University Council Minutes

04/25/2006 03:30 PM - Room 300 - Fine Arts Building
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The University Council met on April 25, 2006 in room 300 of the Fine Arts Building. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:28 p.m.

President Adams' report included the following:

  1. Dr. Adams thanked Nancy Felson, Rebecca Macon, Charles Gruner, and Doris Lord for their roles in supporting University Council during the 05-06 academic year.
  2. Dr. Adams was pleased to make the following announcements:
    • Lisa Rivard, a junior Honors student majoring in environmental health science from Minnesota, has been named a 2006 Morris K. Udall Scholar. Ms. Rivard is the only recipient from a Georgia institution this year. She is the second UGA student to receive the Udall scholarship in recent years. The scholarship is a tribute to former Congressman Udall.
    • Oluwamuye Felix Akinbote, a senior Honors student from Lithonia majoring in biology, has been named a 2006 Merage American Dream Fellow. Mr. Akinbote is the first UGA student to receive this award, which will support his first two years of medical school. The Merage Foundation selects recipients with stellar academic records who demonstrate leadership, are ethically responsible, and have potential to make significant contributions to America and society.
    • Two students in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications have been named winners of the Second Annual Fox News Channel College Challenge. Broadcast news majors Ana Jackson and Dan Kinard will share a scholarship for $10,000, and the Grady College will receive a matching grant for the same amount. The winning senior received an all-expense-paid trip to New York and appeared on Fox News Channel’s program.
  3. Dr. Adams mentioned several events and recent decisions:
    • Dr. Adams thanked everyone who helped with the April 7 dedication of the Coverdale Center. Over 1500 people attended that ceremony, including the 41st President, George H. W. Bush.
    • UGA has had another stellar spring in athletics. The Gym Dogs captured their 7th national championship, and the men’s golf and tennis teams, ranked number 1 in the nation, have both won the SEC championships.
    • Dr. Adams expressed his appreciation to the Office of Institutional Diversity for continuing their hard work in hosting over 100 students at their annual Lunch for Champions. These are high school freshmen that the university hopes to acquaint with the opportunities available on our campus.
    • Final offers of admission to the class of 2010 have been finalized. More than 15,800 applications, a record high, have been received for 4800 spots. The incoming class profile should be similar to this year’s class profile.
    • President Adams had two pending items of business that he reported back to the Council on: the inclusion of sexual orientation in the University Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy (approved by Council in April 2004) and Soft Benefits for Domestic Partners (approved by Council in April 2005). Dr. Adams has written a letter to Nancy Felson updating her on the status of these two items which were previously approved by Council. Dr. Adams indicated to Dr. Felson that he will allow both items to become University policy at the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1.
  4. Dr. Adams announced that UGA is making progress with the living wage issue. Effective with the new pay cycle on January 1, 2007 the current beginning wage of $17,500 will increase to a minimum of $19,000. Four years ago the beginning wage was $12,800 which was increased to $15,000, and increased again last year to $17,500. Next year’s increase to $19,000 will affect 596 salaried employees and will cost the institution approximately $525,000 in salaries and an additional $210,000 in increased benefits payments. The increase affects all salaried employees who now make less than $19,000, regardless of whether they are paid from state funds or other sources such as grants or auxiliary services. The University Council has named an ad hoc committee to further study this issue which will be chaired by Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Tom Gausvik. The 20 member committee includes faculty, administrators, and staff. The committee will report back to the University Council next year.
  5. Upcoming events:
    • The annual Honors Day Convocation will be held in Hodgson Hall at 2 p.m. on April 26. The convocation will pay tribute to the University’s best students, teachers, advisors and mentors.
    • On April 27 the Alumni Association will honor Georgia Supreme Court Justice, Bob Denham and television and movie actor/director Ronnie Markum at the Association’s Annual Awards luncheon. The Association will recognize Tom Rogers, a retired University faculty member, and Jane Willson, one of the University’s most generous financial benefactors.
    • Dr. Adams also indicated that the committee on honorary degrees has recommended Mrs. Willson for consideration of an honorary degree which Dr. Adams and the Board of Regents have accepted. The honorary degree will be conferred upon Mrs. Willson at the May 13th commencement ceremony.
    • A memorial service will be held at 6 p.m. on April 27 to remember students, faculty and staff who have passed away since last May.
    • Spring commencement is set for May 13. Dr. Adams was pleased to announce the commencement speakers: John Huey (AB '70), editor-in-chief of Time, Incorporated, will address the undergraduates at their 9:30 a.m. ceremony in Sanford Stadium. Sharon Y. Nickols, retiring this year after almost 15 years as dean of UGA's College of Family and Consumer Sciences will address the graduate commencement ceremony at 2:30 p.m. in Stegeman Coliseum.
  6. Dr. Adams expressed his sincere gratitude to Mr. Hank Huckaby, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, for his outstanding care and stewardship of the university's resources for the last seven years. Finalists for that position have been recommended and are currently undergoing interviews. Dr. Adams expects to have an announcement regarding a successor of Mr. Huckaby by July 1, 2006.

