Executive Committee Minutes
09/13/2007 03:30 PM - Peabody Board Room - Administration Building
The University Council Executive Committee met on September 13, 2007 in the Peabody Board Room of the Administration Building. William Vencill, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance were Irwin Bernstein, Don Bower, Adrian Childs, Denise Mewborn, Annette Poulsen, David Shipley, and Elizabeth St. Pierre. Visitors included William Barstow, Rebecca Callahan, Larry Dendy, Nancy Felson, Fiona Liken, Jere Morehead, and Jayne Smith.
Dr. Vencill welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Executive Committee for the 2007-2008 academic year. Dr. Vencill issued a special welcome to the Staff Council and the Student Government Association and told them to feel free to bring any concerns or issues they may have to the committee. Everyone was invited to introduce themselves to the group.
The minutes from the April 12, 2007 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).
Action Items:
- Professor David Shipley presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee (attachment b):
- A proposal for a MAT in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
- A proposal for a Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) Tifton campus. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
- A proposal to deactivate the minor in Child and Family Development. Following a brief discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.
- A proposal to deactivate the major in Landscape and Ground Management (BSA). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
- A request to place the recommendations (attachment c) from the Ad Hoc Committee on the Pay and Benefits of Low Wage Employees on the Council agenda to seek Council's endorsement was presented by Dr. Nancy Felson. Following discussion, the vote was called and the request to seek Council endorsement was approved
Information Item:
- The first information item was an update from Provost Mace regarding a change in the Board of Regents policy on promotion and tenure. The policy now states that when two-thirds of faculty in a unit hold tenure, the university must provide a financial risk management plan for all tenure and tenure-track faculty that must be accepted by the Board in order for the granting of additional tenure to remain at the presidential level. The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) has been asked to provide the Provost the names of all promotion and tenure units that currently have two-thirds of their faculty tenured. When the data is received from OIR the university will then prepare and present the financial risk management plans to the Board of Regents.
Standing committee reports were given from Strategic Planning, Intercollegiate Athletics, Benefits, Facilities, Educational Affairs, Post-Tenure Review, Statutes/Bylaws/Committees, Curriculum, and Faculty Affairs.
Information Items:
- Irwin Bernstein presented the report of the Ad Hoc Committee researching background checks (attachment d).
- President Adams and Provost Mace had a productive meeting with the Ad Hoc Committee/Campus Coalition for Child Care at UGA last week. Provost Mace stated that a consulting company will be contacted to provide a feasibility study for on-campus child care. An electronic survey of the child care needs of all faculty, staff and students will be conducted. An assessment of the availability of quality child care in Athens-Clarke, Oconee, Jackson, Oglethorpe, and Madison Counties will be conducted, but a definition of "quality child care" is needed for the report to be done.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
Executive Committee roster
Members represented by proxy
Bowers, Kathryn
Calhoun, Georgia
Childs, Adrian
Fowler, Laurie
Frick, Janet
Gore, Matthew
Harris, Ruth
Harrison, Georgia
Herod, Andrew
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Kavoori, Andy
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Momany, Cory
Scott, Shannon
St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Vencill, William
Zinkhan, George