University Council Minutes

03/18/2010 03:30 PM - Masters Hall - Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel
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The University Council met on March 18, 2010 in Masters Hall of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Conference Center Hotel. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m. The minutes from the February 4, 2010 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from the President included the following:

  1. Budget Update: The President stated that the optimistic view of the budget is that it is not as bad as it was a month ago. He indicated that the possible budget reductions submitted this past month were in addition to the $101.6 million reductions that have already been made; and these reductions were proposed, as instructed, without taking into consideration any tuition increases. The President stressed that there is nothing left to cut without causing significant harm to some area(s) of the University. The choices are additional cuts affecting things such as 4H, the Botanical Gardens or other very worthy projects or cutting academic programs. He encouraged those in attendance to help the opinion leaders of the state understand the context of the proposed cuts.
    • President Adams stressed the following positive items:

      1. No tenure or tenure-track positions have been jeopardized as a result of the budget reductions.
      2. The University of Georgia continues to be listed in the top 20 of every list that relates to public institutions.
      3. The University is hosting the National Research Consortiums.
      4. This is the 225th anniversary of the signing of the University Charter.
      5. The quality of life throughout campus remains strong even though the University is in the second year of no raises and it is assumed that there will be no raises for the third year.
      6. As a result of very tight fiscal management, the University has been able to accummulate dollars to assist through these difficult times.
      7. The action that the Governor took last week to reduce the additional cuts was beneficial to the University.
  2. Personnel:
    1. The President expressed appreciation to Art Dunning, Vice President for Outreach and Service, for the years of service he has given to the University of Georgia.  Dr. Dunning will be the new Vice Chancellor for International Programs and Outreach at the University of Alabama System.
    2. The President expressed sympathy to the family of Cameron L. Fincher. Dr. Fincher was with the University for over 40 years and is responsible for building the Institute of Higher Education.
  3. Upcoming Events:
    1. The National Research Symposium will be held on campus on April 21.
    2. Celebration of the 225th Anniversary of the signing of the University Charter will take place on April 22 and 23.
    3. Spring Commencement will be held on May 8 with new times for the ceremonies:  the Graduate Ceremony will be held at 10 am in Stegeman Coliseum and the Undergraduate Ceremony will be held at 6:30 pm in Sanford Stadium.


The floor was opened for the following reports:

Scott Weinberg presented proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:

Susan Thomas presented a proposal from the Student Affairs Committee

Bruce Hollett presented a proposal from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:

William Turner presented a proposal from the Strategic Planning Committee followed by Bill Vencil's presentation on the Strategic Plan Development Process and Campus Involvement:

Elizabeth St. Pierre presented a proposal from the Faculty Affairs Committee:

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Council Members 
Represented by proxy (representative)
Adams, Michael    Glenn, Travis   Norman, Naomi   Ainsworth, Scott H.  (Creswin, Michael)
Allen, Sheila    Goodhue, Dale   Oie, Svein    Avery, Sarah  (Masher, Marshall)
Alzuru, Guillermo   Grasso, Maureen    Pagnattaro, Marisa   Burke, Tom  (Woodard, Bobby)
Anderson, Wyatt   Happek, Uwe   Porter, Delene   Clark, E. Culpepper   (Alexander, Alison)
Andrews, Gayle   Hein, Katie   Przybyla, Alan   Campbell, Jake  (Delaney, Josh)
Assaf, Francis   Hermanowicz, Joe   Ritchie, Branson   Cooper, Diane  (Dunn, Merrily)
Ayers, Ben   Hernandez-Divers, Sonia M   Rosemond, Amy   Dyles, Julie  (Vandale, Susan)
Bamber, Michael   Hilton, Nelson   Rumely, Robert   Goodie, Adam  (Bernstein, Irwin)
Bandalos, Deborah   Holladay, Steven   Sanford, Paula   Gale, Jerry  (Wawrzyniak, Heather)
Barham, Jan Davis Honerkamp, Ken   Schuster, Richard   Hill, Janette  (Dayton, John)
Barlow, Katie    Horne, Arthur    Shamp, Scott   Lackey, Nicole  (Thompson, Stephen)
Bennett, Rodney    Houser, Thomas   Sharp, Joshua   McLocklin, Rachel  (Masher, Marshall)
Biringer, Tyler   Houston, Jacquelyn    Shelton, Robin   Netter, Jeff  (Poulsen, Annette)
Bonaparte, Eric   Huang, Yao-wen   Shetterley, Karen   Potter, William  (Barratt, Caroline)
Bradford, W. David   Hunt-Hurst, Patricia   Smagorinsky, Peter   Peterson, Marjorie  (Wyatt, LeMora)
Burgess, Timothy P.    Hurley, David   Spooner, David   Sumichrast, Robert T.   (Perry, Don R.)
Byers, Carly   Ivy, Stuart    Stancil, Phillip   Secord, Cameron   (Doss, Belle)
Caillault, J.P.   Joerschke, Bonnie   Stanley, Deborah   Simmons, Cara  (Connell, Stacy)
Campbell, Alan   Johnston, Spencer   Stickney, John  
Capomacchia, Anthony   Jolly, Laura D.    Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda  
Casey, Daniel   Karls, Anna   Stokes, Garnett   
Constantino, Tracie   Kim, Soyoung   Stooksbury, David  
Cooney, Mark   Koonin, David   StPierre, Elizabeth  
Covich , Alan   Kriesel, Warren   Taha, Thiab  
Cramond, Bonnie   Krunkosky, Thomas   Thomas, Susan  
Crowe, Douglas   Landrum, Tom    Tiller, Lori  
Daniel, Jerry    Lauth, Thomas    Tir, Jaroslav  
Daniels, Richard   Lease, Michele   Tobin, Courtney  
DeMaria, Don   Live, David   Tollner, Bill  
Dorfman, Jeff   Macon, Rebecca    Turner, William Joseph  
Eberle, Roxanne   McDuff, Nancy   Urbauer, Jeff  
Ellis, Angela   Melnik, Margaret   Webber, Meghan  
Fischer, Joan   Millard, Larry   Wilder, Shannon O  
Foster, Mark R   Morehead, Jere    Williams, Phillip   
Freeman, Melissa   Moshi, Lioba   Wunderlich, John  
Gartenberg, Mitch   Nairn, Alison    
Gittleman, John    Nairn, Joe