University Council Minutes

10/04/2006 03:30 PM - Mahler Auditorium - Georgia Center for Continuing Education
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The University Council met on October 4, 2006 in the Mahler Auditorium of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. President Adams acknowledged Susan Mattern-Parkes, Executive Committee Chair 2006-2007; Chuck Gruner, acting as Parliamentarian; Rebecca Macon, University Council Secretary; and Doris Lord, Secretary to the University Council Secretary.

The minutes from the April 25, 2006 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

President Adams' report included the following:

  1. Dr. Adams stated this has been another very good recruitment year for the University; one could argue the best class in institutional history, certainly the highest grade point average. It is impressive that twenty percent of the 5,020 freshman are non-caucasian, the highest percentage of minority growth in the history of the University. There is very strong growth in Hispanic students, African-American students and Asian students. There were 386 incoming Asian-American students and the numbers for other racial and ethnic groups increased as well. This year's freshman class came from 400 different Georgia high schools in 148 counties. Fifteen percent of the class is from out-of state, forty percent of the freshman have social security numbers indicating they were born out-of-state. Four hundred of the first year freshman are the first in their families to attend college.
  2. Dr. Adams welcomed 20 Foundation Fellows with an average SAT score of 1501 and seven Ramsey Scholars with an average SAT score of 1522. The Honors College also continues to be impressive.
  3. The Provost was complimented on his creation of a 30 member task force to look at graduate education. As the 100th anniversary of the Graduate School approaches in 2010, the task force will discuss where we are and where we need to go with our graduate program.
  4. The following items were noted for the record:
    • Tim Burgess was named the new senior vice president for finance and administration
    • Cheryl Dozier was named the new associate provost for institutional diversity
    • Judy Shaw was named the permanent associate provost for international affairs after holding the position for 14 months on an interim basis
    • Cully Clark was named the dean of the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
    • Jan Hathcote was thanked for serving as interim dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences
    • Scott Weinberg was thanked for his service as interim dean of the College of Environment and Design
    • Del Dunn, vice president for instruction, will retire on December 1 after four decades of service to the University
    • Jere Morehead was thanked for his willingness to serve as vice president for instruction on an interim basis
    • Dick Porterfield, dean of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, will retire on December 1
    • Steve Wrigley was thanked for his service as senior vice president for external affairs
    • Meg Amstutz will become chief of staff in the President's Office as Tom Landrum steps into the vice president of external affairs position on an interim basis on January 1
    • The Development Committee has raised over 180 million dollars - a remarkable increase from previous years
  5. Dr. Adams stated he is especially pleased with minority recruitment. The University is now 13th in awarding Ph.D.s to African-Americans. A four million dollar grant was received from the Goizueta Foundation to support Hispanic research, added to the original 3.8 million dollars. Almost five million dollars from the National Hispanic Scholarship Fund to support Hispanic development was also received. Sara Martinez Tucker, Hispanic Scholarship Fund president, has been nominated by the president to become the deputy secretary of education. Dr. Adams welcomed Professor Pedro Portes, who has been named The Goizueta Foundation Distinguished Chair of Latino Teacher Education at the University.
  6. Upcoming events:
    • The dedication of the John Fontaine Jr. Center for Alcohol Awareness and Education will be at 4pm on October 6 at the University Health Center.
    • Arch Foundation Board of Trustees will meet on North Campus on October 12-13.
    • On October 13 the re-dedication of Old College will be held on North Campus at 10:30 am.
    • Dedication ceremony for the new McWhorter Hall in the East Village housing complex will take place at 3 pm on October 20
    • U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, will be the speaker at the Tucker Dorsey Blue Key Alumni Banquet on October 20 at 6:30 pm at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education
    • The Carter Administration 30th Anniversary Conference will be held on January 19-21, 2007. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter will be in attendance. There will be a three-day symposium entitled The Carter Presidency: Lessons for the 21st Century and a town-hall meeting with the former president. Leading scholars, Carter administration officials and journalists will participate discussing energy policy, the Middle East, Islamic fundamentalism, environmental concerns and human rights.

The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:

  • Executive Committee (attachment a). Dr. Mattern-Parkes encouraged faculty to make their concerns and ideas known to the appropriate standing committee or the Executive Committee.
  • Committee on Facilities (attachment b)
  • Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment c)
  • Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (attachment d)
  • Committee on Student Affairs (attachment e)
  • Educational Affairs Committee (attachment f)
  • Faculty Admissions Committee - no report
  • Faculty Conference - no report
  • Faculty Grievance Committee - no report
  • Faculty Post-Tenure Review - no report
  • Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee - no report
  • Strategic Planning Committee - no report
  • University Libraries Committee - no report

Dr. William Vencill gave the standing committee report from the University Curriculum Committee (attachment g).

Dr. Vencill then presented the following proposals on behalf of the Curriculum Committee (attachment h):

  1. A proposal for a Dual Degree between Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. A proposal for a non-thesis option for the major in Housing and Consumer Economics (M.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Dr. Mary Anne Akers gave the standing committee report from the Faculty Benefits Committee (attachment i).

