Executive Committee Minutes

10/19/2006 03:30 PM - Peabody Board Room - Administration Building
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The University Council Executive Committee met on October 19, 2006 at 3:30 p.m. in the Peabody Board Room of the Administration Building.  Susan Mattern-Parkes, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.  Standing committee chairs in attendance were Peter Shedd, Elizabeth St. Pierre, Scott Weinberg, and William Vencill.  Visitors included Meg Amstutz, Vanessa Beasley, Larry Dendy, Del Dunn, Fiona Liken, Jere Morehead,  and Kelly Proctor.

The minutes from the September 21, 2006 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).

Action Items:

  1. Dr. William Vencill presented the following two proposals from the Curriculum Committee (attachment b):
    1. A proposal for a major name change for Counseling and Student Personnel Services to College Student Affairs Administration under the (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement #14, General Education Curriculum. Following extensive discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved with the stipulation that supporting materials be added to the proposal prior to its placement on the Council agenda.
  2. Dr. Mattern-Parkes made a request that she be allowed to address Council at the November 2 meeting regarding faculty attendance at alumni events.  The vote was called and the request was approved.
  3. Dr. Mattern-Parkes then requested that John Morrow, President of the UGA chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), be allowed ten minutes at the November 2 Council meeting to share information about the local chapter of AAUP.  The vote was called and the request was approved.

Information Items:

  1. A status report from the Committee on Intercollegiate Athletes was given by Dr. Mattern-Parkes on behalf of Dr. Malcolm Adams.  Dr. Adams will share this report with Council at their November 2 meeting.  Dr. Peter Shedd gave a report on the changes to Article XV of the University Statutes which has been denied by the Board of Regents (attachment c).
  2. 2005-2006 Academic Honesty Annual Report (attachment d).


  1. Dr. Mattern-Parkes indicated that Elizabeth St. Pierre has brought forward concerns related to different interpretations of faculty in several documents: Board of Regents policies, UGA Statutes, and the Council Bylaws.  These different interpretations affect who is eligible for membership in University Council, Executive Committee, and the other standing committees.  After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to charge the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees to make a recommendation, along with the specific impacts, on Council membership.  The Committee should provide a detailed report to the Executive Committee about their recommendations and their impacts and the Executive Committee will review and evaluate the recommendations.  The vote was called and the motion passed.  

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Executive Committee roster

Members represented by proxy

Bride, Brian
Brooks, Dwight
Calhoun, Georgia
Childs, Adrian
Frick, Janet
Harris, Ruth
Harrison, Georgia
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Love, Sarajane
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Mattern-Parkes, Susan
Momany, Cory
Peper, Jamie
St. Pierre, Elizabeth

Vencill, William
Zinkhan, George