Academic Support Unit.
    4. To formulate and recommend to the Council and the Athletic Association any changes in the present University program of intercollegiate athletics.
Derrick Lemons
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Chapman, Jennifer Terry College of Business Principal Lecturer 2027
Emerson, Kerstin College of Public Health Clincal Associate Professor 2025
Huber, Mark Terry College of Business Senior Lecturer 2025
Lemons, Derrick (Chair) Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Martin-Williams, Jean Athletic Association Executive Committee Representative Professor 2026
Ransom, Stephanie (Ex-Officio) Athletic Director Appointed Representative Ex-Officio Indefinite
Redmon, Melissa School of Law Clinical Assistant Professor 2027
Shipley, David Faculty Athletics Representative Professor Indefinite
St. Pierre, Elizabeth The Graduate School Professor 2027
Tolley, Beth Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Professor 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
October 2023 October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023
November 2021 November 8, 2021 - - -
The Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees reviews the Statutes of the University and the Bylaws of the University Council for possible changes in intent and wording; receives and considers suggestions for changes in the Statutes and Bylaws that may be made by the Executive Committee, any other standing committees, or any member of the Council; provides oversight to the Council secretary in providing for elections to standing committees.
Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Of the five voting members on the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees, four shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members of the University Council. The fifth member shall be the immediate past Chair of the Executive Committee, and this member shall serve a one-year term. The other members shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees Chair: The Chair of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees shall be elected each year from among the faculty members with academic rank on the Committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To review, at least annually, the Statutes of the University and the Bylaws of the University Council for possible changes in intent and wording. Changes will be recommended to the Executive Committee for appropriate action by the Council.
    2. To receive and consider suggestions for changes in the Statutes and Bylaws that may be made by the Executive Committee, any of the other standing committees, or any member of the Council. Changes will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for appropriate action.
    3. To provide oversight to the Secretary of the Council in providing for elections to standing committees.
Barbara Biesecker
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Biesecker, Barbara (Chair) Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
DeMaria, Don Office of Instruction Academic Professional 2025
Hanawalt, Christina Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2027
Harman, Ruth Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2027
St. Pierre, Elizabeth Past Chair of the Executive Committee Professor 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
August 2021 - - - August 23, 2021
September 2021 September 27, 2021 September 27, 2021
October 2021 October 18, 2021 October 18, 2021
November 2021 November 29, 2021 November 29, 2021
January 2022 January 13, 2022 January 13, 2022
March 2022 March 15, 2022, March 3, 2022 March 15, 2022
September 2022 September 7, 2022 September 7, 2022
November 2022 November 9 2022 November 9 2022
January 2023 January 31, 2023 January 31, 2023
February 2023 February 7, 2023 February 7, 2023
April 2023 - - - April 4, 2023
August 2023 August 21, 2023 - - -
September 2023 - - - September 18, 2023
October 2023 - - - October 30, 2023
April 2024 - - - April 24, 2024
The Committee on Student Experiences recommends to the Council policies, rules and regulations affecting student experiences including but not limited to success, activities, and behavior; investigates and reports on any student issue which the Council may wish the Committee to consider or which the Committee itself believes worthy of the Council's consideration; provides advice, as needed, to the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of Instruction, and other university units related to student petitions; advises the Council and administrative units including but not limited to Division of Student Affairs, especially on long-term planning regarding holistic student experiences at the University of Georgia.
Committee on Student Experiences
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Nine voting members of the Committee on Student Experiences shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members of the University Council. Among these nine members, at least one and not more than two, must come from the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and no more than one may come from any other School or College. Faculty shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Students: Six students, at least one of whom must be a graduate/professional student, shall be elected from and by the student members of the University Council. These students shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Staff: Two staff members, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve three-year terms as voting members.
    Administration: The Vice President for Student Affairs shall serve as an ex-officio voting member.
    Committee on Student Experiences Chair: The Chair of the Committee on Student Experiences shall be elected each year from among the faculty members on the Committee.
  2. Student Ombudsperson: The UGA Student Ombudsperson shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member engaging the work of the Committee in their work to serve as an independent, neutral, and informal resource for UGA students.
  3. Duties
    1. To recommend to the Council policies, rules, and regulations affecting student experiences, including but not limited to success, activities, and behavior.
    2. To investigate and report on any student issue which the Council may wish the Committee to consider or which the Committee itself believes worthy of consideration.
    3. To advise University units and organizations on student experiences, especially on long-term planning, and advocate on issues related to student experiences.
Jennifer Rice
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Atkinson, Amber Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Bierema, Laura Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2025
Cook, Michelle (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Student Affairs Ex-Officio Indefinite
Daniel, Jeremy Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Fusco, Rachel School of Social Work Professor 2025
Gowda, Grace College of Pharmacy Associate Professor 2025
Kinsler, Joshua Terry College of Business Professor 2027
Miller, Kristen Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Academic Professional 2026
Poulson, Rebecca College of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor 2026
Rice, Jennifer (Chair) Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Royer, Angie Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Zhen, Chen College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
October 2021 October 25, 2021 - - -
The Council shall elect faculty members to the Board of Directors of the Georgia Athletic Association in accordance with the Statutes of the Georgia Athletic Association. These faculty must be members of the University Council at the time of their election.
Council Representatives to the Georgia Athletic Association Board
  • Appointments by the Council to Other Positions
    The Council shall elect faculty members to the Board of Directors of the Georgia Athletic Association in accordance with the Statutes of the Georgia Athletic Association. These faculty must be members of the University Council at the time of their election.
Determined by the board. For more information, please contact this committee.
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Martin-Williams, Jean Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Sanchez, Susan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2027
Westpheling, Janet Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
The Council shall elect faculty members to the Board of Directors of The University of Georgia Research Foundation in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the UGARF.
Council Representatives to the UGA Research Foundation
  • Appointments by the Council to Other Positions
    The Council shall elect faculty members to the Board of Directors of The University of Georgia Research Foundation in accordance with the Statutes of the UGARF. These faculty must be members of the University Council at the time of their election.
Determined by the board. For more information, please contact this committee.
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Hill, Janette Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2027
Moran, Mary Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Peduzzi, Alicia Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Assistant Professor 2026
The University Curriculum Committee reviews all changes in course offerings; reviews recommendations from the schools/colleges regarding the establishment, major modification, or discontinuance of any degree program; advises the Council and the President on the establishment or discontinuance of schools and colleges; considers and recommends to the Council action on other curricula matters which may affect the University as a whole or relations between two or more schools or colleges.
Curriculum Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: One voting member of the Curriculum Committee shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College, except for the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, which shall have two faculty members, one representing the Sciences and the other the Arts and Humanities. Faculty must hold a terminal degree for their discipline. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms. When necessary, members of the Curriculum Committee may be represented by substitutes. The member must notify the chair before a meeting if they are sending a substitute. No person can represent more than one member at a meeting. Substitutes to the Curriculum Committee must be a member of the same group (faculty, student, or administrator) and be members of the same school or college as the members for whom they are substituting.
    Students: One undergraduate and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members by the student members of the University Council. The student members of the Curriculum Committee may be elected from within or outside the University Council. They shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Administration: The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, or an appointed representative, shall be a non-voting member.
    Curriculum Committee Chair: The Chair of the Curriculum Committee shall be elected at the last meeting of each year from among the faculty members with academic rank on the Committee by those with voting privileges. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee shall vote on committee matters only in the case of a tie. Upon election of the Chair, a replacement faculty representative shall be elected from the Chair's School or College.
  2. Duties
    1. To review all changes in course offerings, although the primary responsibility for initiating the modification, addition, and deletion of courses shall reside with the various schools and colleges.
    2. To review recommendations from the various schools and colleges regarding the establishment, major modification, including the change of the name of a course, section, division or department, or discontinuance of any degree program and to recommend action to the University Council.
