Executive Committee Minutes

09/11/2008 03:30 PM - Room F/G - Georgia Center
View Related Documents Online The University Council Executive Committee met on September 11, 2008 in room F/G of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center & Hotel. Adrian Childs, Chair Elect, called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance were Gayle Andrews, Thomas Artelt, Stephen Rathbun, David Shipley and Susan Thomas. Visitors included Meg Amstutz, Alan Aycock, Debbie Bell, Larry Dendy, Shawn Ellis, Fiona Liken, Jere Morehead, Robert Scott and Jayne Smith.

Dr. Childs welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Executive Committee for the 2008-2009 academic year.

The minutes from the April 10, 2008 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).

Action Items:

  1. Professor David Shipley presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee (attachment b):
    1. Proposal to change the name of the International Center for Democratic Governance to the Carl Vinson Institute of Government International Center  Clarification was provided that the request had been updated for the new name to be Carl Vinson Institute of Government International Center (updated attachment was added after the agenda was distributed). There was a motion made to place this proposal on the September 25, 2008 University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.

    2. Dr. Childs turned over the chair to Bruce Hollett upon his arrival.

    3. Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 7, Centers and Institutes - with edits Following a brief discussion, there was a motion made to place this proposal on the September 25, 2008 University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
    4. Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 13, Syllabus Policy   There was a motion made to place this proposal on the September 25, 2008 University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
  2. Dr. William Vencill presented the University System of Georgia Faculty Council ByLaws – (attachment c). Following a brief discussion, there was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the September 25, 2008 University Council agenda.  The vote was taken and the motion was approved.

Information Items:

  1. Standing committee reports were given from Benefits, Libraries, Educational Affairs, Statutes/Bylaws/Committees, Strategic Planning, and Student Affairs.
  2. Shawn Ellis, Director of Client Services for EITS, presented information on the next generation of email evaluation. Information was presented on possible new email systems and input was sought on what faculty want in an email system. It was recommended that Mr. Ellis distribute a faculty survey as well as speak to various faculty senate groups to get the information out and increase participation in the faculty survey.
  3. Dr. Hollett reminded standing committee chairs that committee meetings should be posted on the master calendar well in advance of the meeting. Names of new committee chairs should be submitted to Rebecca Macon (rmacon@uga.edu) and Kristie Sartain (ksartain@uga.edu). Agenda items and all applicable attachments should be submitted to both Rebecca Macon and Kristie Sartain.
  4. Columns is seeking two volunteers from the University Council to serve as members of an Essay Review Committee. If interested, please contact Rebecca Macon.
  5. A University Council member needs to be selected to serve as representative to the University of Georgia Retirement Association. If interested, please contact Rebecca Macon.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Executive Committee Roster

      Members represented by proxy

Bernstein, Irwin 
Calhoun, Georgia
Childs, Adrian
Clay, Hank
Dorfman, Jeff
Giraudo, Silvia
Herod, Andrew
Hollett, Bruce
Ivy, Stuart
Love, Sarajane
Macon, Rebecca
MCCarthy, Connor
Merkle, Scott
Momany, Cory
Robb, Claire
Spooner, David
St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Zinkhan, George

Arnett Mace