University Council Minutes

11/05/2009 03:30 PM - Tate Student Center - Grand Hall DEFG
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The University Council met on November 5, 2009 in the Tate Center's Grand Hall DEFG. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. The minutes from the September 17, 2009 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from President Adams included the following:

  1. President Adams thanked all those who participated in the Diversity Summit last week. He also thanked Dr. Cheryl Dozier and her staff for their work on this system-wide effort.
  2. President Adams thanked Dr. Art Dunning and his staff for their work on the 10th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference.
  3. October 15th was the kick-off for the Annual Campaign for Charities.
  4. The fall enrollment count of 34,885 is the largest in the history of the University of Georgia.
  5. The President has received the report from the working committee on sustainability.  President Adams stated he would have a formal response after the first of the year.
  6. Upcoming events:
    1. On Tuesday, November 10, at 11 am, Mario Capecchi, co-winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics and Biology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, will give a lecture on Modeling Human Cancers in the Mouse.
    2. This is Homecoming Week with activities throughout the week and a large number of alumni on campus.
The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows: Other Reports: Adrian Childs presented the following proposal from the Executive Committee:
  1. Proposal for the chair of the Executive Committee to establish an Ad Hoc Committee on Employee Supervision (Attachment g) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
David Shipley presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
  1. Proposal for a certificate in Asian Studies The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Proposal for a new Major in Athletic Training (B.S.Ed.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Proposal to offer a Major in Science Education (M.A.T.) as an External Degree on the Gwinnett Campus The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. Proposal to offer a Major in Science Education (Ed.S.) as an External Degree in Jackson County The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. Proposal for a non-thesis option under the Major in Speech Communication (M.A.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  6. Proposal for a non-thesis option under the Major in Pharmacy (M.S.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  7. Proposal for a non-thesis option under the Major in Foods and Nutrition (M.S.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  8. Proposal to Terminate the Minor in Textile Science The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  9. Proposal to Terminate the Certificate in Eastern Central European Studies The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  10. Proposal to revise Academic Affairs Policy #7: Centers and Institutes The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
Thomas Krunkosky and Loch Johnson presented the following proposal from the Committee on Facilities.
  1. Proposal for A Campus Statue of Abraham Baldwin, Founder and First President of the University of Georgia (Attachment h) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Jeff Dorfman, chair of the Educational Affairs Committee, presented the Annual Academic Honesty Report (Attachment i).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
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University Council Roster
Adams, Michael   Holladay, Steven   Potter, William    
Allen, Lewis Honerkamp, Ken Rawls, Raytheon  
Allen, Sheila Houston, Jacquelyn Rhodes, Leara  
Alzuru, Guillermo   Hurley, David   Ricketts, John    
Amason, Allen   Ivy, Stuart   Ritchie, Branson    
Assaf, Francis   Joerschke, Bonnie   Roberts, Phillip    
Avery, Sarah   Johnson, Loch   Rooks, William    
Barlow, Katie   Jolly, Laura D.   Saltz, David    
Bonaparte, Eric   Karls, Anna   Samp, Jennifer    
Brown, Lonnie   Kerr, William   Sanford, Paula    
Brown, Wayde   Kidula, Jean   Savage, Mason    
Burgess, Timothy P.   Kim, Soyoung   Schiller, David    
Burke, Tom   King, Florence   Schuster, Richard    
Byers, Carly   Koonin, David   Shelton, Robin    
Caillault, J.P.   Kreshel, Peggy   Shetterley, Karen    
Campbell, Jake   Kriesel, Warren   Shipley, David    
Capomacchia, Anthony   Krunkosky, Thomas   Shostak, Robert    
Casey, Daniel   Landau, David   Simmons, Cara    
Crowe, Douglas   Landrum, Tom   Smagorinsky, Peter    
Crystal, Jonathon   Lauth, Thomas   Southwood, Robin    
Daniel, Jerry    Lease, Michele   Spooner, David  
DeMaria, Don   Lee, David   Stancil, Phillip  
Dorfman, Jeff   Lentini, Andrew    Stanley, Deborah  
Dove, Robert   Live, David   Stevenson, Katherine  
Dyles, Julie   Mace, Arnett   Stickney, John  
Eberle, Roxanne   Macon, Rebecca   Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda  
Elder, Deborah   Mauricio, Rodney   Stooksbury, David  
Ellis, Angela   McDuff, Nancy   StPierre, Elizabeth  
Epps, W. Dennis   McLocklin, Rachel   Taha, Thiab  
Foster, Mark R   Millard, Larry   Thomas, Ian  
Freeman, Melissa   Miller, William   Thomas, Susan  
Gale, Jerry   Morehead, Jere   Tiller, Lori  
Getch, Yvette   Moshi, Lioba   Tobin, Courtney  
Glenn, Travis   Nadenicek, Daniel   Turner, Kari  
Grasso, Maureen   Nairn, Alison   Turner, William Joseph  
Happek, Uwe   Nairn, Joe   Wagner, John  
Hein, Katie   Navara, Kristen   Webber, Meghan  
Hernandez-Divers, Sonia M   Norman, Naomi   Williams, Phillip  
Herod, Andrew   Peterson, Marjorie   Williams-Woodward, Jean  
Hilton, Nelson   Porter, Delene   Wunderlich, John  



Represented by proxy
Angle, Jay Scott  (Broder, Josef)
Batal, Amy  (Kiepper, Brian)
Bennett, Rodney   (Tschepikow, Kyle)
Biringer, Tyler  (Rimmer, Rachel)
Chiu, Adam  (Green, Christopher)
Clark, E. Culpepper  (Alexander, Alison)
Cooney, Mark  (Dowd, James)
Cooper, Diane  (Seagraves, Beau)
Dunning, Arthur  (Crowe, William)
Gittleman, John  (Trapnell, Dorset)
Horne, Arthur  (Hoy, Cheri)
Huang, Yao-wen  (Harrison, Mark)
Lackey, Nicole  (Williams, Katie Dean)
Oie, Svein  (Francisco, George)
Severn, Jill  (White, Elizabeth)
Shivers, Melissa  (Poole, Leigh)
Stokes, Garnett  (Malmberg, Russell)
Sumichrast, Robert T.  (Feldman, Daniel)
Tollner, Bill  (Thai, Chi)
Wells, Lenny  (Boyhan, George)