    3. To advise the Council and the President on establishing or discontinuing schools or colleges in the University.
    4. To consider and recommend to the Council action on other curricula matters which may affect the University as a whole or relations between two or more schools or colleges

The agendas, minutes, and other documents related to the UCC can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Susan Sanchez
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Aguar, Karen Terry College of Business Lecturer 2026
Callands, Tamora College of Public Health Associate Professor 2025
Chandler, Richard Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Associate Professor 2027
Duberstein, Kylee College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Elkins, Jennifer School of Social Work Associate Professor 2027
Eubig, Paul College of Veterinary Medicine Lecturer 2027
Hu, Jack (Ex-Officio) Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Ex-Officio Indefinite
Jin, Yan Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Professor 2026
Landers-Potts, Melissa College of Family & Consumer Sciences Principal Lecturer 2027
LeGette, Casie Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2027
Lemons, Paula Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Mauricio, Rodney The Graduate School Professor 2026
McElhannon, Michelle College of Pharmacy Public Service Assistant 2025
Melcher, Katherine College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2026
Miller, Joe School of Law Professor 2026
Murphy, Amy Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2026
Rugenski, Amanda Odum School of Ecology Lecturer 2025
Sanchez, Susan (Chair) Chair of the Curriculum Committee Professor 2025
Stooksbury, David College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
Thaler, Gregory School of Public & International Affairs Assistant Professor 2027
The Educational Affairs Committee considers and recommends to the Council educational policies (registration, course scheduling, class times and periods, academic advising) and proposes for Council approval each academic calendar. This committee also hears academic student appeals.
Educational Affairs Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Faculty shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of office on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Students: One undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members from and by the student members of the University Council. These students shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Administration: The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, or an appointed representative, shall be a voting member.
    Educational Affairs Committee Chair: The Chair of the Educational Affairs Committee shall be elected at the last meeting of each year from among the faculty members on the Committee.
    Faculty with academic rank: Thirteen voting members shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members with academic rank on the University Council. The distribution of representation among the schools and colleges shall be reexamined every three years, taking into consideration the proportion of undergraduate enrollment. Currently, the representation shall be as follows:
    • Franklin College of Arts and Sciences - 2 members
    • Terry College of Business - 2 members
    • College of Education - 1 member
    • College of Family and Consumer Sciences - 1 member
    • Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication - 1 member
    • School of Public and International Affairs - 1 member
    • College of Engineering - 1 member
    • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - 1 member
    •  Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and Odum School of Ecology - 1 member
    • College of Environment and Design, College of Public Health, and School of Social Work - 1 member
    • College of Pharmacy, College of Veterinary Medicine, and School of Law - 1 member
  2. Duties
    1. To consider and recommend to the Council educational policies dealing with registration procedures, class times and periods, academic advising, and the like.
    2. To consider and recommend to the Vice President for Instruction, by conclusion of the Fall semester, an academic calendar formed in part with the input of the University Council.
    3. To hear academic student petitions, including grade appeals.
    4. To hear from the Division of Academic Enhancement Student Issues Committee.

For more information, please visit the Educational Affairs Committee page located on the Office of the Registrar website.
Jennifer Rice
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Bankert, Alexa School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2026
Christ, Margaret Terry College of Business Professor 2025
Dolan, Erin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Ferreira, Susana College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Fuhrman, Nick Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2025
Fusco, Rachel School of Social Work Professor 2026
Hill, Janette Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2025
Hu, Jack (Ex-Officio) Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Ex-Officio Indefinite
Little, Laura Terry College of Business Professor 2026
Read, Glenna Grady College Of Journalism & Mass Communication Assistant Professor 2027
Rice, Jennifer (Chair) Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Sanchez, Susan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Woodson, Brock College of Engineering Associate Professor 2025
The University Council Executive Committee shall immediately form an ad hoc COVID-19 Crisis Response Committee of 12 elected, not ex-officio, members who reflect the current composition of faculty, staff, and students on Council.
The charge of the committee shall be:
  • To participate as a legislative stakeholder in the administration's discussions with active COVID task forces and committees by relaying COVID-related views and concerns of members of Council and its standing committees to the administration and collecting its responses.
  • To report in writing directly to University Council members and its Executive Committee at least every 30 days on COVID-related status reports and policies.

Reports of the Committee:
Determined by the board. For more information, please contact this committee.
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date

No members to show at this time.

The Executive Committee considers proposals to be placed on the University Council agenda. It is the responsibility of this committee to accept or reject items received from the various standing committees, among other entities, to be placed on a given Council agenda. This committee also considers and reports to the Council on any issue affecting the general welfare of the University; recommends for the Council’s approval the formation of any ad hoc committees as it deems necessary; oversees the activities of the Council and ensures that the Bylaws are fulfilled faithfully each year. This committee is also responsible for filling appointments to various committees and associations on campus.
University Council Executive Committee
  1. The agenda and other pertinent materials shall be distributed electronically to each Council member and posted on the Council web site at least ten days prior to any Council meeting. An e-mail notice containing the link to the agenda will be sent to Faculty, Staff, and Student listservs.
    1. Membership
      Faculty: One voting member of the University Council Executive Committee shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College, except for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (which shall have two members), the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences (which shall have four members), and the College of Education (which shall have two members). Faculty on the Executive Committee shall be elected from and by the University Council faculty representatives of their respective Schools or Colleges and shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.Students: The president of the Student Government Association and the president of the Graduate Student Association shall serve as voting members.
      Staff: The President of the UGA Staff Council shall serve as a voting member.
      Administration: The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and the Secretary of the Council shall serve as voting members.
      Executive Committee Chair: The Chair of the Executive Committee shall be the immediate past Chair-Elect of the Executive Committee. Each year the Executive Committee shall choose a new Chair-Elect from among the elected faculty members of the Committee who have at least one year of previous service on the Executive Committee (which could be from a previous term) and at least two years remaining on their committee term.  The Chair shall serve as Grand Marshal of the University, shall represent the faculty of the University on external bodies that require representation of Faculty Senate Leaders, and shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association and an ex-officio voting trustee of the University of Georgia Foundation.  With the advice of the members of the Executive Committee, the Chair shall constitute and charge any ad hoc committees approved by the Council. The Chair shall call an orientation meeting of chairs of all University Council standing committees prior to or during the first week of Fall Semester.
    2. Duties:
      1. To consider, recommend, and report to the University Council rules and regulations on general educational policy and matters dealing with the general welfare of the entire University within the powers of the Council under Article V, Section 2 of the Statutes of The University of Georgia.
      2. To review, at least annually, the content and organization of the public facing information on the University Council's website and make recommendations for appropriate action to the Council.
      3. To fill unexpired terms on any standing committees of the Council. When filling a committee vacancy formerly occupied by an elected representative of a particular school or college, the Executive Committee shall seek the recommendation of that school or college concerning a suitable replacement.
      4. To confirm the members of the Program Review and Assessment Committee in accordance with the University’s Program Review Policy.
      5. To appoint a faculty representative to the UGA Retiree Association.
      6. To elect a member of the Executive Committee to serve a three-year term on the University System of Georgia Faculty Council who will report on a regular basis to both the Executive Committee and the University Council at their meetings. The representative's term on the USG Faculty Council shall continue even if their term of membership on the Executive Committee expires.
      7. To recommend for the Council's approval such ad hoc committees as it deems necessary.
      8. To receive and prepare agenda items from the following sources for the Council when such items fall within the powers and jurisdiction of the Council as defined in Article V, Section 2 of the Statutes of the University of Georgia.
        1. Items received from the following sources will be placed on the Council agenda:
          1. Items from the President of the University.
          2. Items endorsed by the signatures of fifty or more faculty members.
          3. Items approved by a two-thirds vote of the University Council.
        2. Items received from any of the standing or ad hoc committees of the Council, including the Executive Committee, will be placed on the University Council agenda, unless the Committee decides, by a two-thirds majority vote, to refer the item back to committee for reconsideration or further development.
