The University Council met on April 25, 2006 in room 300 of the Fine Arts Building. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:28 p.m.
President Adams' report included the following:
Dr. Nancy Felson gave the standing committee report from the Executive Committee. Dr. Felson then made several remarks as the outgoing chair of the Executive Committee (attachment a).
Dr. Adams asked if there were any objections to allowing the standing committee reports to be given with action items from the respective committees in the order of action items on the agenda. No objections were heard. Dr. William Vencill gave the standing committee report from the Curriculum Committee (attachment b).
Dr. Vencill then presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee (attachment c):
Dr. Noel Fallows gave the standing committee report from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees (attachment d).
Dr. Fallows then presented the first reading of the following proposals for changes to the University Statutes and University Council Bylaws (attachment e):
Dr. David Shipley presented a proposal for changes to the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment f). Items one and two were voted on together and were approved. Items three through six were voted on individually and each time the vote was called the proposed change was approved.
Dr. David Shipley then requested, on behalf of the Committee on Facilities, approval to place Student Honor Code plaques in all instructional classrooms (attachment g). The vote was called and the request was approved.
Dr. Jim Anderson gave the standing committee report from the Educational Affairs Committee (attachment h).
Dr. Anderson then invited the Registrar, Rebecca Macon, to present the proposed 2007-2008 Academic Calendar on behalf of the Educational Affairs Committee (attachment i). A motion was made and seconded to amend the calendar to remove the fall break and start classes August 20. The vote was called. Division was called and a vote by show of hands was taken. The motion to amend the calendar passed with 61 in favor and 40 against. The floor was opened for discussion on the amended calendar. Following extensive discussion, a motion was made and seconded to reconsider the amended calendar. The floor was opened for discussion on the motion to reconsider the amended calendar. A motion was made to reconsider the reconsideration of the amended calendar in order to allow time for dialogue on the fall break issue which was deemed out-of-order. The vote was taken on the original motion to reconsider the amendment to the calendar. Division was called and a vote by show of hands was taken. The motion passed with 61 in favor and 52 against. Another motion was made and seconded to leave the proposed 2007-08 calendar as originally presented and ask the President to appoint a committee of various viewpoints to study the issue for future years. The vote was taken and the motion to leave the proposed 2007-08 calendar as originally presented and ask the President to appoint a committee of various viewpoints to study the issue for future years was approved. Dr. Adams indicated that he would appoint co-chairs from Student Affairs and Academic Affairs; and he would also ask the committee to consider all partial weeks on the academic calendar.
Dr. Richard Dunham gave the standing committee report from the Committee on Student Affairs (attachment j).
Dr. Dunham then presented the following two proposals from the Committee on Student Affairs after presenting additional information on both items:
Dr. Janet Frick gave the standing committee report from the Faculty Benefits Committee (attachment l).
As an information item it was noted that a status report on the work that has been related to the General Education Task Force recommendations is available (attachment m).
It was noted that ballots had been distributed to faculty members of the Council to fill upcoming vacancies on Council standing committees and the results of the election will be available the first week in May.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon University Council Secretary
University Council roster |
Members represented by proxy |
Adams, Malcolm Adams, Michael Allen, Sheila Anderson, Jim Anderson, Wyatt Bamber, Michael Bennett, Rodney Bernstein, Irwin Brosius, Peter Brown, Tucker Budsberg, Steve Byrd, Daniel Calhoon, Brittany Crowther, Ann Dahl, Eric Davis, Jolene DerVartanian, Dan Duncan, Dennis Dunham, Richard Dunn, Del Dunning, Arthur Ely, Lane Fallows, Noel Feldman, Daniel Felson, Nancy Ferguson, Duncan Fowler, Laurie Frick, Janet Graham, Suzanne Hagen, Tara Michelle Haines, Bruce Harriman, Jay Harris, Ruth Hawkins, Billy Hendrick, Ron Hilton, Nelson Hinkle, Nancy Hoenig, Margarethe Hollett, Bruce Houser, Thomas Hume, Janice Hunt, Alicia Johnson, Loch Jones, Catherine Koballa, Thomas Lariscy, Ruth Ann Larson, Ed Lauth, Thomas Lee, David Legge, Jerome Lewis, Steven Lipp, Erin Little, Susan Love, Sarajane Macon, Rebecca Mattern-Parkes, Susan McArthur, Vaun Milton, Jason Morris, Larry Nickols, Sharon Nielsen, Kristin Norman, Naomi Oliver, Jenny Page, Christina Peper, Jamie Porterfield, Richard Potter, William Pryzbyla, Alan Randle, Bill Ratajczak, Bob Risler, Edwin Robinson, Greg Saltz, David Sciortino, Katie Ryan Shamp, Claudia Shamp, Scott Shaw, Scott Shedd, Peter Shipley, David Sielke, Catherine Stokes, Garnett Suber, Matthew Taha, Thiab Thomas, Paul Vandenberg, Robert Vencill, William Weinberg, Scott West, Joe White, Rebecca Wicker, Louise Williams, Phillip Woolums, Amelia Wright, David Yager, Patricia Zinkhan, George |
Angle, J. Scott Brannen, Phil Cornell, Karen Faircloth, Jim Geller, Jennifer Glasheen, Theresa Grasso, Maureen Hawley, Todd Huckaby, Henry Mace, Arnett Maltese, John Mewborn, Denise Murray, Thomas Reid, Leonard St. Pierre, Elizabeth |