Dr. Akers then presented a proposal to submit a letter to President Adams and the Chancellor expressing concerns over recent changes to the Optional Retirement Plan (attachment j). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

Dr. Peter Shedd gave the standing committee reports from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees (attachment k).

Dr. Shedd then gave the second and final reading of the following proposals for changes to the University Statutes and the University Council Bylaws on behalf of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees (attachment l). Dr. Shedd requested that motions one through four be voted on as a package. The vote was called and the proposals were approved.

  1. Motion one - Amend Article XVII of the University Statutes to include eight additional staff representatives as members of the University Council.
  2. Motion two - Add a new paragraph to Part V., Section III. E. of the University Council Bylaws and change the lettering of subsequent paragraphs accordingly to include the additional staff representatives as added in motion one.
  3. Motion three - Change the wording of the last sentence of the University Council Bylaws, Part V., Section III. B. to include the word "staff".
  4. Motion four - Change Article V, Sections 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of the University Statutes to include staff as members of the University Council.

Dr. Shedd then presented motions five and six together for the second and final reading of proposals for changes to the University Council Bylaws. The vote was called and the proposals were approved.

  1. Motion five - Change in order to clarify Standing Committee membership sections in Part I, Sections I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV of the University Council Bylaws.
  2. Motion six (to be considered concurrently with motion five) - Deletion of Part V., IV (with re-numbering of subsequent sections) of the University Council Bylaws.

The first information item was a solicitation for nominations for honorary degree candidates by Dr. Susan Quinlan, chair, Committee on Honorary Degrees. Information on submission of nominees can be viewed in attachment m.

Rebecca Macon introduced JD Patrick, IT Professional in the Office of the Registrar, who designed the Status of Motions portion of the Council web site. Mr. Patrick and Doris Lord worked on loading previous Council motions to the site. Ms. Macon indicated that this is a work in progress. Mr. Patrick then gave a demo of the new Status of Motions addition to the Council web site as the second information item.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Rebecca L. Macon University Council Secretary

University Council roster

Members represented by proxy

Adams, Michael
Akers, Mary Anne
Allen, Christopher
Allen, Sheila
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, Wyatt
Bamber, Michael
Beasley, Vanessa
Bennett, Rodney
Benson, George
Bergmann, Carl
Bothe, Anne
Bowers, Kathryn
Bride, Brian
Brooks, Dwight
Brosius, Peter
Brown, Mark
Bullock, Charles
Butchart, Ron
Calhoun, Georgia
Capomacchia, Anthony
Cason, Caroline
Castenell, Louis
Caudill, Justin
Chepyator-Thomson, Rose
Childs, Adrian
Dahl, Eric
Daniels, Dick
Davis, Jolene
DerVartanian, Dan
Duncan, Dennis
Dunham, Richard
Dunn, Del
Dunning, Arthur
Edison, Diane
Feldman, Daniel
Felson, Nancy
Ferguson, Duncan
Florkowske, Wojciech
Fowler, Laurie
Frick, Janet
Fu, Zhen
Gibbons, Ali
Giraudo, Silvia
Glenn, Jamarl
Grab, Ryan
Harriman, Jay
Harrison, Georgia
Hathcote, Jan
Hill, Janette
Hodler, Thomas
Hollett, Bruce
Hook, Jim
Houser, Thomas
Hume, Janice
Jaskyte, Kristina
Johnson, Jeremiah
Johnson, Loch
Jones, Catherine
Keith, Charles
Koballa, Thomas
Langston, David
Lariscy, RuthAnn
Lauth, Thomas
Lewis, Steven
Little, Susan
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Maltese, John
Mattern-Parkes, Susan
Mauricio, Rodney
Merkle, Scott
Mewborn, Denise
Milford, Richard
Miller, John
Momany, Cory
Munneke, Henry
Newman, Amanda
Nielsen, Kristin
Noakes, Scott
Oie, Svein
O'Looney, John
Peper, Jamie
Porterfield, Richard
Pryzbyla, Alan
Quinlan, Susan
Rathbun, Stephen
Reed, Tiffany
Ritz, Casey
Rothstein, Mitch
Roulston, Kathy
Saltz, David
Scott, Lindsey
Scott, Shannon
Shamp, Claudia
Shedd, Peter
Shipley, David
St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Stokes, Garnett
Taha, Thiab
van Iersel, Marc
Vencill, William
Weaver, Jace
Weinberg, Scott
West, Joe
Womble, Myra
Wraga, William
Wright, David
Yager, Patricia
Zinkhan, George
Bailey, Laura
Budsberg, Steve
Chinnan, Manjeet
Clark, Culpepper
Correa-Diaz, Luis
Daniels, Maurice
Dookwah, Hugh
Fuller, Rahmel
Hill, Michael
Mohler, Brittany
Nilton, Nelson
Norman, Naomi
Potter, William
Quick, Paul
Williams, Phillip