        3. Items received from the following sources will be referred to the appropriate standing committee unless unusual or urgent circumstances merit prompt presentation to the Council or unless the Committee decides to refer the item back to the original source for reconsideration or further development. Each decision requires a majority vote.
          1. Items received from the faculty of any of the schools or colleges of the University or from the duly constituted representative body of any school or college.
          2. Items received from the Staff Council.
          3. Items received from the official governing organizations of the student body.
          4. Items received from any person or group not provided for above.
      9. To act, in matters of particular urgency, on behalf of the full Council, as authorized under Article V, Section 2 (6) of the Statutes of the University of Georgia.  Actions taken in this manner shall be reported to the Council at its next meeting and confirmed or revoked by a majority vote.
      10. To oversee the activities of the Council and to ensure that it implement and observe faithfully the provisions of these bylaws.
Eric Rubenstein
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Anderson, Mumbi College of Public Health Clinical Assistant Professor 2026
Bendle, Neil Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2027
Brocato, John College of Engineering Lecturer 2027
Capuozzo, Bob Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2027
Hall, Cassandra Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2025
Hill, Janette Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2027
Hu, Jack (Ex-Officio) Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Ex-Officio Indefinite
Johnson, Daniel Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Associate Professor 2027
Jones, Tom College of Environment & Design Academic Professional 2026
Lemons, Derrick Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Liken, Fiona (Ex-Officio) Registrar Ex-Officio Indefinite
Lough, Kyser Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Assistant Professor 2027
Madonna, Anthony School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2025
Mayo, Rebecca President, UGA Staff Council Staff 2025
Peake, Jason College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Rice, Jennifer Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Rogers, Rock President, Student Government Association Ex-Officio 2025
Rubenstein, Eric (Chair) College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Sanchez, Susan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2027
Santesso, Esra The Graduate School Associate Professor 2027
Stone, Rebecca College of Pharmacy Clinical Associate Professor 2025
Turner, Pamela College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2026
Van Rees, Charles Odum School of Ecology Assistant Research Scientist 2026
Walker, William President, Graduate Student Association Ex-Officio 2025
Westpheling, Janet Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
The agendas and minutes of the Executive Committee can be found here.
The Faculty Admissions Committee establishes policies for undergraduate admissions; provides recommendations concerning the admission to the University of any student not meeting minimum admission requirements; monitors and enforces policies and procedures for the admission of students to Developmental Studies, a component of Academic Enhancement; monitors policies and procedures by which students exit Developmental Studies and gain admission to standard University programs; requires the President to inform in writing the Faculty Admissions Committee and the Executive Committee the reasons for not accepting a recommendation from the Faculty Admissions Committee.
Faculty Admissions Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty with academic rank: One voting member of the Faculty Admissions Committee shall be elected from the faculty with academic rank of each School or College which enrolls undergraduate students, except for the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, which shall have three members. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms.
    Students: One student shall be elected as a Committee member from and by the student members of the University Council. This student shall serve a one-year term as a voting member.
    Administration: The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Vice President for Instruction, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Director of Undergraduate Admissions, the Director of the Honors Program, the Director of Institutional Research, and one representative each from Counseling and Psychological Services, University Testing Services, and the Academic Enhancement program shall serve as non-voting members.
    Faculty Admissions Committee Chair: The Chair of the Faculty Admissions Committee shall be elected each year from among the elected faculty members on the Committee by those with voting privileges.
  2. Duties
    1. To establish policies for undergraduate admissions, with the advice and consent of the President.
    2. To provide recommendations concerning the admission to the University of any student not meeting minimum admission requirements, and in the case of approval to justify each such admission in writing to the Executive Committee.
    3. With the assistance of a committee of Academic Enhancement faculty, to monitor and enforce policies and procedures for the admission of students to Developmental Studies, a component of Academic Enhancement. Authority for admissions to Developmental Studies shall rest with the Faculty Admissions Committee.
    4. To monitor policies and procedures by which students exit Developmental Studies and gain admission to standard University programs.
    5. To require the President to inform in writing the Faculty Admissions Committee and the Executive Committee the reasons for not accepting a recommendation from the Faculty Admissions Committee.
Kyle Woosnam
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Amstutz, Meg (Ex-Officio) Dean, Jere W. Morehead Honors College Ex-Officio Indefinite
Aycock, Allan (Ex-Officio) Director, Institutional Research Ex-Officio Indefinite
Beasley, Brad (Ex-Officio) Assistant Director, University Testing Services Ex-Officio Indefinite
Campbell, Linda Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Chatterjee, Dave Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2026
Cook, Michelle (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Student Affairs Ex-Officio Indefinite
Corbett, Christopher (Ex-Officio) Director, Counseling & Psychological Services Ex-Officio Indefinite
Edwards, Gaylen College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2025
Evans, Nate Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Associate Professor 2027
Graves, David (Ex-Officio) Director, Undergraduate Admissions Ex-Officio Indefinite
Hermanowicz, Joe Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Hu, Jack (Ex-Officio) Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Ex-Officio Indefinite
Jayawardhana, Jayani College of Pharmacy Associate Proessor 2025
Lemons, Derrick Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Lynch, Michael School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2026
Muilenburg, Jessica College of Public Health Professor 2025
Pagnattaro, Marisa (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Instruction Ex-Officio Indefinite
Parrott, Benjamin Odum School of Ecology Associate Professor 2025
Reukov, Vladimir College of Family & Consumer Sciences Assistant Professor 2025
Santiago Collazo, Felix College of Engineering Assistant Professor 2027
Scheyett, Anna School of Social Work Professor 2025
Severns, Paul College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Assistant Professor 2025
Shannon, Sarah Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Simmons, Cara (Ex-Officio) Director, Division of Academic Enhancement Ex-Officio Indefinite
Verma, Amitabh College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2026
Woosnam, Kyle (Chair) Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2026
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
April 2022 - - - April 1, 2022
September 2022 September 1, 2022 - - -
The Faculty Affairs Committee reviews and recommends policies on matters of faculty concern related to faculty productivity and evaluation, including but not limited to activities and programs, appointment, promotion and tenure, post tenure review, and academic freedom.
Faculty Affairs Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: One voting member of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be elected from tenured faculty of each School or College, except for the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences which shall have two tenured faculty members, one representing the Sciences and the other the Arts and Humanities. These faculty will also serve as the membership of a Faculty Affairs Tenured subcommittee. These members will be joined by six faculty with non-tenure track appointments to comprise the entirety of the Faculty Affairs Committee. Tenured faculty who represent Schools and Colleges shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members of the University Council representing those Schools and Colleges and shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee. One non-tenured track appointment will come from each of the following faculty career tracks: Research Scientists, Public Service Faculty, Librarians, Lecturers, Clinical Faculty, and Academic Professionals. Non-tenure track faculty shall be elected from the members of University Council that have a minimum of five year residency at the university in a full-time status by full-time non-tenure track faculty of the same faculty rank at the university. No more than two non-tenure track representatives can originate from any single college. Non-tenure track faculty members elected to this committee shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Faculty Affairs Committee Chair: The Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be elected each year from among the tenured members on the Committee. The Chair will also serve as the role of Chair for the Faculty Affairs Tenure subcommittee. The FAC chair may delegate tenure-related additional items or matters to the Tenured Faculty Subcommittee.
  2. Duties
    1. To review and recommend policies on matters of faculty concern related to faculty productivity and evaluation, including but not limited to activities and programs, appointment, promotion and tenure, post tenure review and academic freedom.
