University Council Minutes

04/24/2007 03:30 PM - Student Learning Center - Room 101
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The University Council met on April 24, 2007 in room 101 of the Student Learning Center.  President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

The minutes from the March 22, 2007 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

President Adams' report included the following:

  1. Dr. Adams thanked Susan Mattern, Rebecca Macon, Doris Lord and Charles Gruner for their roles in supporting the University Council during the 06-07 academic year. 
  2. The Virginia Tech situation continues to prey on everyone's mind.  Dr. Adams stated he has known President Steger for many years and that he is a dedicated and accomplished person.  Our hearts and prayers go out to him and all the other people whose lives have been touched by this tragic event.  Dr. Adams is, however, very encouraged by the responses, questions, and suggestions from students, faculty, parents, staff, and others regarding campus safety.  The university will continue to ask some hard questions about its own protocols and procedures regarding emergency preparedness.
  3. Dr. Adams stated that this legislative session has been the most contentious session of his ten years at UGA. If Governor Perdue signs the 08 bill, we will be on the verge of an extraordinary year, with ultimate support for the medical initiative with $37 million for the new College of Pharmacy and several million dollars for other specific projects.  The administration had hoped the salary pool would be better. Dr. Adams stated that salary issues will go back to the top of the agenda for next year.  Dr. Adams expressed his gratitude to Steve Wrigley and Randy Powers for their daily work with the legislature.  The Provost and Dr. Adams have weighed in periodically as situations presented themselves and will continue to monitor the situation.  It appears that the biggest issue remaining between the legislature and the governor is the 07 supplemental budget. However, neither budget will be law until the governor signs them.  In addition to the ongoing budget issue, we are awaiting a tuition figure from the Regents for next year.  Preliminary budget directions were sent to appropriate individuals yesterday to begin work on the FY08 budget.  The budget calls for 3% salary pool with an increase in the minimum wage to $20,000. Four years ago, the minimum wage was $12,500, so considerable progress has been made in that area. The administration will also set aside a couple million dollars for special salary needs.  Some unanswered budget questions remain and could change those numbers somewhat.
  4. Dr. Adams was pleased to report progress on many fronts since the Council last met:
    • UGA was designated by the Truman Foundation Honor Institution Board as one of four new Honor Truman institutions.  Madeline Albright, who was here for the Carter Conference, is chairman of that group.
    • Deep Shah was named a Truman Scholar.  UGA joins Kansas State, Michigan State, Ohio State, and Arizona State as the only five institutions this year with four or more national scholarship winners among public colleges.
    • Sue Wessler was elected the Southeastern University Research Association's Researcher of the Year for the Southeastern United States.  Dr. Adams congratulated her and thanked her for her good work.
    • The final selection process for deans at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and at the College of Family and Consumer Sciences are underway. Dr. Adams stated that he is hopeful that the finalists for the Terry College dean search will be announced within the next ten days.
    • There have been a number of athletic successes - three SEC championships since the Council last met in men’s and women’s tennis and women’s golf.
  5. Dr. Adams noted several upcoming events: 
    • The Honors Day ceremony will be held at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, April 25, in Hugh Hodgson Hall.
    • Dedication of the new Barrier Island Research and Learning Center on Sapolo Island will be held at 10 a.m. on May 7. The keynote speaker will be U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston.
    • Spring commencement will be held on Saturday, May 12.  Chancellor Davis will speak to the undergraduate students in Sanford Stadium at 9:30 a.m. Mary Frances Early, who was the first African American graduate of the University, will speak to the graduate students in Stegeman Coliseum at 2:30 p.m.
    • The Peabody Awards Luncheon and Awards Ceremony will be held on June 4 in New York. Sportscaster Bob Costas, who is currently an HBO commentator, will be the master of ceremonies.
  6. Overall, Dr. Adams believes that the university has come through the last two weeks relatively well.  Many have joined him by sending flowers and writing to express empathy and sympathy, not only to the Virginia Tech community, but particularly to the family of Jamie Bishop.  Dr. Bishop was a double graduate of UGA who was a faculty member at Virginia Tech teaching German, and unfortunately one of the first people who lost his life last week.

The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:

Executive Committee (attachment a).
Committee on Facilities (
attachment b).
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (
attachment c).
Faculty Affairs Committee (
attachment d). 
Libraries Committee (
attachment e).

Benefits Committee (attachment f). Dr. Mary Anne Akers withdrew the action item from the Benefits Committee seeking Council endorsement to send a request to Chancellor Davis for Domestic Partner health benefits.

Curriculum Committee (attachment g).

