University Council Minutes

04/27/2010 03:30 PM - Masters Hall - Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel
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The University Council met on April 27, 2010 in Masters Hall of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Conference Center Hotel. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. The minutes from the March 18, 2010 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The Report from the President included the following:

  • President Adams thanked everyone that served this year on University Council and the Standing Committees.  He thanked Adrian Childs, Executive Committee Chair, Dr. Chuck Gruner, Parliamentarian, Rebecca Macon, Registrar and University Council Secretary, and Kristie Sartain for their roles in supporting UC.
  • This has been a very challenging year for the university. The faculty, the staff, the administration and the student body have pulled together for the common good. President Adams stressed that this partnership is how the University has gotten through this difficult year. 
  • Recent and upcoming events
    • Seven students have won national scholarship awards
    • Dr. Han Park was awarded the Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Prize. He is the tenth recipient of the award, which is designed to promote peace and positive social transformation by honoring those demonstrating extraordinary global leadership through nonviolent means.
    • The University has been celebrating the 225th anniversary of the signing of our charter; and the President expressed appreciation to Dr. Walsh Suggs and Dr. Tom Dyer for their leadership with this celebration.
    • President Adams thanked George Stafford for his leadership of the Stadion Athens Classic Nationwide Tour Golf Tournament that was held at UGA for the first time.
    • Final exams are next week and commencement will be held on May 8, 2010.  This year, the Graduate Ceremony will be held at 10 am and the Undergraduate Ceremony will be held at 6:30 pm.
    • There will be major repaving of roads around campus this summer.
    • The Medical Partnership Building will be dedicated in August.
    • The new residenced hall is nearing completion and will be open this fall.
    • The President will hold a Budget Update Session on May 19, 2010 at 4pm in the Tate Theater.

The floor was opened for the following reports:

Action Items:
  1. David Shipley presented proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal for the following four new majors: The vote was called and the proposal was approved
      Integrative Conservation and Anthropology (Ph.D.)
      Integrative Conservation and Ecology (Ph.D.)
      Integrative Conservation and Forestry and Natural Resources (Ph.D.)
      Integrative Conservation and Geography (Ph.D.)
    2. Proposal to offer the existing major in Agribusiness (B.S.A.) as an external degree on the Tifton Campus The vote was called and the proposal was approved
      Tifton Market Study
    3. Proposal for the following Graduate Certificates in Clinical Residency in Pharmacy: The vote was called and the proposal was approved
      PGY-1 Clinical Residency in Pharmacy
      PGY-2 Clinical Residency in Pharmacy
    4. Proposal to change the name of the major in Instructional Technology (M.Ed., Ed.S., Ph.D.) to Learning, Design, and Technology (M.Ed., Ed.S., Ph.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    5. Proposal to change the name of the major in Physiology (Ph.D.) to Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology (Ph.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    6. Proposal to terminate the major in Pharmacology (Ph.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    7. Proposal for a new Institute for Evidence–Based Health Professions Education (I.E.B.H.P.E.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    8. Proposal for a new Center for the Collaborative Study of Gene-Social Environment Transactions (C-GSET) The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    9. Proposal for a revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 1, New Degree or Major Programs The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    10. Proposal for a revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 2, Interdisciplinary Certificate Programs The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    11. Proposal for a revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 13, Course Syllabus The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    12. Proposal to separate the current Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 17, Extended Education into two policies:
      1. Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 17, Extended Education The vote was called and the proposal was approved with a friendly amendment.
      2. Proposal for Academic Affairs Statement No. 19, Distance Education The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Gayle Andrews presented proposals from the Educational Affairs Committee
    1. Proposed edits to the Hardship Withdrawal Policy The vote was called and the proposal was approved
    2. Proposed 2011-2012 Academic Calendar The vote was called and the proposal was approved
  3. Bruce Hollett presented the second and final reading of the proposed changes to the University Bylaws from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees   He indicated that his committee was withdrawing the proposed change to the Faculty Grievance Committee.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    1. Proposed changes to University Council Bylaw
  4. David Live, UC member, (submitted under the provision of the Bylaws, Part I, Section 1.B.6.g. with 51 signatures obtained from faculty) presented a policy on any future furloughs to include exemptions for those on sponsored funds. (Attachment A ) Following a lengthy discussion, a motion was made and seconded to refer the item to the appropriate standing committee. The vote was taken and division was called. A vote by show of hands was taken and the motion to refer the item to the appropriate committee passed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:06 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

Council Members in Attendance
Council Members Represented by Proxy
Adams, Michael   Goodhue, Dale Potter, William   Angle, Jay Scott  (Bertrand, Jean)
Allen, Lewis Goodie, Adam Przybyla, Alan Bennett, Rodney  (Rasmussen, Andrew)
Allen, Sheila   Grasso, Maureen   Reber, Bryan Campbell, Jake (Brown, Justin)
Alzuru, Guillermo Hein, Katie Ritchie, Branson Casey, Daniel (Green, Christopher)
Andrews, Gayle Hernandez-Divers, Sonia M Roberts, Phillip Clark, E. Culpepper  (Hollifield, Ann)
Assaf, Francis Herod, Andrew Rosemond, Amy Karls, Anna (Stabb, Eric)
Avery, Sarah Hilton, Nelson Rumely, Robert Lackey, Nicole (Thompson, Stephen)
Ayers, Ben Honerkamp, Ken Saltz, David Lease, Michele (Ardoin, Scott)
Barlow, Katie   Houston, Jacquelyn Sanford, Paula McLocklin, Rachel (Doss, Belle)
Bettinger, Pete Huang, Yao-wen Sarao, Sukhmani Peterson, Marjorie (Stanfield, Joshua)
Biringer, Tyler Hunt-Hurst, Patricia Secord, Cameron   Shostak, Robert (Moret, Lauren)
Bonaparte, Eric Hurley, David Severn, Jill Stickney, John (Suggs, Wayne)
Brown, Lonnie Ivy, Stuart   Shamp, Scott
Brown, Wayde Joerschke, Bonnie Sharp, Joshua
Burgess, Timothy P.   Johnston, Spencer Shelton, Robin
Burke, Tom Jolly, Laura D.   Shipley, David
Byers, Carly Kidula, Jean Smagorinsky, Peter
Caillault, J.P. Kim, Soyoung Southwood, Robin
Campbell, Alan King, Lauren Spooner, David
Cooney, Mark Kriesel, Warren Stancil, Phillip
Cramond, Bonnie Landau, David Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda
Crowe, Douglas Lauth, Thomas   Sumichrast, Robert T.  
Crystal, Jonathon Live, David Taha, Thiab
Daniel, Jerry Macon, Rebecca   Thomas, Ian
Davis Barham, Jan McDuff, Nancy Tiller, Lori
DeMaria, Don Melnik, Margaret Tir, Jaroslav
Dorfman, Jeff Millard, Larry Tollner, Bill
Dyles, Julie Miller, William Turner, Kari
Elder, Deborah Morehead, Jere   Urbauer, Jeff
Ellis, Angela Moser, Robert Wagner, John
Epps, W. Dennis Moshi, Lioba Wells, Lenny
Foster, Mark R Nairn, Alison Williams, Phillip  
Freeman, Melissa Nairn, Joe Williams-Woodward, Jean
Gartenberg, Mitch Oie, Svein   Willis, Kirk
Gittleman, John   Pagnattaro, Marisa Wunderlich, John
Glenn, Travis Porter, Delene