Elizabeth St. Pierre
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Andrews, Tessa Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Archuleta, Kristy College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2025
Beyette, Fred College of Engineering Professor 2027
Boudreau, Maric Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2026
Chess, Shira Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Associate Professor 2026
Darbisi, Carolina Public Service Representative Senior Public Service Associate 2025
DeMaria, Don Academic Professional Representative Academic Professional 2025
Fitt, William Odum School of Ecology Professor 2026
Glenn, Travis College of Public Health Professor 2025
Hill, Janette Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2027
Hill, Daniel School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2025
Holladay, Steven College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Leach, Erin Librarian Representative Librarian IV 2025
Markewitz, Daniel Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2025
Martin-Williams, Jean Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Mojock, Christopher Clinical Representative Clinical Associate Professor 2025
Navara, Kristen College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2025
Okech, David School of Social Work Professor 2025
Pardue, Doug College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2025
Saleh, Eman Lecturer Representative Senior Lecturer 2025
St. Pierre, Elizabeth (Chair) The Graduate School Professor 2026
Tackett, Randall College of Pharmacy Professor 2027
Zhao, Dehai Research Scientist Representative Senior Research Scientist 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
August 24, 2020 August 24, 2020 August 24, 2020
September 21, 2020 September, 21, 2020 September 21, 2020
October 16, 2020 October 16, 2020 October 16, 2020
December 09, 2020 December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021 January 25, 2021
March 08, 2021 March 8, 2021 March 8, 2021
April 14, 2021 April 14, 2021 April 14, 2021
April 26, 2021 April 26, 2021 April 26, 2021
August 31, 2021 August 31, 2021 August 31, 2021
September 24, 2021 September 24, 2021 September 24, 2021
October 19, 2021 October 19, 2021 October 19, 2021
November 15, 2021 November 15, 2021 November 15, 2021
December 14, 2021 December 14, 2021 December 14, 2021
January 07, 2022 January 7, 2022 January 7, 2022
February 04, 2022 February 4, 2022 February 4, 2022
February 18, 2022 February 18, 2022 February 18, 2022
March 04, 2022 March 4, 2022 March 4, 2022
March 14, 2022 March 14, 2022 March 14, 2022
April 01, 2022 April 1, 2022 April 1, 2022
April 15, 2022 April 15, 2022 April 15, 2022
May 06, 2022 May 6, 2022 May 6, 2022
August 24, 2022 August 24, 2022 August 24, 2022
December 09, 2022 December 9, 2023 December 9, 2022
January 23, 2023 January 23, 2023 January 23, 2023
February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023
April 13, 2023 April 13, 2023 April 13, 2023
August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023 August 23, 2023
November 08, 2023 November 8, 2023 - - -
The Faculty Conference shall provide a forum for the discussion of issues of concern to the University Faculty. It is composed of all elected University Council faculty members and those faculty members of the University Council who are appointed by the Executive Committee. It shall elect a chair and a secretary. Meetings shall be called by the chair or upon petition of 10 members of the Conference.
The Faculty Conference shall provide a forum for the discussion of issues of concern to the faculty. It is composed of all University Council faculty members who are elected and those who are appointed by the Executive Committee. It shall elect a chair and a secretary. Meetings shall be called by the chair or upon petition of ten members of the Conference. Based upon its deliberations, the Conference may refer items or suitable actions to the Executive Committee or other committees of the Council. At its last meeting of the academic year, the Faculty Conference shall elect a chair and secretary for the following year.
Determined by the board. For more information, please contact this committee.
The Faculty Conference is composed of all elected faculty members of the University Council.
The Faculty Grievance Committee receives and evaluates requests for grievance resolution and to decide how to act on those requests; conducts inquiries into faculty grievances and attempts the resolution of these grievances by mediation or hearings, presents recommendations for appropriate responses to the grievances it has considered to the President; considers appeals of cases heard by grievance committees in the schools and colleges and presents its recommendations for appropriate responses to grievances to the President; establishes, maintains, and publishes procedures by which these duties are conducted.
Faculty Grievance Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty with academic rank: The seven voting members on the Faculty Grievance Committee shall be elected by the elected faculty members of the University Council. No more than two members shall be from any one School or College. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms.
    Faculty Grievance Committee Chair: The Chair of the Faculty Grievance Committee shall be elected each year from among the members on the Committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To receive and evaluate requests for grievance resolution and to decide how to act on those requests.
    2. To conduct inquiries into faculty grievances and to attempt the resolution of these grievances in consultation with the parties involved, and to issue reports and recommendations to the President regarding the grievances it has considered.
    3. To consider appeals of cases heard by grievance committees in the schools and colleges and to issue reports and recommendations to the President regarding the grievance appeals it has heard. In most instances, individuals must first seek resolution of their grievances through grievance procedures available in the schools or colleges, when those procedures are available, before seeking resolution in the Committee.
    4. To establish, maintain, and publish procedures by which the above duties are conducted. The procedures are available at the University Council website.
  3. Excluded Matters
    The following matters are not grievable to the committee:
    1. Matters covered under the UGA Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy (NDAH). Individuals with potential claims under the NDAH Policy should contact the EOO or a University Ombudsperson.
    2. Matters (like NDAH matters) that are assigned by University or Board of Regents rules, policies or procedures to other entities.
    3. Pursuant to the Board of Regents policy, a grievance also will not be available to dispute:
      1. promotion and tenure decisions
      2. performance evaluations
      3. hiring decisions
      4. classification appeals
      5. challenges to grades or assessments
      6. challenges to salary decisions
      7. challenges to transfers or reassignments
      8. termination or layoff because of lack of work or elimination of position
      9. investigations or decisions reached under the Institution's Harassment Policy
      10. normal supervisory counseling
Shira Chess
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Atkins, Rebecca Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Chess, Shira (Chair) Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Associate Professor 2026
Gottdenker, Nicole College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2027
Pollard, Amy Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Sawyer, Laura School of Law Associate Professor 2027
St. Pierre, Elizabeth Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2025
Woodson, Brock College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
Policies / Procedures
The Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee hears appeals from faculty members wishing to contest an unsatisfactory post-tenure review Performance Improvement Plan assessment, an unsatisfactory Corrective Post-Tenure Review, and/or the associated remediation plan; prepares and reviews procedures for handling appeals; protects academic due process and academic freedom; and ensures compliance with the University's Policy for Review of Tenured Faculty.
Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty with academic rank: One voting member of the Committee shall be elected by the tenured faculty of each School and College. All committee members shall be tenured, hold the rank of Professor, and serve three-year terms. While serving on this Committee, faculty cannot serve on other post-tenure review committees at the school, college, or university level. Committee members  may be elected from within or outside the University Council.
    Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee Chair: The Chair of the Committee shall be elected each year from among the members of the Committee and shall be a voting member.
  2. Duties
    1. To hear appeals after an unfavorable post-tenure review assessing a faculty member's progress on a Performance Improvement Plan, an unsuccessful Corrective Post-Tenure Review, and/or the associate remediation plan.
    2. To prepare and annually review the Committee's Operating Policy and procedures for the handling of appeals, review the impact of post-tenure review with respect to academic freedom, and then to recommend appropriate changes to the University Council.
    3. To ensure compliance with the University's Policy for Review of Tenured Faculty.
    4. To conduct all deliberations in confidence. Other than discussions with staff members assisting the Committee, members of the Committee may not discuss an appeal with anyone who is not on the Committee.
    5. To verify that information about the Committee and its Operating Policy on the Provost's website is current.
Barbara Biesecker
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Andrews, Gayle Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Beck, Randy School of Law Professor 2026
Biesecker, Barbara (Chair) The Graduate School Professor 2026
Bradford, David School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2026
Fitt, William Odum School of Ecology Professor 2026
Habteselassie, Mussie College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Hansen, Nathan College of Public Health Professor 2026
Hoffer, Peter Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Jackson, Rhett Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2026
Kavoori, Andy Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Professor 2026
Kisaalita, William College of Engineering Professor 2026
Lastrapes, William Terry College of Business Professor 2026
Liu, Dexi College of Pharmacy Professor 2026
MohanKumar, Sheba College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Scheyett, Anna School of Social Work Professor 2026
Sharma, Suraj College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2026
Vick, Alfie College of Environment & Design Professor 2026
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
March 2022 March 15, 2022 March 15, 2022
October 2022 October 11, 2022 October 11, 2022
January 2023 January 23, 2023 January 23, 2023
Policies / Procedures
The Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee considers all appeals from faculty and staff concerning parking tickets and fines at the University of Georgia.
Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Two voting faculty members shall be elected from among the faculty members of the University Council to serve for three-year terms even if their membership on University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Staff: Two voting staff members, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve three-year terms even if their membership on the Staff Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Administration: One ex-officio, non-voting Parking Services employee representative shall be appointed to the committee by the Auxiliary Service Director of Transportation and Parking Services and shall serve for a one-year term.
    Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee Chair: The Chair of the Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee shall be elected each year from among the faculty and staff members on the Committee by those with voting privileges.
  2. Duties
    1. To consider all appeals from faculty and staff concerning parking tickets and fines at The University of Georgia. Tie votes by the committee shall be regarded as a denial of appeal. The President of the University has delegated authority to this committee to make final institutional decisions on faculty and staff traffic and parking appeals.
Brittany Barnes
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Barnes, Brittany (Chair) Staff Council Representative Staff 2027
Kazemi, Karey Parking Services Representative Ex-Officio Indefinite
McDaniel, Kenneth Staff Council Representative Staff 2027
Netter, Jeff Terry College of Business Professor 2025
Rubenstein, Eric College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
The Human Resources Committee reviews and recommends policies related to faculty and staff benefits, including but not limited to leave programs, retirement programs, health and life insurance programs, emeritus faculty benefits, and other human resource matters; reviews and recommends policies related to gender and equity issues.
Human Resources Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: One voting member of the Human Resources Committee shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College, except for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (which shall have two members), the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences (which shall have four members), and the College of Education (which shall have two members). Faculty who represent Schools and Colleges shall be elected from and by the elected faculty members of the University Council representing those Schools and Colleges and shall serve three-year terms, even if their term of membership on the University Council expires prior to their term of service on this committee.
    Faculty elected under Part V, III, D: Those elected under Part V, III, D shall elect one voting member from among themselves. This member shall serve a three-year term, even if this member’s term on the University Council expires prior to the term of service on this committee.
    Staff: Three staff members, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve three-year terms as voting members.
    Postdoctoral Appointee: One postdoctoral appointee, elected by the Postdoctoral Association, shall serve a one-year term as a voting member.
    Administration: The Associate Vice President for Human Resources shall serve as a voting member.
    Human Resources Committee Chair: The Chair of the Human Resources Committee shall be elected each year from among the faculty and staff members on the Committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To review and recommend policies related to faculty and staff benefits, including but not limited to leave programs, retirement programs, health and life insurance programs, emeritus faculty benefits, and other human resource matters.
    2. To review and recommend policies related to gender and equity issues.
Joseph Fu
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Addison, Donald Terry College of Business Lecturer 2026
Bankert, Alexa School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2027
Emerson, Kerstin College of Public Health Clincal Associate Professor 2025
Fu, Joseph (Chair) The Graduate School Professor 2026
Gerlach, Chris Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Academic Professional 2025
Hanawalt, Christina Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Hicks, Juanita (Ex-Officio) UGA Human Resources Senior Associate Vice President for Human Resources Indefinite
Housley, Lauren College of Family & Consumer Sciences Clinical Associate Professor 2027
Hughes, Hilary Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2026
Injaian, Allison Odum School of Ecology Lecturer 2025
Jones, Tom College of Environment & Design Academic Professional 2026
Kazanci, Caner College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
Kurup, Samarchith Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2026
Morrison, Alison Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Assistant Professor 2026
Myers, Michael Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Renwick, Margaret Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Saba, Corey College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2025
Scartz, Christine School of Law Clinical Associate Professor 2027
Seagraves, Brian College of Pharmacy Academic Professional 2027
Shelton, Robin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Shelton, Kisha College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Academic Professional Associate 2025
Smith, Sara Staff Counci Representative Staff 2027
Smolenski, Craig Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Young, Catie Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Zhao, Dehai Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Senior Research Scientist 2025
Zhen, Chen College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
October 2021 October 6, 2021 - - -
September 2023 September 8, 2023 - - -
May 2024 - - - May 6, 2024
The Information Technology Committee consults with and advises the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology on existing strategies, priorities, and policies regarding University information technology and how they compare to those at other USG and peer and aspirational institutions. The committee also advises the VPIT in evaluating and adopting new information technology.
  1. Information Technology Committee

    1. Membership
      Faculty: One voting member of the Information Technology Committee shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College, except for the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, which shall have two voting faculty members, one representing the Arts and Humanities and the other the Sciences. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three- year terms..
      Students: One undergraduate and one graduate/professional student shall be elected by the student members of the University Council. The student members may be elected from within or outside the University Council. They shall serve one-year terms on the committee as voting members.
      Staff: Two staff members, elected by the Staff Council, may be elected from within or outside the University Council. They shall serve three-year terms on the committee as voting members.
      Administration: The Vice President for Information Technology shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of the committee.
      Information Technology Committee Chair: The Chair of the Information Technology Committee shall be elected each year from among the faculty and staff members of the committee by July 1 for the following year.
    2. Duties
      1. To consult with and advise the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology on existing strategies, priorities, and policies regarding University information technology and how they compare to those at other USG and peer and aspirational institutions.
      2. To advise the VPIT in evaluating and adopting new information technology.
Mark Johnson
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Bucksch, Alexander Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Chester, Timothy (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Information Technology Ex-Officio Indefinite
Ellenberg, Thea College of Family & Consumer Sciences Lecturer 2025
Eubig, Paul College of Veterinary Medicine Lecturer 2025
Fairchild, Brian The Graduate School Professor 2025
Hood, Trey School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2025
Ivy, Stuart Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Johnson, Mark (Chair) Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Senior Lecturer 2025
Lowe, Tripp Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Academic Professional 2025
Nesbit, Scott College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2025
Piercy, Craig Terry College of Business Senior Lecturer 2025
Scheyett, Anna School of Social Work Professor 2025
Schmidt, J.P. Odum School of Ecology Lecturer 2025
Schmidt, Michael Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2025
Shindelman, Marni Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Sial, Ashfaq College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Smith, Susan College of Pharmacy Clinical Associate Professor 2025
Tate, Allan College of Public Health Assistant Professor 2025
Tubinis, Jason School of Law Librarian IV 2027
Warnock, James College of Engineering Professor 2025
Woods, Chip Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
September 2022 September 16, 2022 September 16, 2022
April 2023 April 14, 2023 - - -
August 2023 August 23, 2023 - - -
April 2024 - - - April 29, 2024
The Program Review and Assessment Committee oversees all matters directly related to the substantive elements of academic program reviews, including establishment of review criteria and guidelines, oversight of review teams, and considering, approving, and forwarding the review team reports and recommendations; participates in program reviews; oversees policies and procedures related to student learning outcomes assessment of undergraduate and graduate academic programs; evaluates student learning outcomes assessment plans and reports and provides feedback to programs on assessment practice.
Program Review and Assessment Committee
  1. Membership
    The Program Review and Assessment Committee will consist of 36 UGA senior faculty confirmed by the University Council Executive Committee to serve two-year terms running from August 1 through July 31.  The composition of the committee should be proportional to the number of degree programs, review units, and senior faculty in each school or college.  The following distribution of faculty on the Program Review and Assessment Committee takes these values into account:
    #Faculty on PRAC School, College, Administrative Division
    4 College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
    10 Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
    3 Mary Frances Early College of Education
    2 Terry College of Business
    2 College of Veterinary Medicine
    2 College of Family and Consumer Sciences
    1 College of Public Health
    1 School of Public and International Affairs
    1 Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
    1 School of Social Work
    1 College of Engineering
    1 College of Pharmacy
    1 School of Law
    1 Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
    1 College of Environment and Design
    2 Public Service Faculty
    1 Odum School of Ecology
    1 Affiliate of a Center or Institute (may be from any College or School or fully funded through a Center or Institute)

    All members of the Program Review and Assessment Committee should be members of the two highest ranks in any given classification of faculty. At least 18 members should be on the Graduate Faculty. The members should be appointed in such a way that 18 rotate off each year. Members are not required also to be members of the University Council. No members should be appointed for more than two consecutive terms without first rotating off the committee for a two-year term.
