Executive Committee Minutes

01/20/2009 03:30 PM - Peabody Board Room - Administration Building
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The University Council Executive Committee met on January 20, 2009 in the Peabody Board Room of the Administration Building. Bruce Hollett, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance were Thomas Artelt, Tony Capomacchia, Stephen Rathbun and David Shipley. Visitors included Meg Amstutz, Brittany Cofer, Larry Dendy, Fiona Liken, Loris Magnani, Libby Morris, Octavio Ramirez, Dale Threadgill, and Bill Vencill.

The minutes from the October 9, 2008 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).

Action Items:

  1. Professor David Shipley presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal to terminate the major in Greek under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    2. Proposal to terminate the major in Latin (thesis option) under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    3. Proposal to terminate the major in English under the Master of Arts in Teaching degree (M.A.T.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    4. Proposal to terminate the major in Language Education under the Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    5. Proposal to terminate the major in Reading Education under the Doctor of Education degree (Ed.D.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    6. Proposal to offer a major in English Education under the Master of Arts for Teachers degree (M.A.T.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    7. Proposal to terminate the major in Physical Education and Sport Studies under the M.Ed., M.A., Ed.D., and Ph.D. degrees There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    8. Proposal to terminate the major in Anatomy under the Master of Science degree (M.S.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    9. Proposal to terminate the major in Physiology and Pharmacology under the Master of Science degree (M.S.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    10. Proposal to offer a non-thesis option in Physics under the Master of Science degree (M.S.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    11. Proposal to offer the major in Higher Education under the Doctor in Education (Ed.D.) in the Atlanta area There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    12. Proposal to offer a major in Mechanical Engineering under the B.S.M.E. degree There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    13. Proposal to offer a major in Electrical and Electronics Engineering under the B.S.E.E. degree There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    14. Proposal to offer a major in Civil Engineering under the B.S.C.E. degree There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    15. Proposal to change the name of the Master of Agricultural Economics (M.A.E.) to the Master of Agribusiness (M.A.B.) There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.

Information Items:

  1. From the Educational Affairs Committee: Revision of University of Georgia policy on academic advising, Academic Affairs Policy 4.01-4 (attachment b)
  2. Standing committee reports were given from Benefits, Educational Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Intercollegiate Athletics, Libraries and Statutes/Bylaws/Committees.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Executive Committee Roster

      Members represented by proxy

Bernstein, Irwin 
Childs, Adrian
Clay, Hank
Daniels, Dick
Dorfman, Jeff
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Ivy, Stuart
Kavoori, Andy
Langston, David
Love, Sarajane
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
McCarthy, Connor
Merkle, Scott
Momany, Cory
Spooner, David
St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Zinkhan, George