University Council Minutes

09/17/2009 03:30 PM - Tate Student Center - Grand Hall DEFG
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The University Council met on September 17, 2009 in the Tate Center's Grand Hall DEFG. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.

The minutes from the April 23, 2009 University Council meeting were approved with the correction of the date in the text.

President Adams welcomed and thanked Adrain Childs, chair, Executive Committee, Chuck Gruner, parliamentarian, Rebecca Macon, Registrar and Secretary of University Council, and Kristie Sartain, Office of the Registrar,  for their role in supporting the University Council.




The report from President Adams included the following:


  1. Budget Update: Most units have been asked to make 2% cuts. Funding has been added back to some of those units because cuts would have meant layoffs. It was decided to do everything possible to avoid layoffs through this last round of cuts and the university has been successful in doing so. The six furlough days result in a savings of about nine million dollars university wide. President Adams stressed that the university will continue to focus on teaching and research through these difficult times.

  2. Provost Update: President Adams thanked Bill Potter, chair of the search committee, and all those that served on the committee. President Adams was not prepared to make an announcement at this time but promised to make an announcement very soon.

  3. H1N1 Virus:  President Adams indicated that the university has had between 200 - 300 cases of H1N1 this fall semester.  He reminded everyone to use hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing along with cough protection to help control the spread of this virus. 

  4. Ombudsperson Program Update: Shay Davis Little serves as ombudsperson for students, Anne Proffitt Dupres serves as ombudsperson for faculty, and Kathryn M. Chetney serves as ombudsperson for staff. Complaints have numbered 74 in the past year. About 36.5% of those related directly to sexual harassment issues. Most of those have been handled appropriately by the EOO office as indicated by Stephen Shi. President Adams thanked Stephen Shi and Janyce Dawkins for their work in that regard. The full report is available for review in (Attachment a.)

  5. Recent Accomplishments:

    • There have been several building openings and dedications, including the Tate Center Expansion and Pharmacy South.

    • Four UGA undergraduates in the Honors Program have been chosen as undergraduate scholars.

    • Housing and Consumer Economics professor, Brenda Cude, has been named a Distinguished Fellow by the American Council on Consumer Interests.

    • Dean Mike Clutter, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, has been inducted into the Georgia Foresters Hall of Fame.

    • A record number of University of Georgia students—10—have been selected to receive scholarships from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for research, study, or teaching abroad during the 2009-2010 academic year.

    • The new Greek Park, new recreation facility on South Milledge and new practice space for the Redcoat Band are now open for business. 

  6. Upcoming: The University is up for its SACS review under the leadership of Professor Bob Boehmer, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness. Dr. Rodney Bennett, Vice President for Student Affairs, will chair the committee preparing for re-certification by the NCAA. On September 29-30, UGA will host the National Outreach Scholarship Conference. The kick-off for our Campaign for Charities will be held on October 15th. On October 28th, the campus will host the University System of Georgia Diversity Summit.

The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:

Other Reports:

Dr. William Vencil gave a presentation on the Strategic Planning process (Attachment f)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

University Council Roster
Represented by proxy
Adams, Michael    Hernandez-Divers, Sonia M   Ritchie, Branson     Allen, Sheila  (Holladay, Steve)
Allen, Lewis   Herod, Andrew   Roberts, Phillip     Angle, Jay Scott  (Broder, Josef M.)
Alzuru, Guillermo   Hill, Janette   Rooks, William     Bennett, Rodney  (Tschepikow, Kyle)
Assaf, Francis   Holladay, Steven   Ross, Amy     Bettinger, Pete  (Nibbelink, Nate)
Avery, Sarah   Hunt-Hurst, Patricia   Rumely, Robert     Bonaparte, Eric  (Heard, Suzette Lay)
Bandalos, Deborah   Hurley, David   Saltz, David     Cashman, Elise  (Casey, Daniel)
Barham, Jan Davis  
Barlow, Katie Ivy, Stuart Samp, Jennifer     Childers, Carey Patricia  (Green, Christopher R.)
Batal, Amy   Johnson, Loch   Sanford, Paula     Clark, E. Culpepper  (Alexander, Alison)
Biringer, Tyler   Jolly, Laura D. Schiller, David     Dunning, Arthur  (Kalivoda, Trish)
Brown, Lonnie   Karls, Anna   Schuster, Richard     Hermanowicz, Joe  (Smilde, David)
Brown, Wayde   Kidula, Jean   Severn, Jill     Hilton, Nelson  (Quick, Paul)
Bultman, Dana   Kim, Soyoung   Shamp, Scott     Horne, Arthur  (Marshall, Jim)
Burgess, Timothy P. King, Florence   Shelton, Robin     Houston, Jacquelyn  (Pulver, Matt)
Burke, Tom   Koonin, David   Shetterley, Karen     Huang, Yao-wen  (Mulligan, Jake)
Byers, Carly   Kreshel, Peggy   Shivers, Melissa     Johnston, Spencer   (Creevy, Kate)
Caillault, J.P.   Kriesel, Warren   Shostak, Robert     Nadenicek, Daniel  (Weinberg, Scott)
Campbell, Alan   Krunkosky, Thomas   Simmons, Cara     Secord, Cameron  (Levy, Ben)
Campbell, Jake   Lackey, Nicole   Spooner, David     Sumichrast, Robert T.  (Feldman, Daniel C.)
Chiu, Adam   Landau, David   Stancil, Phillip  
Cooper, Diane   Lauth, Thomas    Stanley, Deborah  
Crowe, Douglas   Lee, David Stickney, John  
Crystal, Jonathon   Mace, Arnett    Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda  
Daniel, Jerry    Macon, Rebecca    Stokes, Garnett   
  Mauricio, Rodney   Strong, Deborah  
DeMaria, Don   McDuff, Nancy   Taha, Thiab  
Dorfman, Jeff   McLocklin, Rachel   Thomas, Ian  
Dove, Robert   Miller, William   Tiller, Lori  
Dyles, Julie   Morehead, Jere Tobin, Courtney  
Eberle, Roxanne   Moshi, Lioba   Tollner, Bill  
Ellis, Angela   Nairn, Alison   Turner, Kari  
Epps, W. Dennis   Nairn, Joe   Turner, William Joseph  
Fischer, Joan   Navara, Kristen   Urbauer, Jeff  
Foster, Mark R   Norman, Naomi   Wagner, John  
Freeman, Melissa   Oie, Svein    Webber, Meghan  
Gale, Jerry   Pagnattaro, Marisa   Wilder, Shannon O  
Getch, Yvette   Peterson, Marjorie   Williams, Phillip
Gittleman, John Porter, Delene   Willis, Kirk  
Goetz, Joe   Potter, William    Wunderlich, John  
Goodhue, Dale   Rawls, Raytheon   Yeung, Eric  
Grasso, Maureen    Reber, Bryan  
Happek, Uwe   Rhodes, Leara  
Hein, Katie   Ricketts, John