    Program Review and Assessment Committee Chair: A chair from the returning members will be elected by July 1. A chair-elect from the new members will be elected at the beginning of each academic year with the expectation that the chair-elect will accept a nomination for Chair in the second year of appointment.
  2. Duties
    1. To oversee all matter directly related to the substantive elements of academic program reviews, including establishment of review criteria and guidelines, oversight of review teams, and considering, approving, and forwarding the review team reports and recommendations.
    2. To participate in program reviews as members of program review teams.
    3. To oversee policies and procedures related to student learning outcomes assessment of undergraduate and graduate academic programs.
    4. To evaluate student learning outcomes assessment plans and reports and provide feedback to programs on assessment practice.
Jill Stefaniak
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Adhikari, Koushik College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Bermudez, Maria College of Family & Consumer Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Brown, Wayde College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2025
Burke, Kevin Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2025
Childs, Adrian Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Davis, Elizabeth Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Academic Professional 2025
DeMeester, Karen Public Service Representative Public Service Associate 2024
Dove, Robert College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Drake, John Odum School of Ecology Professor 2024
Fuhrman, Nick Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2025
Fusco, Rachel School of Social Work Professor 2025
Garfinkel, David Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2024
Glenn, Travis Research Centers & Institutes Professor 2025
Gragson, Ted Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Hanawalt, Christina Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Hansen, Nathan College of Public Health Professor 2025
Holland, Steven Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Hostetter, Jesse College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2024
Kajder, Sara Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2025
Kumar, Piyush Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2024
Lemons, Derrick Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Meyers, David Office of Public Service & Outreach Senior Public Service Associate 2025
MohanKumar, Sheba College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2024
Owsiak, Andy School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2024
Peterson, Chris Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2024
Rekhi, Gurvinder College of Pharmacy Academic Professional 2025
Rubenstein, Eric College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Scherr, Alexander School of Law Associate Professor 2025
Seymour, Lynne Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2024
Sharma, Suraj College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2025
Smith, Shavannor College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Stefaniak, Jill (Chair) Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2024
Warnock, James College of Engineering Professor 2025
Whipple, Benjamin Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2025
Yao, Angela Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2024
Yoon, Hye Jin Grady College of Jounalism & Mass Communication Associate Professor 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
September 2021 September 8, 2021 September 8, 2021
February 2022 - - - February 2022
September 2022 September 8, 2022 September 8, 2022
January 2023 January 12, 2023 January 12, 2023
February 2023 February 2, 2023 - - -
September 2023 September 7, 2023 September 7, 2023
January 2024 January 11, 2024 January 11, 2024
The Strategic Planning Committee advises and consults with the President and the faculty in the establishment, monitoring, and revision of the Strategic Plan of the University; advises and consults with the Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and the faculty about the status of the current university budget, the outlook for the university’s budget for the upcoming year, and the extent to which budgetary changes promote the university’s strategic goals; forwards recommendations to the Council concerning any Strategic Plan offered by the President.
Strategic Planning Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: Seven voting members of the Strategic Planning Committee shall be elected by the elected faculty members of the University Council. No more than two members shall be from any one School or College. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms.
    Students: One undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members by the student members of the University Council. These students may be elected from within or outside the University Council. They shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Staff: One staff member, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve a three-year term as a voting member.
    Administration: The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs shall be a voting member.
    Strategic Planning Committee Chair: The Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee shall be elected each year from among the faculty members with academic rank on the Committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To advise and consult with the President and the faculty in the establishment, monitoring and revision of the Strategic Plan of the University.
    2. To advise and consult with the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and the faculty about the status of the current university budget, the outlook for the university’s budget for the upcoming year, and the extent to which budgetary changes promote the university’s strategic goals.
    3. To forward recommendations to the University Council concerning any Strategic Plan offered by the President.
David Shipley
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Biesecker, Barbara Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Carlson Welch, Annie Division of Student Affairs Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs 2026
Leyting, Jennifer Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Sanchez, Susan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Shipley, David (Chair) School of Law Professor 2025
St. Pierre, Elizabeth Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Taylor, Jeanette Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Vice Provost Indefinite
Westpheling, Janet Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
February 2021 - - - February 19, 2021
September 2021 - - - September 27, 2021
November 2021 November 29, 2021 November 1, 2021, November 1, 2021
February 2022 - - - February 25, 2022
September 2022 September 21, 2022 September 21, 2022
October 2022 October 12, 2022 October 12, 2022
November 2022 - - - November 9, 2022
December 2022 - - - December 7, 2022
January 2023 January 27, 2023 January 27, 2023
August 2023 August 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
October 2023 October 13, 2023 October 13, 2023
November 2023 November 13, 2023 - - -
March 2024 March 21, 2024 March 21, 2024
The University Council, as authorized in Article V of the Statutes of The University of Georgia, shall establish policies and enact such rules and regulations as it deems appropriate to provide for the interests and welfare of The University of Georgia and its academic community.
Please refer to the University Council Bylaws page
Jere Morehead
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Ainsworth, Scott School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2026
Alabady, Magdy Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Research Scientist 2027
Allenspach, Karin College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2027
Amirian, Soheyla Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Lecturer 2027
Amolegbe, Stephen (Ex-Officio) Vice President, Student Government Association (non-voting) Ex-Officio Indefinite
Amstutz, Meg (Ex-Officio) Dean, Jere W. Morehead Honors College Ex-Officio Indefinite
Anderson, Mumbi College of Public Health Clinical Assistant Professor 2026
Archuleta, Kristy College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2025
Atkinson, Amber Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Auer, Matthew (Ex-Officio) Dean, School of Public & International Affairs Ex-Officio Indefinite
Ayers, Benjamin (Ex-Officio) Dean, Terry College of Business Ex-Officio Indefinite
Bacon Talati, Virginia College of Engineering Academic Professional Associate 2027
Bankert, Alexa School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2026
Bar-Peled, Maor Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Barnes, Brittany Staff Council Representative Staff 2027
Beer, Jenay College of Public Health Associate Professor 2025
Bendle, Neil Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2026
Beyette, Fred College of Engineering Professor 2027
Biesecker, Barbara Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Bishop, Matthew Office of Public Service & Outreach Senior Public Service Associate 2027
Bolding, Chad Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2027
Bolshoy, Daniel Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2026
Bourlai, Thirimachos College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
Brocato, John College of Engineering Lecturer 2027
Cagliani, Rachel Mary Frances Early College of Education Assistant Professor 2027
Campbell, Julie College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Assistant Professor 2027
Capuozzo, Bob Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2027
Carlson Welch, Annie Division of Student Affairs Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs 2026
Chapman, Jennifer Terry College of Business Principal Lecturer 2026
Cleveland, Christopher College of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor 2025
Cohen, Susan Terry College of Business Assistant Professor 2027
Colson, Gregory College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Cook, Michelle (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Student Affairs Ex-Officio Indefinite
Coolong, Timothy College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2027
Cotterell, Michael Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2026
Coverdill, Jim Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Crandall, Shari Division of Student Affairs Director of Residential Programs and Services 2026
Cullen, Thomas Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Lecturer 2026
Daniel, Jeremy Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Davis, Charles (Ex-Officio) Dean, Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Ex-Officio Indefinite
Davis, Marsha (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Public Health Ex-Officio Indefinite
Day, Gregory Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2027
Dumas, Denis Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2027
Dunn, Laurel College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Assistant Professor 2027
Durham, Stephan (Ex-Officio) Interim Dean, College of Engineering Professor Indefinite
Ehlers, Benjamin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Eimers, Jennifer Office of Instruction Academic Professional Associate 2027
Estep, Jason Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Farmer Ford, Kelly Office of Instruction Academic Professional 2027
Fitt, William Odum School of Ecology Professor 2026
Forester, Kelsey Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Librarian II 2026
Frum, Jennifer (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Public Service & Outreach Ex-Officio Indefinite
Fuhrman, Nick Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2025
Fulbright, Patrick Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Associate 2027
Fusco, Rachel School of Social Work Professor 2025
Fusillo, Lisa Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Galiautdinov, Andry Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2027
