The University Council held its first meeting of the 2016-2017 academic year on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 in the Tate Theatre. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. by President Jere Morehead.
As the first order of business on the agenda, the minutes of the May 3, 2016 meeting were approved as distributed.
The President then delivered his report to the Council:
The floor was then opened for the following standing committee reports and minutes. Standing committee minutes submitted prior to the meeting are also included below:
The following Action Items were then presented to the Council for consideration:
Following the presentation of the University Curriculum Committee's items, President Morehead informed the Council that the next two items on the agenda concerned two conflicting action items on the same subject- the Academic Calendar- with one coming from the Educational Affairs Committee and the other from a faculty-endorsed petition. The President stated that he had been advised by Parliamentarian Usha Rodrigues that Robert's Rules will not permit an assembly to entertain a motion that conflicts with a motion passed earlier in the same session, meaning that if the Educational Affairs Committee's proposal passed, it would render the fall proposal of the faculty petition moot. To avoid foreclosing debate, the President, in his capacity as the Council's presiding officer, and upon advice of the Parliamentarian, made a motion to suspend Robert's Rules in order to permit the petition to be considered out of order and to discuss the merits of the two motions together. The motion was seconded, a vote was called, and the motion was approved. Following the motion's passage, the President informed the Council that the Educational Affairs Committee would present its proposal first and entertain questions, followed by the petitioners. After presenting both items, the floor would then be opened to debate on the two motions together. Prior to EAC's presentation, the President called on Professor Rodrigues to provide some brief procedural remarks. Professor Rodrigues informed Council members that Robert's Rules provide that everyone has the chance to speak twice on any motion before Council. When someone has spoken, he or she must wait until everyone else has spoken on a question before speaking again.
Jean Williams-Woodward, chair of the Educational Affairs Committee, presented EAC's proposal. Following the proposal's presentation, questions were fielded from Council members regarding the proposal. Several questions involved teaching a day of Friday classes on Tuesday, December 5. A question was raised as to why this occurred and if other schools in the USG, such as Georgia Tech and Georgia State, employ such methods for their academic calendars. Discussion on the question revealed this was drafted into the calendar in order to meet the appropriate number of Fridays. Some members stated that schools like Georgia Tech and Georgia State do not use this method to make up days on their calendars. Another question regarded the 15 weeks time period on the calendar and if those 15 weeks included exams. Dr. Williams-Woodward stated that the calendar provides for 15 weeks of instructional time plus a week of exams. EAC has also charged a subcommittee with looking at all options for drafting a spring 2018 calendar, including examining a 14 weeks plus exam method as well as how various academic calendars would impact different populations on campus. A question was raised as to when EAC planned to present to the Council a drafted spring 2018 calendar. Dr. Williams-Woodward stated that their goal was to have a proposal before the Council at the November meeting.
Following the presentation from EAC, Dr. Patricia Richards and Dr. Rachel Gabara of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences presented the faculty-endorsed petition. Included in their presentation were several visuals such as student experiential opportunities that could be affected by an early start date, Board of Regents academic calendar guidelines, two tables (table 1 and table 2) that displayed peer and aspirant academic calendar information in comparison to UGA, and draft calendars of the petition's fall 2017 and spring 2018 calendars. During their presentation, Dr. Gabara and Dr. Richards stated to the Council that since their presentation to the Executive Committee, they reworked the spring 2018 dates found in their proposal, including changing the start date from Thursday, January 11 to Monday, January 8. Because this new draft was not included in the petition signed by the fifty plus faculty members who endorsed the petition, Dr. Richards and Dr. Gabara requested a friendly amendment be made to submit these changes to the petition. A motion was made for the friendly amendment and was then seconded. A question was raised as to whether or not the faculty who endorsed the petition were aware that the petition could be amended by Council. Professor Rodrigues explained that once the petition was before Council, the petition could be amended from the floor. A vote was then called. The friendly amendment to include the new version of the spring 2018 calendar in the petition's proposal was approved. Questions were then fielded from the Council regarding the amended proposal on such topics as instruction time requirements from the Board of Regents, the methods used to make up days in the proposed calendar, and possible salary implications from going to a 14 weeks plus exams model. Dr. Richards and Dr. Gabara stated that dividing their proposal into separate fall and spring calendars would be ideal because it would allow the fall EAC calendar and the petition's fall calendar to be considered correspondingly. Then, a single up or down vote on the petition's spring 2018 calendar could occur. A motion was then made to divide the proposal. The motion being non-debatable, a vote was called and the Council approved separating the petition to be considered as a separate fall 2017 calendar and a separate spring 2018 calendar.
The floor was then opened for debate on both the EAC proposal and the petition's proposal. Several members stated that they agreed with EAC's proposal to modify the fall 2017 calendar and expressed misgivings regarding the petition, including that shortening semesters may affect the content of courses and consequently negatively affect students through eliminating a week of instruction time. There was also a concern expressed regarding the perception that shortening the semester would negatively affect the prospect of salary raises coming from the state. Other members expressed support for bringing UGA's semesters in line with its peer and aspirant institutions and eliminating the 16 weeks model. Given the direction of the debate, a motion was raised to table the petition in order to provide it more time for thought and consideration. The non-debatable motion was then seconded. A vote was called and the motion failed to pass. With debate resuming, several Council members voiced their support for the EAC's proposed fall 2017 calendar and for the EAC's calendar subcommittee that is examining all factors and options for the spring 2018 calendar as well as future academic calendars going forward. A motion was then made to close debate on the question of the fall 2017 calendar and vote on EAC's fall 2017 calendar. A point of clarification on the motion was made to the Council that if the fall 2017 calendar from EAC passed, the petition's fall 2017 calendar would no longer be considered for a vote. Given this clarification, the motion to close debate was seconded. The motion not being debatable, a vote was called on the motion to close the debate, which passed. EAC's proposal for a new fall 2017 calendar was presented to the Council. The proposal was approved. A member of the Council objected as a matter of parliamentary procedure to having attempted to speak before the motion to close debate was made and asked that the objection be noted.
