Executive Committee Minutes

03/05/2009 03:30 PM - Peabody Board Room - Administration Building
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The University Council Executive Committee met on March 5, 2009 in the Peabody Board Room of the Administration Building. Bruce Hollett, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.  Standing committee chairs in attendance were Thomas Artelt and Stephen Rathbun. Visitors included Meg Amstutz, Brittany Cofer, Larry Dendy, Matt Weeks and Laura Ann Thompson.

The minutes from the January 20, 2009 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).

Action Items:

  1. Jeff Dorfman presented the following proposed changes to Academic Affairs Policies from the Educational Affairs Committee:
    1. Academic Affairs Policy 4.07-2 Policy on Mandatory Assignments, Tests, and Quizzes During Reading Days and the Final Instructional Day of a Course  There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    2. Academic Affairs Policy 4.06-3 Policy on Voting and Jury Duty  There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
  2. Elizabeth St. Pierre presented the following proposed changes to the University Bylaws from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees
    1. Increase the number of ex-officio members  There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    2. Increase the number of student members  There was a motion made to place this proposal on the next University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.

    The committee discussed looking into making a separate policy concerning the proportion of each type of member group of University Council. The Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees agreed to look at the matter of an overall membership formula to be brought forward at a future meeting.

Information Items:

  1. The election of a Chair Elect for next year will take place at the April 9, 2009 meeting. A list of those qualified to stand for election will be sent to committee members with the agenda notice.


Steve Rathbun gave a report from the Benefits Committee.  No other Standing Committee reports were given.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Executive Committee Roster

Represented by proxy (representative)

Bernstein, Irwin
Childs, Adrian
Dorfman, Jeff
Giraudo, Silvia
Glenn, Travis
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Ivy, Stuart
Love, Sarajane
Macon, Rebecca
Merkle, Scott
Momany, Cory
Spooner, David
St. Pierre, Elizabeth

Mace, Arnett (Vencill, Bill)
McCarthy, Connor (Barlow, Katie)