Gallagher, Holly Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Lecturer 2027
Gottdenker, Nicole College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2025
Gowda, Grace College of Pharmacy Associate Professor 2026
Graham, Toby (Ex-Officio) Associate Provost & University Librarian Ex-Officio Indefinite
Grey, Timothy College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Gueneli, Berna Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Hall, Cassandra Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2025
Halper, Edward Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Hamilton-Jones, Bethany Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Professor 2027
Hanawalt, Christina Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Harman, Ruth Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Healey, Lauren Office of Public Service & Outreach Senior Public Service Associate 2027
Heiss, Christian Office of Research Senior Research Scientist 2027
Hill, Janette Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Hirt, Sonia (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Environment & Design Ex-Officio Indefinite
Holladay, Steven College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2025
Hong, Philip (Ex-Officio) Dean, School of Social Work Ex-Officio Indefinite
Housley, Lauren College of Family & Consumer Sciences Clinical Associate Professor 2026
Howe, Chad Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Hu, Jack (Ex-Officio) Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost Ex-Officio Indefinite
Huang, Ching-Yu Office of Instruction Academic Professional Associate 2027
Hunt, Brendan College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2027
Hunter, Mark (Ex-Officio) Dean, Odum School of Ecology Ex-Officio Indefinite
Ivy, Stuart Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Jackson, Chandra Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Librarian III 2026
Jackson, Angel Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Associate 2026
Johnson, Daniel Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Associate Professor 2026
Jones, Tom College of Environment & Design Academic Professional 2025
Kaixiong, Calvin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2027
Kajder, Sara Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2026
Katiyar, Samiksha Office of Research Assistant Research Scientist 2027
Kazanci, Caner College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
King, Christopher (Ex-Officio) Interim Vice President for Research Associate Vice President Indefinite
Kinsler, Joshua Terry College of Business Professor 2027
Klein, Jared Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Distinguished Research Professor 2025
Krause, George School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2027
Krunkosky, Thomas College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2026
Kurup, Samarchith Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2026
Lakuriqi, Enkeleida Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Lecturer 2025
Lam, Son Terry College of Business Professor 2027
Landers-Potts, Melissa College of Family & Consumer Sciences Principal Lecturer 2026
Landrum, Kim Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Senior Lecturer 2027
Lavner, Justin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Leclerc, Monique College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2027
Lee, Jae-Kyung College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2027
Lemons, Derrick Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Leyting, Jennifer Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Liken, Fiona (Ex-Officio) Registrar Ex-Officio Indefinite
Lough, Kyser Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Assistant Professor 2026
Maher, Steven Office of Research Associate Research Scientist 2027
Malladi, Anish College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Mandal, Abhyuday Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Marotta, Anthony Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Marshall, Michael Office of Research Assistant Research Scientist 2027
Masciadri, Milton Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Mason, Charlotte Terry College of Business Professor 2025
Mastrovita, Mandy Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Librarian III 2027
Mayo, Rebecca (Ex-Officio) President, UGA Staff Council Staff Indefinite
McDaniel, Kenneth Staff Counci Representative Staff 2027
Miller, Anna Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Mishra, Abhinav College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Mochel, Jonathan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2027
Morehead, Jere (Ex-Officio) President Ex-Officio Indefinite
Morris, Kacy Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2026
Mowbray, Orion School of Social Work Professor 2027
Mundy, Mathew Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Myers, Michael Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Assistant 2027
Naeher, Luke College of Public Health Professor 2027
Navara, Kristen College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2025
Nesbit, Ryan (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Finance & Administration Ex-Officio Indefinite
Nibbelink, Nate (Ex-Officio) Interim Dean, Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Ex-Officio Indefinite
Nolan, Lisa (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine Ex-Officio Indefinite
Nuss, Michelle (Ex-Officio) Dean, School of Medicine and Campus Dean, UGA/AU Medical Partnership Ex-Officio Indefinite
Okech, David School of Social Work Professor 2025
Olali, David Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Academic Professional Associate 2027
Orlando, Ron Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2027
Pagnattaro, Marisa (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Instruction Ex-Officio Indefinite
Palmer, Chadwick Division of Student Affairs Staff Physician 2027
Pardue, Doug College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2025
Peake, Jason College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2026
Peroni, John College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Peterson, Thomas Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Petrongelli, Amy Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2027
Place, Nick (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Ex-Officio Indefinite
Pollard, Amy Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Poulson, Rebecca College of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor 2025
Read, Glenna Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Assistant Professor 2027
Redmon, Melissa School of Law Clinical Assistant Professor 2026
Reeves, Nancee Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2026
Renwick, Margaret Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Resutek, Robert Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2027
Rice, Jennifer Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2025
Roberts-Galbraith, Rachel Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Assistant Professor 2027
Rogers, Toni Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Associate Vice President for Academic Fiscal Affairs 2025
Rogers, Rock (Ex-Officio) President, Student Government Association Ex-Officio Indefinite
Royer, Angie Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Rubenstein, Eric College of Agricultural & Enviromental Sciences Associate Professor 2027
Rutledge, Peter B. "Bo" (Ex-Officio) Dean, School of Law Ex-Officio Indefinite
Saldanha, Terence Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2027
Sanchez, Susan College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2026
Santesso, Esra Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Sawyer, Laura School of Law Associate Professor 2026
Saylor, Elizabeth Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Associate Professor 2027
Schey, Ryan Mary Frances Early College of Education Assistant Professor 2027
Schirmer, Trenton Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2027
Seagraves, Brian College of Pharmacy Academic Professional 2027
Sen, Rik Terry College of Business Associate Professor 2027
Sharma, Suraj College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2027
Sheagley, Geoffrey School of Public & International Affairs Associate Professor 2025
Shelton, Robin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Shelton, Kisha College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Academic Professional Associate 2027
Shenoy, Somanath College of Pharmacy Professor 2027
Sial, Ashfaq College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Sims, Cynthia Mary Frances Early College of Education Associate Professor 2027
Smith, Kelly (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Pharmacy Ex-Officio Indefinite
Smith, Demetrius Division of Student Affairs Associate Vice President 2027
Smith, Sara Staff Counci Representative Staff 2027
Smolenski, Craig Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Spangler, Denise (Ex-Officio) Dean, Mary Frances Early College of Education Ex-Officio Indefinite
Sperling, Lisa Staff Council Representative Staff 2027
St. Pierre, Elizabeth The Graduate School Professor 2025
Standifer, Brittany Office of Public Service & Outreach Public Service Associate 2026
Standifer, Alton Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Vice Provost For Inclusive Excellence/Chief of Staff to the Provost 2025
Stanley, Patrick Office of the Senior VP for Acadmeic Affairs & Provost Librarian I 2027
Stelzleni, Alexander College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2027
Stenport, Anna (Ex-Officio) Dean, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Ex-Officio Indefinite
Stewart, Lawton College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2027
Stooksbury, David College of Engineering Associate Professor 2027
Tackett, Randall College of Pharmacy Professor 2027
Tanner, Susan Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Templeman, Kellie Office of the Senior VP for Academic Affairs & Provost Librarian III 2027
Thompson, Steffney School of Law Clinical Assistant Professor 2027
Timian, Viki Office of the Senior VP for Acadmeic Affairs & Provost Librarian IV 2026
Tolley, Beth Mary Frances Early College of Education Clinical Professor 2027
Turner, Pamela College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2026
Turney, Justin Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Research Scientist 2027
Urbauer, Jeff Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Vallury, Sechindra Odum School of Ecology Assistant Professor 2027
Van Rees, Charles Odum School of Ecology Assistant Research Scientist 2026
Walcott, Ron (Ex-Officio) Dean, The Graduate School Ex-Officio Indefinite
Walker, Jennifer Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Senior Lecturer 2027
Walker, William (Ex-Officio) President, Graduate Student Association Ex-Officio Indefinite
Walton, Jill (Ex-Officio) Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations Ex-Officio Indefinite
Weaver, Kyleigh Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Weliweriya, Nandana Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Lecturer 2027
Westpheling, Janet Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Winter, Amy College of Public Health Assistant Professor 2027
Woods, Chip Staff Council Representative Staff 2025
Xiong, May College of Pharmacy Associate Professor 2027
Yager, Patricia Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2026
Yahyaoui Azami, Hind College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor 2027
Young, Catie Staff Council Representative Staff 2026
Zell, Lee (Ex-Officio) President, UGA Alumni Association Ex-Officio Indefinite
Zhang, Hui College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2027
Zhao, Dehai Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Senior Research Scientist 2025
Zhen, Chen College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2027
Zvonkovic, Anisa (Ex-Officio) Dean, College of Family & Consumer Sciences Ex-Officio Indefinite
The University Libraries Committee considers and recommends general policies for the development and utilization of the University libraries.
