The minutes from the November 2, 2006 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.
President Adams' report included the following:
The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:
Executive Committee (attachment a)
Benefits Committee (attachment b)
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (attachment c)
University Libraries Committee (attachment d)
Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees - Peter Shedd reminded all standing committees to review the Bylaws and provide him with suggested changes for the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committee to consider.Committee on Facilities - no report
Committee on Student Affairs - no report
Educational Affairs Committee - no report
Faculty Admissions Committee - no report
Faculty Affairs Committee - no report
Faculty Conference - no report
Faculty Grievance Committee - no report
Faculty Post-Tenure Review - no report
Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee - no report
Strategic Planning Committee - no report
David Shipley presented, on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee, recommendations regarding faculty salaries (attachment e). The vote was called and the recommendations were approved. The President indicated that he will attach a cover letter to the Chancellor indicating his support when these resolutions/recommendations are forwarded to the Board of Regents.
As an information item, Susan Mattern-Parkes addressed Council on the importance of faculty attendance at alumni events.
Katie Bowers, a representative from SGA, made two requests to the faculty: please post their syllabi on the web to assist students as they make decisions on what courses to take; please submit their orders for textbooks in a timely manner; the amount of money the Bookstore gives for buy-back textbooks is determined by whether or not that book will be used the following semester.
Dr. Adams wished everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary
University Council roster |
Members represented by proxy |
Adams, Michael