Dr. Nancy Felson gave the standing committee report from the Executive Committee. Dr. Felson then made several remarks as the outgoing chair of the Executive Committee (attachment a).

Dr. Adams asked if there were any objections to allowing the standing committee reports to be given with action items from the respective committees in the order of action items on the agenda. No objections were heard. Dr. William Vencill gave the standing committee report from the Curriculum Committee (attachment b).

Dr. Vencill then presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee (attachment c):

  1. A proposal for a Master of Science in Bioinformatics (M.S.), Non-Thesis (M.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. A proposal for a Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. A proposal for a Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. A proposal for a Dual Degree between Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) and Jurisprudence Doctor (J.D.) . The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. A proposal for a M.S. in Pharmacy through Distance Education. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  6. A proposal to Deactivate the Minor in Psychology. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  7. A proposal for a major name change in Social Science Education under the (B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S.,Ed.D., Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  8. A proposal for an External Degree in Consumer Economics(B.S.F.C.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  9. A proposal for an External Degree in Mathematics Education (M.Ed., Ed.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  10. A proposal for an External Degree in Agribusiness (B.S.A.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  11. A proposal for a major name change from Agricultural Economics to Agricultural and Applied Economics (B.S.A.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  12. A proposal for an Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Certificate in Disability Studies. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Dr. Noel Fallows gave the standing committee report from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees (attachment d).

Dr. Fallows then presented the first reading of the following proposals for changes to the University Statutes and University Council Bylaws (attachment e):

  1. Motion one - Amend Article XVII of the University Statutes to include eight additional staff representatives as members of the University Council. Following discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Motion two - Add a new paragraph to Part V., Section III. E. of the University Council Bylaws and change the lettering of subsequent paragraphs accordingly to include the additional staff representatives as added in motion one. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Motion three - Change the wording of the last sentence of the University Council Bylaws, Part V., Section III. B. to include the word "staff". The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. Motion four - Change Article V, Sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the University Statutes to include staff as members of the University Council. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. Motion five - Change in order to clarify Standing Committee membership sections in Part I, Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV of the University Council Bylaws and Motion six (considered concurrently with motion five) - Deletion of Part V., IV (with re-numbering of subsequent sections) of the University Council Bylaws. The vote was called and the proposals were approved.

Dr. David Shipley presented a proposal for changes to the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment f). Items one and two were voted on together and were approved. Items three through six were voted on individually and each time the vote was called the proposed change was approved.

Dr. David Shipley then requested, on behalf of the Committee on Facilities, approval to place Student Honor Code plaques in all instructional classrooms (attachment g). The vote was called and the request was approved.

Dr. Jim Anderson gave the standing committee report from the Educational Affairs Committee (attachment h).

Dr. Anderson then invited the Registrar, Rebecca Macon, to present the proposed 2007-2008 Academic Calendar on behalf of the Educational Affairs Committee (attachment i). A motion was made and seconded to amend the calendar to remove the fall break and start classes August 20. The vote was called. Division was called and a vote by show of hands was taken. The motion to amend the calendar passed with 61 in favor and 40 against. The floor was opened for discussion on the amended calendar. Following extensive discussion, a motion was made and seconded to reconsider the amended calendar. The floor was opened for discussion on the motion to reconsider the amended calendar. A motion was made to reconsider the reconsideration of the amended calendar in order to allow time for dialogue on the fall break issue which was deemed out-of-order. The vote was taken on the original motion to reconsider the amendment to the calendar. Division was called and a vote by show of hands was taken. The motion passed with 61 in favor and 52 against. Another motion was made and seconded to leave the proposed 2007-08 calendar as originally presented and ask the President to appoint a committee of various viewpoints to study the issue for future years. The vote was taken and the motion to leave the proposed 2007-08 calendar as originally presented and ask the President to appoint a committee of various viewpoints to study the issue for future years was approved. Dr. Adams indicated that he would appoint co-chairs from Student Affairs and Academic Affairs; and he would also ask the committee to consider all partial weeks on the academic calendar.

