Executive Committee Minutes

04/07/2021 03:30 PM - Online, Zoom Webinar. Please email univcouncil@uga.edu for information.
View Related Documents Online The University Council Executive Committee met on April 7, 2021, via Zoom Webinar for its last scheduled meeting of the academic year. A quorum being present, Chair David Shipley called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance included John Maerz of the University Curriculum Committee; Elizabeth St. Pierre of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees; and Janette Hill and Annette Poulsen, co-chairs of the COVID-19 Response Committee. Guests at the meeting included Scott Ainsworth, Jennifer Birch, Christine Cuomo, Linda Fox, Adam Goodie, Chase Hagood, Juanita Johnson-Bailey, Frederick Maier, Akinloye Ojo, Robert Pazdro, and Khaled Rasheed.
  1. As the first order of business, a motion was made by Nate Nibbelink to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2021, meeting. The motion was seconded by Milton Masciadri. The minutes were then unanimously approved.
    • Following the approval of the minutes, the chair reminded everyone that a vacancy needs to be filled by the Executive Committee on the UGA Retirees Association. The chair then called for a vote to confirm a new slate of candidates to serve in vacancies on the Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) for a two-year term, beginning August 1, 2021. The Executive Committee unanimously voted to confirm the slate of candidates.
    • Next, a vote was held to elect the next chair-elect of the Executive Committee for 2021-2022. The nominees were Abigail Borron, Janette Hill, and Luke Naeher. A ballot was distributed via a poll in Zoom to members. After tallying votes, it was announced that Luke Naeher was elected. He will serve as chair-elect during 2021-2022 and serve as chair during 2022-2023.
  2. Action Items:
    1. Proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
      1. Proposal to change the name of the Department of Foods and Nutrition to the Department of Nutritional Sciences. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      2. Proposal for a new minor in American Sign Language. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      3. Proposal for a new minor in Biological and Medical Anthropology. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      4. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Data Analytics in Public Policy. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      5. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in LGBTQ Studies. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      6. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in African Studies. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      7. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Transformative Leadership on the Athens, Gwinnett, and online campuses. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      8. Proposal to reactivate the Graduate Certificate in Creativity and Innovation. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
      9. Proposal for a new major in Artificial Intelligence (Ph.D.). A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
    2. Proposal from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
      1. Proposal to revise the Bylaws for the Committee on Student Life. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
    3. Proposal from the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Baldwin Hall:
      1. Report from the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Baldwin Hall to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee Subcommittee on Baldwin Hall requested to hold two votes concerning the report: a vote requesting that the Executive Committee adopt the recommendations in the report and a vote to send the resolutions in the report to the University Council for consideration. A first vote was called, and the Executive Committee unanimously approved adopting the recommendations in the report. Following discussion, a second vote was called, and the Executive Committee approved placing the resolutions on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda, with 24 in favor, 1 against, and 1 abstention.
  3. Information Items:
    1. From the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
      1. Second Reading: Proposal to revise the University Council Bylaws to approve electronic meetings of the Council and its standing committees. This proposal will appear on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
      2. Second Reading: Proposal to add a sentence to the University Council Bylaws regarding the Faculty Conference. This proposal will appear on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
      3. Second Reading: Proposal to revise information in the University Council Bylaws regarding the UGA representative on the University System of Georgia Faculty Council. This proposal will appear on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
    2. From the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost:
      1. Name Change: From the Housing Demographics Research Center to the Center for Housing and Community Research. This name change will appear as an information item on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
  4. There was no old business to come before the committee.
  5. New Business:
    1. From the COVID-19 Response Committee:
      1. During new business, the chair brought up to the Executive Committee the status of the COVID-19 Response Committee (CRC). As an ad hoc committee formed by the Executive Committee during 2020-2021, the CRC would be dissolved as of the end of the current Council term on June 30, 2021. Co-Chairs Janette Hill and Annette Poulsen informed the Executive Committee that a majority of CRC members were in favor of continuing the work of the committee past June 30 and into the next academic year. The Executive Committee discussed the membership of the CRC and how replacements on the CRC would be made for the next academic year as well as the status of the student representatives on the CRC during the summer. A motion was made by Janet Westpheling for the Executive Committee to continue the CRC into the 2021-2022 academic year. The motion was seconded by Barbara Biesecker. A vote was called,and the Executive Committee unanimously approved the motion. The proposal to continue the CRC into 2021-2022 will appear on the April 21, 2021, University Council agenda.
There being no further new business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

Executive Committee Members Present
Barbara Biesecker
Abigail Borron
Trisha Branan
Wayde Brown
Kevin Burke
Jim Carson
Stephan Durham
Savannah Hembree
Steven Holladay
Jack Hu
Shayla Lee
Fiona Liken
Milton Masciadri
Luke Naeher
Nate Nibbelink
Kerry Oliver
Amy Rosemond
Nina Santus
David Shipley
Pamela Turner
Janet Westpheling
Teena Wilhelm

Executive Committee Members Represented by Substitute
Asim Ahmed (Carter Marks)
Victoria Hasko (Sofia Ivanova)
Itai Himelboim (Jeong-Yeob Han)
Shari Miller (Tiffany Washington)

Record of Votes