Executive Committee Minutes

09/11/2019 03:30 PM - Peabody Board Room, Administration Building
View Related Documents Online The University Council Executive Committee met on September 11, 2019 in the Peabody Boardroom for its first meeting of the 2019-2020 academic year. A quorum being present, chair David Shipley called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance to present action and information items included John Maerz of the University Curriculum Committee and Kira Epstein of the Strategic Planning Committee. Guests to the meeting included Allan Aycock, Brian Binder, George Contini, Daniela Di Iorio, Kathy Pharr, and Rahul Shrivastav.

Professor Shipley began the meeting by explaining the purpose and charge of the Executive Committee in the campus governance process to the members present.
  1. The minutes of the April 10, 2019 meeting were approved as distributed.
  2. Action Items:
    1. Proposal from the University Curriculum Committee:
      1. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Musical Theatre Performance. A vote was called and the proposal was approved to be placed on the September 25, 2019 University Council Agenda.
      2. Proposal for a new major in Ocean Science (B.S.). A vote was called and the proposal was approved to be placed on the September 25, 2019 University Council Agenda.
  3. Information Item:
    1. From the Strategic Planning Committee:
      1. Strategic Planning Committee Report. The 2025 Strategic Plan. An outline of the plan was provided to the Executive Committee, as well as an overview of the work the Strategic Planning Committee has conducted with regard to the Strategic Plan, by chair Kira Epstein. A vote was called and the plan was approved to be placed on the the September 25, 2019 University Council agenda as an information item.
  4. Old Business.
    1. An update was provided by the Registrar on the motion passed last academic year by the University Council and approved by the President concerning a revision to the Presidential Scholar and Dean's List requirements. The new requirements contained in the proposal have been implemented.
  5. There was no new business to come before the committee.
There being no further new or old business, the meeting adjourned at 3:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

Executive Committee Members Present
Malcolm Adams
Kevin Burke
Rachel Byers
Jim Carson
Jamie Cooper
Stephan Durham
Nathan Hansen
Victoria Hasko
Keith Herist
Steven Holladay
Jack Hu
Fiona Liken
Milton Masciadri
Shari Miller
Marie Mize
Scott Nesbit
Kerry Oliver
Amy Rosemond
David Shipley
Teena Wilhelm

Executive Committee Members Represented by Substitute
Itai Himelboim (Jooyoung Kim)
Esra Santesso (Aruni Kashyap)
Amanda Smith (Gopi Munisamy)