University Council Minutes

03/22/2012 03:30 PM - Tate Theater, Tate Student Center
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The University Council met on March 22, 2012 at the Tate Theater in the Tate Student Center. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm. The minutes from the February 16, 2012 meeting of University Council were approved as distributed.

The President's report to Council included the following remarks:

  • President Adams opened his remarks by informing Council members that four days remained for the current state legislative session. He spoke about various successes the University of Georgia had achieved during the legislative term. A funding request for a new Veterinary Medical Learning Center with the College of Veterinary Medicine was approved. Additional funds for agricultural positions at the Tifton campus were approved, as well as 3.5 million dollars for an expanded Food Science facility on the Griffin campus. The university is also getting full formula funding. The President additionally informed Council members that there was not much traction among the legislature for faculty and staff salary raises next year.
  • Next week, final admission notices from the Admissions Office will go out to applicants for the Fall semester of 2012.
  • Since the last meeting of University Council, the Richard B. Russell Special Collections Library was dedicated on February 17. The President encouraged all faculty members on campus to plan to visit and tour the new facility.
  • The President also provided a brief update on the status of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment, which was convened during the previous term of University Council and provided a report to Council at the April 21, 2011 meeting. Having reviewed and discussed this issue with the Equal Opportunity Office (EOO), which has the responsibility of administering the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (NDAH) policy on campus, the President discussed a number issues pertaining to this matter. First, a search is underway for a director of the EOO. Rodney Bennett, Vice President of Student Affairs, is chairing the search committee; the President hopes to have a selection announced by the time Council meets in the Fall. Also, work is being done on re-locating the EOO so that it is more accessible to the campus community. The President reminded Council members that the revisions to the new NDAH policy now require that sexual violence incidents involving students are subject to the same policy review as those involving faculty and staff. The Division of Student Affairs has been helpful in making sure this is administered properly through the EOO instead of Student Affairs as it had been previously. In addition, the President has a draft charter from the Ombudsperson program he is reviewing and intends to sign. That group will file an annual report in September which will be shared with Council at that time.
  • April 16th through 20th is Honors Week at UGA. The President encouraged Council members to attend the various functions occurring that week. On April 16, the Public Service and Outreach Awards Luncheon and the Faculty Recognition Banquet will be held. On April 18, the Honors Day Luncheon and the Honors Program Awards Banquet will occur. The Research Awards Banquet will be held April 19. Lastly, the Alumni Awards Luncheon will be held on April 20.
  • The annual Campus Memorial Service will be held on May 1 at 6:00 pm at the Chapel.
  • Concluding his report to Council, the President opened the floor for reports and action items from the various standing committees on the day's agenda.

The floor was opened for the following reports:

Action Items:

  1. David Shipley, chair of the Curriculum Committee, presented the following proposals:
    1. Proposal for a new major in Biostatistics (M.S.and Ph.D.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal to offer a new major in Student Affairs Leadership (Ed.D.) to be offered on the Griffin Campus. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
  2. Rodney Mauricio, chair of the Educational Affairs Committee, offered the following proposal:
    1. Proposal to approve edits to the 2013-2014 Academic Calendar. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
  3. Jeff Dorfman, chair of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees, offered the following proposal:
    1. First Reading: Proposal for amendments to the University Council Bylaws. Following a discussion regarding changes to how the Executive Committee will receive agenda items from groups for placement on the University Council agenda, the first reading was approved, and the proposal will be placed on the April 26, 2012 University Council agenda for a second required vote.

New Business:

President Adams acknowledged the selection of Dr. Alan Dorsey as the new dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Additionally, the President and members of University Council recognized Dr. Hugh Ruppersburg for his service to the Franklin College as interim dean.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:03 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Jan Hathcote, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster

Adams, Michael 

Grant, Linda

McLaurin, Clay

Ainsworth, Scott

Grasso, Maureen

Moore, Mary

Allen, Sheila

Griffin, Mary Grace

Morehead, Jere

Anderson, Alex

Griffith, Jennifer

Moshi, Lioba

Baker, Tyler

Hamilton, Shane

Munneke, Henry

Becker, Lee

Happek, Uwe

Nairn, Alison

Bennett, Rodney

Harman, Ruth

Nairn, Joe

Berghaus, Roy

Harrison, Mark

Oie, Svein

Biesecker, Barbara

Harshman, Melissa

Oliver, Jenny Penny

Bowden, John

Hathcote, Jan

Orpinas, Pamela

Buntin, David

Haynes, Audrey

Quesada, Margaret

Burd, Adrian

Hebert, Thomas

Reap, James

Burgess, Timothy

Hein, Katie

Riley, David

Burke, Tom

Hermanowicz, Joe

Ritchie, Branson

Calabria, Ashley

Hill, Janette

Rosemond, Amy

Cannady, Shelley

Hilton, Nelson

Ruppersburg, Hugh

Cramond, Bonnie

Houston, Jacquelyn

Sanford, Paula

Daniel, Jerry

Jackwood, Mark

Schmidt, Kelsey

Daniels, Richard

Jagor, Leigh

Schroeder, Paul

DeChicchis, Al

Jolly, Laura

Schuster, Richard

DeMaria, Don

Kalivoda, Karen

Shamp, Scott

Dyles, Julie

Karahanna, Elena

Stabb, Eric

Eberle, Roxanne

Keen, Brenda

Stancil, Phillip

Elder, Deborah

Kerr, William

Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda

Ellis, Angela

Kim, Soyoung

Stooksbury, David

Farmer, Mark

Langston, Keith

Sumichrast, Robert

Foster, Mark

Lauth, Thomas

Taha, Thiab

Fox, Linda

Legette, Roy

Thomas, Ian

Freeman, Melissa

Luken, Emily

Trap, Diane

Frick, Janet

Mastin, Davis

Turner, Kari

Getch, Yvette

Mauricio, Rodney

Wallinga, Charlotte

Gibson, Steve

McDonald, William

Williams, Phillip

Represented by Proxy

Anderson, Douglas

Angle, Jay Scott

Calloway, Thomas

Davis Barham, Jan

Frum, Jennifer

Gittleman, John

Griffin, Michele

Hernandez, Sonia

Horne, Arthur

Landrum, Tom

Mosher, Marshall

Nadenicek, Daniel

Netter, Jeff

Pagnattaro, Marisa

Potter, William

Schuster, Barbara

Smalley, Tim

Tobin, Courtney

Wilder, Shannon

Wyszynski, Whitney