University Council Minutes
09/25/2008 03:30 PM - Room 213 - Sanford Hall
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The University Council met on September 25, 2008 in room 213 of Sanford Hall. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
The minutes from the April 22, 2008 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.
The report from President Adams included the following:
- Dr. Adams thanked Dr. Bruce Hollett, Dr. Charles Gruner, Rebecca Macon, and Kristie Sartain for their roles in supporting University Council during the 08-09 academic year.
- Dr. Adams stated that the state budget situation remains the top issue on his mind. He met with Governor Perdue on September 24, 2008 and assured us that Gov. Perdue is very aware of our issues related to budget reductions. Dr. Adams has held two general campus-wide forums on the budget situation as well as one with the Franklin College of Arts & Sciences. The budget situation is still somewhat fluid. What we know right now is that we've been asked to set aside 6% in budget reductions, the raises for January are still in the budget, and the governor reserves the right to make additional budgetary changes if the situation demands such. Dr. Adams indicated that UGA is 22.5% of the University System of Georgia budget. Dr. Adams said he would provide an update when he has one to provide. He indicated that avoiding layoffs is the number one priority.
- Dr. Adams reported that we just completed the Archway to Excellence Campaign which started with a goal of $500 million and ended with donations totaling just over $653 million. This will be celebrated at the annual President's Club's reception tomorrow evening. Dr. Adams thanked faculty and staff for their donations.
- Dr. Adams welcomed Professor Daniel J. Nadenicek, Dean, College of Environment & Design. Dr. Adams also mentioned Dr. Arthur M. Horne is the new dean of the College of Education. Dr. Horne could not be with us today.
- Dr. Adams provided an update on the Ombudspersons Program which has been established to help guide people through the process of resolving conflicts or reporting violations of UGA policy. Shay Davis Little, director of administrative operations in University Housing, will serve as the ombudsperson for students. Anne Proffitt Dupre, a nationally recognized expert in education law and policy, will serve as the ombudsperson for faculty members. Kathryn M. Chetney, senior employee relations counselor of the UGA’s Human Resources Office of Faculty and Staff Relations, will serve as the ombudsperson for staff members.
- Dr. Adams introduced Steve Shi, Director, and E. Janyce Dawkins, Associate Director, of the Equal Opportunity Office. Dr. Adams stressed his committment to non-discrimination and non-harressment on campus.
- Dr. Adams announced that he will provide an update on child care and the women's center at future University Council meetings.
- Dr. Adams noted several upcoming events:
- The UGA Research Foundation will hold its first meeting of the year at 10 am on September 26, 2008.
- On September 26, 2008, at 2 pm, there will be a dedication ceremony for the naming of one of the residence halls in East Campus Village the S. Ernest Vandiver Jr. Hall in honor of the state's chief executive officer from 1958 - 1963.
- On October 10, 2008, at 2 pm there will be a dedication ceremony as the East Village Commons will be named the Joe Frank Harris Commons in honor of the state's governor from 1983 - 1991.
- On October 17, 2008, the Student Learning Center will be renamed the Zell B. Miller Learning Center at a dedication recognizing Zell Miller for his 60 years of public service including two terms as governor from 1991 - 99 and four years in the U.S. Senate.
The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:
Executive Committee (attachment a)
Staff Council (attachment b)
Student Government Association (attachment c)
Graduate Student Association (attachment d)
Curriculum Committee (attachment e)
Professor David Shipley presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee:
- Proposal to change the name of the International Center for Democratic Governance to the Carl Vinson Institute of Government International Center The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
- Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 7, Centers and Institutes - with edits After lengthy discussion, Professor Shipley withdrew the motion and agreed to take it back to committee for further review and input from various centers and institutes on campus.
- Revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 13, Syllabus Policy The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
Dr. William Vencill presented the proposed University System of Georgia Faculty Council ByLaws – (attachment f) A motion was made from the floor and seconded to approve the proposal. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
University Council Roster |
Represented by proxy (representative)
Davis Adams |
Michael Adams |
Sheila Allen |
Guillermo Alzuru |
Jay Scott Angle |
Steve Baginski |
Michael Bamber |
Katie Barlow |
Jamie Beggerly |
Rodney Bennett |
Carl Bergmann |
Irwin Bernstein |
Payton Bradford |
Chad Brantley |
Peggy Brickman |
Lonnie Brown |
Wayde Brown |
Charles Bullock |
Dana Bultman |
Timothy P. Burgess |
Georgia Calhoun |
Alan Campbell |
Anthony Capomacchia |
Anthony Casedonte |
Adrian Childs |
Manjeet Chinnan |
Hank Clay |
Michael L. Clutter |
Tracie Constantino |
Mark Cooney |
Diane Cooper |
Matthew Cox |
David Cromley |
Douglas Crowe |
Robert Curtis |
Jerry Daniel |
Maurice Daniels |
Banks Deal |
Hugh Dookwah |
Jeff Dorfman |
Wojciech Florkowski |
Joe Goetz |
Adam Goodie |
Maureen Grasso |
Andrew Herod |
Nelson Hilton |
Bruce Hollett |
Thomas Houser |
Jacquelyn Houston |
Patricia Hunt-Hurst |
David Hurley |
Stuart Ivy |
Loch Johnson |
Laura D. Jolly |
Anna Karls |
Jean Kidula |
Thomas Krunkosky |
Melissa Kurz |
Thomas Lauth |
Michele Lease |
Arnett Mace |
Rebecca Macon |
Hugh Martin |
Connor McCarthy |
Nancy McDuff |
Scott Merkle |
Richard Milford |
Larry Millard |
John Miller |
Blake Mitchell |
Jere Morehead |
Henry Munneke |
Daniel Nadenicek |
Joe Nairn |
Svein Oie |
Marisa Pagnattaro |
William Potter |
Sonja Pruitt |
Paul Quick |
Stephen Rathbun |
Bryan Reber |
Amy Rosemond |
Amy Ross |
Mitch Rothstein |
Kathy Roulston |
Robert Rumely |
Jennifer Samp |
Larry Scott |
Robin Shelton |
David Shipley |
Melissa Shivers |
Leah Sibley |
Cara Simmons |
Peter Smagorinsky |
David Spooner |
Deborah Stanley |
Garnett Stokes |
Elizabeth StPierre |
Thiab Taha |
Susan Thomas |
Bill Tollner |
Phillip Williams |
Kirk Willis |
Doug Winn |
William Wraga |
George Zinkhan |
Christopher Allen (Brock Tessman) |
Gayle Andrews (Derrick Aldridge) |
Caroline Cason (Elizabeth White) |
E. Culpepper Clark (Alison Alexander) |
Arthur Dunning (Trish Kalivoda) |
Jerry Gale (J. Maria Bermudez) |
John Gittleman (James W. Porter) |
Arthur Horne (Cheri Hoy) |
Alexander Kaufman (Dan Kapust) |
David Landau (Bernd Schuttler) |
Robert Moser (Luis Correa-Diaz) |
Naomi Norman (Sarah Spence) |
Lori Tiller (Vickie Coker) |
Cynthia Vail (Alicia Davis) |
Pamela Voekel (Chris Cuomo) |
Jace Weaver (Doris Kadish) |