The University Council met on April 24, 2007 in room 101 of the Student Learning Center. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
The minutes from the March 22, 2007 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.
President Adams' report included the following:
The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:
Executive Committee (attachment a).
Committee on Facilities (attachment b).
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (attachment c).
Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment d).
Libraries Committee (attachment e).
Benefits Committee (attachment f). Dr. Mary Anne Akers withdrew the action item from the Benefits Committee seeking Council endorsement to send a request to Chancellor Davis for Domestic Partner health benefits.
Curriculum Committee (attachment g).
Dr. William Vencill presented, on behalf of the Curriculum Committee, the following proposals (attachment h):
Dr. Vencill then presented, on behalf of the Educational Affairs Committee, a proposal requesting changes to the university's academic honesty policy A Culture of Honesty (attachment i). Following discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.
Standing in for Peter Shedd, Dr. Vencill presented the second and final reading of a proposal for changes to the University Council Bylaws (attachment j) and a corresponding change to the University Statutes (attachment k) from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees. The parliamentarian ruled that only a vote to approve, disapprove or table the proposal would be acceptable at the second reading. Should any changes be made it would require two successive readings in the fall and approval of the Council at those readings in order to be effective. A motion was made and seconded to divide question to remove all areas in the revisions referring to the requirement that academic rank is necessary in order to be eligible for certain standing committee memberships. The vote was called and the motion was defeated. Following additional general discussion, the final vote was called and the changes were approved.
Dr. Ron Butchart presented, on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee, the first reading of requested changes to the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (attachment l). Following discussion, a motion was made and seconded to return to the original language in the first paragraph of section VIII regarding appeals to read “When a candidate received a negative recommendation from the University Review Committee (either because the University Review Committee fails to overturn a negative recommendation from a school/college committee, or because the University Review Committee overturns a positive lower-level recommendation), the dossier is automatically forwarded to the university Appeals Committee unless the candidate chooses to withdraw his/her application in writing.” The vote was called and the motion passed. The final vote was called and the first reading of the proposed changes to the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Guidelines were approved as amended.
Kathryn Bowers gave a report from the Student Government Association (attachment m).
The only information item was a report from the Ad Hoc Committee for the Pay and Benefits of Low Wage Employees which was presented by Tom Gausvik. A motion was made to move this report to an action item to provide Council an opportunity to endorse the report and send it to the administration. A quorum was found lacking and the motion died without a second.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
University Council roster |
Members represented by proxy |