Dr. Richard Dunham gave the standing committee report from the Committee on Student Affairs (attachment j).

Dr. Dunham then presented the following two proposals from the Committee on Student Affairs after presenting additional information on both items:

  1. A request for Council approval to require all first-year and new undergraduate students (transfer students) entering the University of Georgia to complete a "Mandatory On-Line Alcohol Education Module" during their first semester at UGA. If approved, students will not be allowed to register for their second semester until they have successfully completed the module. Following extensive discussion, question was called. The vote was taken and the request was approved.
  2. A proposal to add a policy statement to "The Plan of Accountability" which contains specific guidelines for the New Member Education - University of Georgia Standards for Excellence for Fraternities and Sororities (attachment k). Following extensive discussion, question was called. A vote was taken on the question to close the debate and was approved. The vote was taken on the proposal as presented. Division was called and a vote by show of hands was taken. The proposal passed with 66 in favor and 18 against.

Dr. Janet Frick gave the standing committee report from the Faculty Benefits Committee (attachment l).

As an information item it was noted that a status report on the work that has been related to the General Education Task Force recommendations is available (attachment m).

It was noted that ballots had been distributed to faculty members of the Council to fill upcoming vacancies on Council standing committees and the results of the election will be available the first week in May.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca L. Macon University Council Secretary

University Council roster

Members represented by proxy

Adams, Malcolm
Adams, Michael
Allen, Sheila
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, Wyatt
Bamber, Michael
Bennett, Rodney
Bernstein, Irwin
Brosius, Peter
Brown, Tucker
Budsberg, Steve
Byrd, Daniel
Calhoon, Brittany
Crowther, Ann
Dahl, Eric
Davis, Jolene
DerVartanian, Dan
Duncan, Dennis
Dunham, Richard
Dunn, Del
Dunning, Arthur
Ely, Lane
Fallows, Noel
Feldman, Daniel
Felson, Nancy
Ferguson, Duncan
Fowler, Laurie
Frick, Janet
Graham, Suzanne
Hagen, Tara Michelle
Haines, Bruce
Harriman, Jay
Harris, Ruth
Hawkins, Billy
Hendrick, Ron
Hilton, Nelson
Hinkle, Nancy
Hoenig, Margarethe
Hollett, Bruce
Houser, Thomas
Hume, Janice
Hunt, Alicia
Johnson, Loch
Jones, Catherine
Koballa, Thomas
Lariscy, Ruth Ann
Larson, Ed
Lauth, Thomas
Lee, David
Legge, Jerome
Lewis, Steven
Lipp, Erin
Little, Susan
Love, Sarajane
Macon, Rebecca
Mattern-Parkes, Susan
McArthur, Vaun
Milton, Jason
Morris, Larry
Nickols, Sharon
Nielsen, Kristin
Norman, Naomi
Oliver, Jenny
Page, Christina
Peper, Jamie
Porterfield, Richard
Potter, William
Pryzbyla, Alan
Randle, Bill
Ratajczak, Bob
Risler, Edwin
Robinson, Greg
Saltz, David
Sciortino, Katie Ryan
Shamp, Claudia
Shamp, Scott
Shaw, Scott
Shedd, Peter
Shipley, David
Sielke, Catherine
Stokes, Garnett
Suber, Matthew
Taha, Thiab
Thomas, Paul
Vandenberg, Robert
Vencill, William
Weinberg, Scott
West, Joe
White, Rebecca
Wicker, Louise
Williams, Phillip
Woolums, Amelia
Wright, David
Yager, Patricia
Zinkhan, George
Angle, J. Scott
Brannen, Phil
Cornell, Karen
Faircloth, Jim
Geller, Jennifer
Glasheen, Theresa
Grasso, Maureen
Hawley, Todd
Huckaby, Henry
Mace, Arnett
Maltese, John
Mewborn, Denise
Murray, Thomas
Reid, Leonard
St. Pierre, Elizabeth