Discussion then moved to the petition's spring 2018 calendar. The amending of the spring 2018 calendar during the Council meeting was mentioned. It was then discussed that since EAC was already actively addressing issues related to the spring 2018 calendar and the structure of academic calendars going forward, it may be best to refer the petition's spring 2018 calendar to EAC for consideration. A motion for this referral was then made. Following a brief discussion on the motion, a vote was called and the Council voted to refer the petition's proposed spring 2018 academic calendar to the Educational Affairs Committee for consideration as it conducts its comprehensive review of the academic calendar.
The following Information Item was then presented to the Council:
The following reports were then presented to the Council:
There was no old business to come before the Council. During new business, a motion was made from the floor to charge the Human Resources Committee with appointing a subcommittee to investigate the implementation of the new FLSA requirements. Because quorum had been lost for the meeting, the motion was unable to receive a vote.
There being no further new business, the meeting concluded at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dr. Jan Hathcote, Registrar
University Council Roster |
Aderibigbe, Ibigbolade |
Hansen, Nathan |
Pardue, Samuel |
Barbour, Suzanne |
Harman, Ruth |
Pegan, Scott |
Barnard, Malcolm |
Hathcote, Jan |
Phillips, Dennis |
Biesecker, Barbara |
Herber, Eric |
Poland, Mary |
Black, Joel |
Herist, Keith |
Prasad, Gurazada |
Bliss, Thomas |
Hernandez, Sonia |
Reidenbaugh, Patrick |
Bousquette, Joshua |
Hollander, Barry |
Richman, Erin |
Bray, John |
Ivy, Stuart |
Rizer, Jasmine |
Briggs, Harold |
Jackson, Chandra |
Roberts, Susan |
Bynum, Josh |
Jackson, David |
Robinson, Eric |
Cai, Haini |
Jackson, Stan |
Robinson, Kayin |
Camus, Al |
James, Kevin |
Rose, John |
Camus, Melinda |
Jarrett, Carla |
Rosemond, Amy |
Carson, Jamie |
Jordan, Brian |
Roth, Gabrielle |
Chatterjee, Santanu |
Jordan, Jeff |
Roulston, Kathy |
Chepyator-Thomson, Rose |
Kaplan, Holly |
Rutledge, Bo |
Coleman, Davis |
Kavoori, Andy |
Samp, Jennifer |
Collier, Marlin |
Kelley, Laura |
Santesso, Esra |
Cona, Kelly |
Kennedy, Craig |
Sawhill, Ronald |
Cooper, Diane |
Kerner, Kelly |
Scheyett, Anna |
Cox, Wade |
Lastinger, Matt |
Shaffer, Anne |
Crawley, Laura |
Lastrapes, William |
Sharma, Suraj |
Cullen, Christian |
Lear, Kristen |
Shepherd, Shelley |
Dahlen, Joseph |
Lee, David |
Shetterley, Karen |
Dellaria, Nancy |
Lee, Leslie Petch |
Shipley, David |
DeMaria, Don |
Leigh, David |
Shrivastav, Rahul |
Dennis, Carla |
Leo, Donald |
Sikes, Kris |
Diaz-Peterson, Joy |
Lewis, Denise |
Snell, Michael |
Doran-Peterson, Joy |
Lewis, Michael |
Snyder, Margaret |
Dorsey, Alan |
Lewis, Steven |
Speakman, Jeff |
Dove, Robert |
Li, Changying |
Spivey, Julie |
Dunham, Richard |
Li, Ke |
Stanger-Hall, Kathrin |
Dvoracek, Douglas |
Malone, Barrett |
Taha, Thiab |
Easley, Morgan |
Mandal, Abhyuday |
Taylor, Ashley |
El, Shantee |
Martin-Williams, Jean |
Thomas, Paul |
Eranezhath, Vinayak |
Mattern, Susan |
Tobin, Beth |
Escalera, Cris |
Mathews, Paul |
Toews, Mike |
Evans, Jonathan |
Medlin, Sayge |
Tolley, Beth |
Fallaize, Ashley |
Miller, Deborah |
Tompkins, Mark |
Farmer, Mark |
Miller, Shari |
Vencill, William |
Freeman, Melissa |
Moore, Allen |
Vijayakumar, Kannan |
Frick, Janet |
Moore, Mary |
Watson, Eddie |
Frum, Jennifer |
Moore, Myra |
Whitten, Pamela |
Fucetola, Jacob |
Morehead, Jere |
Wilde, Susan |
Gaines, Houston |
Munneke, Henry |
Williams, Brian |
Gibney, Angela |
Muszynski, Artur |
Williams, Phillip |
Giraudo, Silvia |
Naghepour, Roya |
Williams, Susan |
Gittleman, John |
Nesbit, Ryan |
Williams-Woodward, Jean |
Gomez-Lainer, Lilia |
Nesbit, Scott |
Wilson, Stacy |
Gragson, Ted |
Nibbelink, Nate |
Wilson, Victor |
Graham, Toby |
Nuss, Michelle |
Wolf, Montgomery |
Grantham, Tarek |
O'Neill, Peter |
Yabsley, Michael |
Greene, Dale |
Okech, David |
Yager, Patricia |
Greene, Erik |
Oliver, Kerry |
Zheng, George |
Gupton, Timothy |
Owsiak, Andy |
Øie, Svein |
Han, Jeong-Yeob |
Pagnattaro, Marisa |