University Council Minutes

02/04/2010 03:30 PM - Tate Student Center - Grand Hall DEFG
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The University Council met on February 4, 2010 in the Tate Center's Grand Hall DEFG. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. The minutes from the November 5, 2009 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from President Adams included the following:

  • President Adams reiterated that we are not yet through the budget situation but we are slightly better off than his last report to council. Slides and talking points are available from the budget update on January 29, 2010. The restrictions put in place on hiring and purchasing are working and allowed President Adams to allocate four million dollars to Provost Morehead for hiring of faculty members in critical need areas.
  • The Office of Sustainability has opened, with Kevin Kirsche as director. That office is part of the Physical Plant division and will liaison with departments across campus including student organizations, faculty departments and units.
  • President Adams is extremely proud of our students. The sustainability effort and the Dawgs for Haiti project would not have happened without student initiative. The upcoming UGA Miracle is another major fundraiser that the students manage and run.
  • President Adams complimented Grady College and WNEG for hosting their first gubernatorial debate for 2010.
  • This is the 40th anniversary of our Cortona program, the 100th anniversary of our Graduate School and the 225th anniversary of the chartering of the university. There will be a special program on April 22nd and 23rd here on campus in celebration of the 225th anniversary.
  • Last week, ground was broken for the Special Collections Library. The new residence hall, the Georgia Museum of Art and the football facility all continue to make progress.
  • President Adams noted several new administrative appointments: Jere Morehead as Provost; Laura Jolly, interim Vice President for Instruction; Libby Morris, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; and Bob Boehmer, Associate Provost for Academic Planning.
  • Ron Clark, an internationally recognized educator, will deliver the 2010 Holmes/Hunter Lecture at 2 p.m. February 26 in Hodgson Hall in the Performing Arts Center.
  • Discussion regarding a new women's center has been delayed due to lack of available funding. President Adams pledged to form a committee to make recommendations once the funding becomes available.

The floor was opened for the following reports:

David Shipley presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
  1. Proposal for a new minor in African American Studies The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Proposal to reactivate the minor in Fashion Merchandising The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Proposal to offer a dual degree in Foreign Language Education (M.A.T.) and German (M.A.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. Proposal to terminate the major in Social Studies Education (Ed.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. Proposal for an Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 20, Joint Curricular Ventures The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Informational Items:

  • Rodney Mauricio presented information on the Quality Enhancement Plan (attachment d) followed by a lively discussion.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Council Members
 Represented by proxy
Adams, Michael   Honerkamp, Ken   Ritchie, Branson   Angle, Jay Scott  (Broder, Josef)
Ainsworth, Scott H.   Horne, Arthur    Roberts, Phillip   Caillault, J.P.  (Magnani, Loris)
Allen, Lewis   Houser, Thomas   Saltz, David   Campbell, Jake  (Mosher, Marshall)
Andrews, Gayle   Houston, Jacquelyn    Samp, Jennifer   Casey, Daniel  (Levy, Ben)
Assaf, Francis   Huang, Yao-wen   Sarao, Sukhmani   Cooper, Diane  (Dunn, Merrily)
Avery, Sarah   Hunt-Hurst, Patricia   Schiller, David   Crowe, Douglas  (Railsback, Loren)
Bandalos, Deborah   Hurley, David   Schuster, Richard   Evans, William B  (Hawkins, Warren)
Barlow, Katie    Ivy, Stuart    Secord, Cameron    Gittleman, John  (Porter, James)
Batal, Amy   Jolly, Laura D.    Severn, Jill   Happek, Uwe  (Wiegert, Craig)
Bennett, Rodney    Kerr, William   Shelton, Robin   King, Florence  (White, Elizabeth)
Bettinger, Pete   Kidula, Jean   Shetterley, Karen   Lackey, Nicole  (Rimmer, Rachel)
Biringer, Tyler   Kim, Soyoung   Shipley, David   Oie, Svein  (Francisco, George)
Bonaparte, Eric   Koonin, David   Shostak, Robert   Savage, Mason  (Eisenstadt, Shane)
Brown, Lonnie   Kreshel, Peggy   Simmons, Cara  
Brown, Wayde   Kriesel, Warren   Smagorinsky, Peter  
Bultman, Dana   Krunkosky, Thomas   Southwood, Robin  
Burgess, Timothy P.    Landau, David   Spooner, David  
Burke, Tom   Landrum, Tom    Stancil, Phillip  
Byers, Carly   Lauth, Thomas   Stevenson, Katherine  
Campbell, Alan   Lease, Michele   Stickney, John  
Cramond, Bonnie   Lee, David    Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda  
Daniel, Jerry    Lentini, Andrew    StPierre, Elizabeth  
Daniels, Maurice    Macon, Rebecca   Sumichrast, Robert T.   
Davis Barham, Jan   Mauricio, Rodney   Taha, Thiab  
Dorfman, Jeff   McDuff, Nancy   Thomas, Ian  
Dove, Robert   McLocklin, Rachel   Thomas, Susan  
Dyles, Julie   Morehead, Jere    Tiller, Lori  
Ellis, Angela   Moser, Robert   Tir, Jaroslav  
Epps, W. Dennis   Moshi, Lioba   Tollner, Bill  
Fischer, Joan   Nairn, Alison   Turner, Kari  
Foster, Mark R   Nairn, Joe   Turner, William Joseph  
Freeman, Melissa   Navara, Kristen   Urbauer, Jeff  
Gale, Jerry   Netter, Jeff   Wagner, John  
Getch, Yvette   Norman, Naomi   Webber, Meghan  
Glenn, Travis   Pagnattaro, Marisa   Wells, Lenny  
Grasso, Maureen   Porter, Delene   Wilder, Shannon O  
Hein, Katie   Potter, William   Williams, Phillip   
Hermanowicz, Joe   Rawls, Raytheon   Williams-Woodward, Jean  
Hilton, Nelson   Rhodes, Leara   Willis, Kirk  
Holladay, Steven   Ricketts, John   Wunderlich, John