Executive Committee Minutes
04/10/2008 03:30 PM - Student Learning Center - Room 214
The University Council Executive Committee met on April 10, 2008 at 3:30 p.m. in room 214 of the Student Learning Center. William Vencill, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Standing committee chairs in attendance were Thomas Artelt, Don Bower and Adrian Childs. Visitors included Renate Born, Alan Campbell, Kathleen deMarrais, Larry Dendy, John Glisson, Alan Godlas, Nina Hellerstein, Ron Hendrick, Nelson Hilton, Charles Hofacre, Fiona Liken, Jere Morehead, Walter Potter, and Jayne Smith.
Dr. Vencill thanked Bruce Hollett for presiding over the March 20, 2008 Executive Committee meeting during his absence. Dr. Vencill also extended his appreciation to everyone for their participation in Council activities. Special thanks were given to the standing committee chairs for all of their hard work this academic year. Rebecca Macon and Doris Lord were thanked for their support of the University Council and its committees.
The minutes from the March 20, 2008 Executive Committee meeting were approved as distributed (attachment a).
Action Items:
Dr. Vencill then presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
- A proposal for a major in Arabic under the Bachelor of Arts degree. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal for a Master of Avian Health and Medicine (M.A.H.M.). There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal to offer the following majors under the Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.).
Early Childhood Education
Middle School Education
Social Studies Education
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Teaching Additional Languages
Special Education
There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal to terminate the Master of Arts for Teachers (M.A.T.) in French and Spanish. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal to terminate the Master of Arts for Teachers (M.A.T.) in German. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal for a non-thesis option in German under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.). There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal for a non-thesis option in Romance Languages, French and Spanish under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.). There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal for an Undergraduate Certificate in Writing. A friendly amendment was made and accepted to split the table on page six at the end of the English course listings and insert "Students in the Grady College may substitute any of the following courses for this requirement." before listing the journalism courses. There was a motion made and seconded to place the amended proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal to change the Artificial Intelligence Center to the Institute for Artificial Intelligence. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal to change the name of the major in Exercise Science to Kinesiology under the M.S., M.S. non-thesis, and Ph.D. degrees. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
- Proposal for a Master of Natural Resources. There was a motion made and seconded to place this proposal on the April 22, 2008 University Council agenda. The vote was taken and the motion was approved.
Dr. Vencill stated that the changes approved by Council in the general education curriculum in 2006 have been approved by the Board of Regents. Incoming freshmen will be the first class to complete their college careers under the newly approved curriculum. Kudos were extended to the University Curriculum Committee for their work on the general education curriculum.
In addition, Dr. Vencill stated that the Chancellor formed a group to examine the University System of Georgia Core Curriculum framework this past summer. President Dorothy Leland from Georgia College and State University is in charge of the group. Dr. Vencill is serving on the steering committee of this group and Nelson Hilton is the UGA faculty representative to this group. The group had a retreat in Athens in February 2008 and produced two preliminary models for a core curriculum framework. President Leland sent this to faculty at each institution for feedback without explanation of rationale or process. A group of faculty at Georgia State University has formed a protest web site and blog and petition to oppose the initiative. When UGA was asked for a response, it was decided that to it would be problematic for two reasons. First, it bypasses faculty governance procedures by not going through curriculum committees, etc. Secondly, UGA is in the final stages of implementing our own general education changes and without doubt there would be mass confusion at a critical juncture of implementing the University of Georgia General Education Curriculum. The latest from the USG Core Curriculum Initiative is that curriculum committees from each USG institution will be involved in the process. The time line for the USG Core Curriculum Initiative is to have a framework ready by 2010 with individual institutional approval through respective faculty governance process by 2012.
It was requested and approved that the proposed framework for the formation of a faculty governance for the University System of Georgia be changed from an action item to an information item for the Executive Committee only (attachment c). Dr. Vencill stated that the framework still needs a fair amount of deliberation prior to a vote being taken on it.
A ballot with Program Review and Assessment Committee appointments were given to committee members with instructions for members to leave their completed ballots at the front of the room upon departure from the meeting.
It was announced that Adrian Childs will be the Chair-Elect of the Executive Committee during 2008-2009.
Information Items:
- The second and final reading of proposed changes to the University Bylaws from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees will be an action item at the April 22, 2008 Council meeting (attachment d).
- The second and final reading of proposed changes to the University Statutes (as amended at the March 20 Council meeting) from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees will be an action item at the April 22, 2008 Council meeting (attachment e).
- A standing committee report was given from the University Libraries Committee.
New Business:
- Shannon Scott, President of Staff Council, expressed concern about staff not receiving annual evaluations. In addition, support from supervisors of many staff is lacking to allow involvement in Staff Council and University Council. Provost Mace suggested that Ms. Scott write a letter to Tom Gausvik and copy Tim Burgess, President Adams and himself so these concerns can be addressed.
- Kenneth Honerkamp was appointed to replace Claudia Shamp on the Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee.
- Dr. Mace thanked Dr. Vencill for his outstanding leadership as chair of the Executive Committee during this academic year. Rebecca Macon and Doris Lord were also thanked for the support they provide Council and its standing committees.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
Executive Committee roster
Members represented by proxy
Calhoun, Georgia
Childs, Adrian
Frick, Janet
Harris, Ruth
Harrison, Georgia
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Langston, David
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Momany, Cory
Scott, Shannon
Vencill, William
Zinkhan, George
Lipp, Erin
McCarthy, Connor