University Council Minutes

02/05/2009 03:30 PM - Mahler Auditorium - Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel
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The University Council met on February 5, 2009 in the Mahler Auditorium - Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center & Hotel. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

The minutes from the December 4, 2008 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

President Adams talked about the contributions the late Dr. Henry King Stanford made to the University while he served as interim president from July 1986 – July 1987.  Dr. Stanford, who died on New Year’s Day, led the university through a very difficult time and made a substantial impact on the university.  President Adams asked Council members and all guests to join him in a moment of silence in memory of Dr. Stanford and in appreciation of his contributions to the university.


The report from President Adams included the following:

  1. Budget Update:  President Adams indicated that, baring any unforeseen circumstances, he believes we will make it through Fiscal Year 2009 without any layoffs or furloughs.  The Governor is expected to provide his updated revenue estimate for 2009 as well as for 2010 in the next few days.  It will be the middle to the end of April before there is more concrete information on the budget situation for Fiscal Year 2010.
  2. Capital Budget:  The Governor’s proposed budget includes $6.4 million for a new energy substation for the northwest quadrant of campus.  This will assist with energy conservation and distribution.  Also included is an additional $30 million for the Special Collections Library.  This $30 million will be matched with $15 million from donations.
  3. Student Fee:  The special fee of $100 assessed to students this spring semester helped save 30 sections of classes.  While he regrets the necessity of having to implement this fee, the President said that he could not guarantee that it would disappear or that it won’t be increased in the future.
  4. Campaign for Charities:  President Adams expressed his appreciation to the faculty and staff for their pledges to the Campaign.  He stated that the total of $437,000 pledged is an indication of the strong ethics and commitment to the needs of our community of our faculty and staff.
  5. Stimulus Plan:  On February 23 and 24, President Adams will be one of twenty presidents from major universities that will meet in Washington, DC to discuss the impact on higher education of President Obama’s stimulus plan.
  6. Peanut Industry:  President Adams asked that everyone remember that the current salmonella outbreak is a processing issue at one company and not a peanut industry issue.  The peanut industry provides approximately 55,000 jobs here in Georgia which are now at risk.
  7. Athletic Association:  President Adams expressed his appreciation to the Athletic Association for their financial contribution and indicated that this one-time money (which cannot be used for faculty positions) will be used towards research, supplies and travel.

The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:
Executive Committee (attachment a)
Benefits Committee(attachment b)
Statutes & Bylaws Committee (attachment c)
Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment d)
Student Affairs Committee (attachment e)
Curriculum Committee (attachment f)
Educational Affairs Committee (attachment g)

Professor David Shipley presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:

  1. Proposal to terminate the major in Greek under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.)The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Proposal to terminate the major in Latin (thesis option) under the Master of Arts degree (M.A.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Proposal to terminate the major in English under the Master of Arts in Teaching degree (M.A.T.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. Proposal to terminate the major in Language Education under the Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  5. Proposal to terminate the major in Reading Education under the Doctor of Education degree (Ed.D.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  6. Proposal to offer a major in English Education under the Master of Arts for Teachers degree (M.A.T.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  7. Proposal to terminate the major in Physical Education and Sport Studies under the M.Ed., M.A., Ed.D., and Ph.D. degrees The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  8. Proposal to terminate the major in Anatomy under the Master of Science degree (M.S.)The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  9. Proposal to terminate the major in Physiology and Pharmacology under the Master of Science degree (M.S.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  10. Proposal to offer a non-thesis option in Physics under the Master of Science degree (M.S.) The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  11. Proposal to offer the major in Higher Education under the Doctor in Education (Ed.D.) in the Atlanta area The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  12. Proposal to offer a major in Mechanical Engineering under the B.S.M.E. degree The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  13. Proposal to offer a major in Electrical and Electronics Engineering under the B.S.E.E. degree The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  14. Proposal to offer a major in Civil Engineering under the B.S.C.E. degree The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  15. Proposal to change the name of the Master of Agricultural Economics (M.A.E.) to the Master of Agribusiness (M.A.B.)The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Information Item:

From the Educational Affairs Committee:  Revision of University of Georgia policy on academic advising, Academic Affairs Policy 4.01-4 (attachment h )

Other Reports:
Connor McCarthy presented a report for the Student Government Association. (attachment i)
Hank Clay presented a report for the Graduate Student Association. (attachment j)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

University Council Roster Represented by proxy (representative)
Adams, Michael Allen, Christopher  (Tessman, Brock)
Alzuru, Guillermo    Allen, Sheila  (Dickerson, Harry) 
Anderson, Wyatt    Barlow, Katie (Chicgo, Chris)
Batelli, Nicki     Bergmann, Carl   (Aamir, Saeid Roushan)
Bennett, Rodney     Burgess, Timothy P.  (Pharr, Kathy R.)  
Bernstein, Irwin    Clark, E. Culpepper    (Hollifield, Ann)
Bettinger, Pete    Cooper, Diane   (Dunn, Merrily)
Bonaparte, Eric    Deal, Banks   (Walker, MacKenzie)
Bothe, Anne    Dunning, Arthur    (Kalivoda, Trish)
Bradford, Payton    Florkowski, Wojciech   (Huang, C.L.)
Brantley, Chad    Goetz, Joe   (Chatterjee, Swarn)
Brickman, Peggy    Horne, Arthur    (Hoy, Cheri)
Brown, Wayde    Houser, Thomas   (Hocking, Christopher)
Bultman, Dana    Lease, Michele   (Satwicz, Tom)
Calhoun, Georgia    Moser, Robert   (Correa-Diaz, Luis)
Campbell, Alan    Oie, Svein  (Francisco, George) 
Casedonte, Anthony    Ricketts, John   (Fuhrman, Nick)
Cason, Caroline     Simmons, Cara   (Rush, S. Bryan)
Childs, Adrian    Stokes, Garnett  (Ruppersburg, Hugh) 
Clay, Hank    Williams, Phillip    (Galen, Robert S.)
Constantino, Tracie    Wraga, William   (Preissle, Jude)
Cooney, Mark   
Cramond, Bonnie   
Cromley, David   
Crowe, Douglas   
Curtis, Robert   
Daniel, Jerry    
Dookwah, Hugh   
Dorfman, Jeff   
Gale, Jerry   
Giraudo, Silvia   
Gittleman, John    
Glenn, Travis   
Goodhue, Dale   
Goodie, Adam   
Grasso, Maureen
Herod, Andrew   
Hilton, Nelson   
Hollett, Bruce   
Honerkamp, Ken   
Houston, Jacquelyn    
Hunt-Hurst, Patricia   
Hurley, David   
Ivy, Stuart    
Jolly, Laura D.    
Karls, Anna   
Kidula, Jean   
Krunkosky, Thomas   
Landau, David   
Lee, David    
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Maier, Robert   
McCarthy, Connor    
McDuff, Nancy   
Merkle, Scott   
Millard, Larry   
Miller, John   
Mitchell, Blake   
Morehead, Jere    
Nairn, Joe   
Noakes, Scott   
Norman, Naomi   
Pagnattaro, Marisa   
Potter, William
Pruitt, Sonja   
Przybyla, Alan   
Quinlan, Susan   
Rathbun, Stephen   
Reber, Bryan   
Ross, Amy   
Roulston, Kathy   
Rumely, Robert   
Samp, Jennifer   
Scott, Larry   
Shelton, Robin   
Shipley, David   
Shivers, Melissa   
Sibley, Leah   
Smagorinsky, Peter   
Spooner, David   
Stanley, Deborah   
StPierre, Elizabeth   
Taha, Thiab   
Thomas, Susan   
Tiller, Lori   
Tollner, Bill   
Vail, Cynthia   
Zinkhan, George