Dr. William Vencill presented, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, the following proposals (attachment h):

  1. A proposal to offer a major in Urban Forestry under the B.S.F.R. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. A proposal to modify the L.L.M. program. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. A request to divide the Department of Health Administration, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology into two departments: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the Department of Health Policy and Management. The vote was called and the request was approved.
  4. A proposal for a Center for Urban Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. A proposal for an Undergraduate Certificate Program in Agrosecurity. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  6. A proposal for an Undergraduate Certificate Program in Integrated Pest Management.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  7. A proposal to change the name of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages to the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  8. A proposal for Termination of the major in Physical Education and Sport Studies under the Ed.S. degree. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  9. A proposal for Termination of the major in Exercise Science under the M.Ed. degree. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  10. A proposal for a Graduate Certificate Program in Clinical Trials Design and Management. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  11. A proposal for an Interdisciplinary Certificate Program in Organic Agriculture.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  12. A proposal for a Center for Integrative Conservation Research. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  13. A proposal for an Institute for Health Management in Mass Destruction Defense.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  14. A proposal to deactivate the Master of Family and Consumer Sciences degree.  Clarification was provided that this deactivation was for the Department of Child and Family Development only. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  15. A proposal to offer a major in Special Education under the M.Ed. as an external degree at the Gwinnett campus.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  16. A proposal to offer a major in Special Education under the B.S.Ed. as an external degree at the Griffin campus.  Following discussion about various concerns regarding external degrees, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  17. A proposal to offer a major in General Business under the B.B.A. as an external degree at the Griffin campus.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  18. A revised proposal to offer a major in Biology under the B.S. as an external degree at the Griffin campus.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  19. A revised proposal to offer a major in Microbiology under the B.S. as an external degree at the Griffin campus.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  20. A proposal for Academic Affairs Policy #18, General Procedures for Reorganization for Academic Units.  Following extensive discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Dr. Vencill then presented, on behalf of the Educational Affairs Committee, a proposal requesting changes to the university's academic honesty policy A Culture of Honesty (attachment i).  Following discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Standing in for Peter Shedd, Dr. Vencill presented the second and final reading of a proposal for changes to the University Council Bylaws (attachment j) and a corresponding change to the University Statutes (attachment k) from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees.  The parliamentarian ruled that only a vote to approve, disapprove or table the proposal would be acceptable at the second reading.  Should any changes be made it would require two successive readings in the fall and approval of the Council at those readings in order to be effective.  A motion was made and seconded to divide question to remove all areas in the revisions referring to the requirement that academic rank is necessary in order to be eligible for certain standing committee memberships.  The vote was called and the motion was defeated.  Following additional general discussion, the final vote was called and the changes were approved.

Dr. Ron Butchart presented, on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee, the first reading of requested changes to the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (attachment l).  Following discussion, a motion was made and seconded to return to the original language in the first paragraph of section VIII regarding appeals to read “When a candidate received a negative recommendation from the University Review Committee (either because the University Review Committee fails to overturn a negative recommendation from a school/college committee, or because the University Review Committee overturns a positive lower-level recommendation), the dossier is automatically forwarded to the university Appeals Committee unless the candidate chooses to withdraw his/her application in writing.”  The vote was called and the motion passed.  The final vote was called and the first reading of the proposed changes to the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Guidelines were approved as amended.

Kathryn Bowers gave a report from the Student Government Association (attachment m).

The only information item was a report from the Ad Hoc Committee for the Pay and Benefits of Low Wage Employees which was presented by Tom Gausvik.  A motion was made to move this report to an action item to provide Council an opportunity to endorse the report and send it to the administration.  A quorum was found lacking and the motion died without a second.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:39 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

University Council roster

Members represented by proxy

Adams, Michael
Akers, MaryAnne
Baginski, Steve
Barstow, William
Beasley, Vanessa
Beck, Natasha
Bennett, Rodney
Bergmann, Carl
Bothe, Anne
Bowers, Kathryn
Brooks, Dwight
Brosius, Peter
Brown, Mark
Butchart, Ron
Calhoun, Georgia
Cason, Caroline
Castenell, Louis
Caudill, Justin
Chepyator-Thomson, Rose
Childs, Adrian
Daniels, Maurice
Davis, Jolene
DeLuca, Katy
DerVartanian, Dan
Dookwah, Hugh
Duncan, Dennis
Dunning, Arthur
Feldman, Daniel
Felson, Nancy
Florkowski, Wojciech
Frick, Janet
Glenn, Jamarl
Grab, Ryan
Grasso, Maureen
Harriman, Jay
Harrison, Georgia
Hathcote, Jan
Hawley, Todd
Hendrick, Ron
Hill, Janette
Hill, Michael
Hilton, Nelson
Hodler, Thomas
Hollett, Bruce
Hume, Janice
Johnson, Loch
Jones, Catherine
Keith, Charles
Langston, David
Lauth, Thomas
Lewis, Steven
Mace, Arnett

Macon, Rebecca 

Mattern, Susan
McDougald, Larry
Meredith, Mark
Milford, Richard
Mohler, Brittany
Momany, Cory

 Morehead, Jere

Munneke, Henry
Nielsen, Kristin
Norman, Naomi
O'Looney, John
Peper, Jamie
Potter, William
Quick, Paul
Roulston, Kathy
Scott, Lindsey
Scott, Shannon
Shamp, Claudia

 St. Pierre, Elizabeth

Suber, Matthew
Taha, Thiab
Vail, Cynthia
van Iersel, Marc
Vencill, William
Warren, Robert
Willis, Kirk
Womble, Myra
Woolums, Amelia
Zinkhan, George

Allen, Christopher
Allen, Sheila
Angle, Jay Scott
Burgess, Timothy
Chinnan, Manjeet
Fowler, Laurie
Fu, Zhen
Harris, Stic
Hoyt, Robert
Lee, David
Newman, Amanda
Oie, Svein
Rathbun, Stephen
Stokes, Garnett
Williams, Phillip
Wright, David