University Libraries Committee
  1. Membership
    Faculty: One voting member of the University Libraries Committee shall be elected from the faculty of each School or College. Faculty may be elected from within or outside the University Council and shall serve three-year terms.
    Students: One undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student shall be elected as Committee members from and by the student members of the University Council. These students shall serve a one-year term as voting members.
    Staff: One staff member, elected by the Staff Council, shall serve a three-year term as a voting member.
    Postdoctoral Appointee: One postdoctoral appointee, elected by the Postdoctoral Association, shall serve a one-year term as a voting member.
    Administration: The Director of Libraries shall be a voting member.
    University Libraries Committee Chair: The Chair of the University Libraries Committee shall be elected each year from among the faculty members with academic rank on the Committee.
  2. Duties
    1. To consider and recommend to the Council, the Director of Libraries, and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost general policies for the development and utilization of the University Libraries.
Jane McPherson
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Bagwell Adams, Grace College of Public Health Associate Professor 2026
Brown, Wayde College of Environment & Design Associate Professor 2025
Burgess, Brandy College of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor 2026
Cahnmann-Taylor, Melisa The Graduate School Professor 2025
Fitt, William Odum School of Ecology Professor 2025
Freeman, Melissa Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2026
Fulford, Michael College of Pharmacy Senior Academic Professional 2026
Graham, Toby (Ex-Officio) Associate Provost & University Librarian Ex-Officio Indefinite
Hamel, Martin Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Associate Professor 2026
Housley, Lauren College of Family & Consumer Sciences Clinical Associate Professor 2026
Jambeck, Jenna College of Engineering Professor 2027
Kaufman, Alexander School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2026
McPherson, Jane (Chair) School of Social Work Associate Professor 2025
Reason, Akela Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Associate Professor 2026
Rudbeck, Jason Terry College of Business Senior Lecturer 2026
Shelton, Kisha College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Academic Professional Associate 2025
Smith, Kristen Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Senior Lecturer 2025
Sperling, Lisa Staff Council Representative Staff 2027
Striepe, T.J. School of Law Academic Professional 2027
Month/Year Agendas Minutes
October 2021 October 4, 2021 October 4, 2021
November 2021 November 29, 2021 November 29, 2021
February 2022 February 8, 2022 February 8, 2022
September 2022 September 2, 2022 - - -
March 2023 March 14, 2023 March 14, 2023
September 2023 September 29, 2023 September 2, 2023, September 29, 2023
November 2023 November 9, 2023 November 9, 2023
March 2024 March 29, 2024 March 29, 2024
The University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee conducts all their deliberations in confidence; they may not discuss an appeal with anyone who is not a member of the committee. An exception to this confidentially relates to discussions with staff assisting the committee; reviews the dossiers that are required to come before the committee and advises the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in accordance with the University’s Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure.
University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee
    1. Membership
      Faculty with academic rank: One voting member of the University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee shall be elected by the tenured faculty of each School or College. Faculty elected shall be tenured and hold the rank of Professor. Faculty shall serve three-year terms. While serving on this committee, faculty cannot serve on other promotion and tenure committees at the School, College, or University levels.
      University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee Chair: The Chair of the University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee shall be the immediate past Chair-Elect of the University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee. Each year the University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee shall choose a new Chair-Elect from among the elected faculty members of the Committee who have at least one year of previous service on the University Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee (which could be from a previous term) and will not simultaneously be serving in any administrative position for which they receive compensation or teaching release.
    2. Duties
      1. To conduct all their deliberations in confidence; they may not discuss an appeal with anyone who is not a member of the committee. An exception to this confidentially relates to discussions with staff assisting the committee.
      2. To review the dossiers that are required to come before the committee and advise the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in accordance with the University’s Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure.
    3. Procedures
      1. The responsibility of the University Appeals Committee is to make its best judgment as to (1) the existence of material failures, inaccuracies or procedural irregularities; (2) whether or not these failures, inaccuracies or irregularities significantly impaired an appropriate review of the candidate's qualifications for promotion and/or tenure. At its option, the committee may interview the candidate, the PTU head or the dean, as well as any other individuals who are in a position to provide useful information about the review.
      2. Voting Procedures for University Appeals: Faculty from the candidate's PTU will refrain from participating in any form of evaluation at all higher levels of review. Quorum- Consists of at least two-thirds of the membership. State that a quorum was present in the cover letter. Abstentions- No abstentions are allowed. Once a quorum is declared, all members in attendance must vote. Any ballot not clearly marked approve or deny will be considered a "NO" vote. Recusal- Only allowed if a conflict of interest exists. Faculty members who recuse themselves are not considered eligible voters and may not participate in the discussion or consideration of the candidate's dossier. Absentee Ballots- No absentee ballots are allowed. Recommendations- A simple majority vote of eligible voting faculty members present at the meeting. A tie vote of eligible voting members present at the meeting is considered a negative recommendation.

By a simple majority vote of eligible voters present at the meeting, the University Appeals Committee will advise (with supporting rationale) the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost on the following:
  1. Whether or not material failures, inaccuracies or irregularities existed for a given candidate; and if so
  2. Whether or not these failures, inaccuracies or irregularities appear to have interfered with an appropriate vote on the performance record.
Jim Coverdill
Member Name College/School/Unit Position Title Member Email Address Term End Date
Briggs, Harold School of Social Work Professor 2026
Carswell, Andy College of Family & Consumer Sciences Professor 2026
Coverdill, Jim (Chair) Franklin College of Arts & Sciences Professor 2025
Filipov, Nikolay College of Veterinary Medicine Professor 2025
Gandhi, Kamal Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources Professor 2027
Garrett, Jim Mary Frances Early College of Education Professor 2027
Hermanowicz, Joe The Graduate School Professor 2026
Kim, Jooyoung Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Professor 2027
Kinsler, Joshua Terry College of Business Professor 2027
Mativo, John College of Engineering Professor 2027
Muilenburg, Jessica College of Public Health Professor 2027
Osenberg, Craig Odum School of Ecology Professor 2027
Owsiak, Andy School of Public & International Affairs Professor 2027
Singh, Rakesh College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Professor 2025
Vick, Alfie College of Environment & Design Professor 2027
Young, Henry College of Pharmacy Professor 2025