University Council Minutes

12/07/2006 03:30 PM - Student Learning Center - Room 171
View Related Documents Online The University Council met on December 7, 2006 in Room 171 of the Student Learning Center.  President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

The minutes from the November 2, 2006 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

President Adams' report included the following:

  1. Dr. Adams recognized that today is the sixty-fifth anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a day many people lost their lives.  The remaining survivors agreed that today would be their final reunion.  Dr. Adams acknowledged the significance of this event and the sacrifices that were made.
  2. Dr. Adams congratulated the following people on recent appointments:
    • Phil Williams was congratulated on his appointment as permanent dean of the College of Public Health.  Dr. Adams stated that under Dr. Williams' leadership the college is sixty percent of the way toward full accreditation.  Dr. Williams was given a round of applause.
    • Jere Morehead has been named interim vice president for instruction.  A search committee has been identified to fill the position on a permanent basis.  Dr. Rodney Bennett was thanked for his willingness to chair the search committee.
    • Bob Boehmer will serve as interim vice provost for academic affairs.
    • Karen Bauer will serve as interim associate provost for institutional effectiveness.
    • Rob Hoyt will serve as interim dean of the Terry College of Business when George Benson leaves to become the president of the College of Charleston.
    • Libby Morris has been named director of the Institute of Higher Education.
  3. During the upcoming holiday break the university will be more aggressive than last year in energy conservation.  Dr. Adams asked everyone to encourage their colleagues to conserve energy.  The university is facing an eight million dollar increase in energy costs and about an eleven million dollar increase in employer provided health care costs.  The administration hopes diligent energy conservation will offset some of these increases.
  4. Dr. Adams congratulated everyone who works in international programs.  The university has already met our 2010 goal with twenty-nine percent of undergraduates having a residential study abroad experience.  Five years ago only eleven percent of undergraduates had study abroad experience.  The university now ranks ninth in America of colleges having a residential study abroad experience.
  5. Dr. Adams noted the following upcoming events:
    • Fall commencement will be held next Friday, December 15, in Stegeman Coliseum.  The undergraduate ceremony will be at 9:30 a.m. with U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss as the featured speaker.  The graduate ceremony will be at 2:30 p.m with Terry Coffey, president of Production Operations East for Murphy-Brown LLC, being the featured speaker.  The student speaker at the undergraduate ceremony will be Romona Condell.
    • The annual State of the University Address will be on January 11 at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
    • On January 12 at 7:30 a.m. the annual Freedom Breakfast will be held in the Tate Center.
    • The Carter Administration 30th Anniversary Conference will be held on January 19-21, 2007. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former First Lady Rosalyn Carter will be in attendance. Others expected to be in attendance include former Vice President Walter Mondale; former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin; former Chief Domestic Policy Advisor Stuart Eizenstat; former CIA Director Stansfield Turner; NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams; and television news anchor and PBS contributor Judy Woodruff.

The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:

Executive Committee (attachment a)
Benefits Committee (
attachment b)
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (
attachment c)
University Libraries Committee (
attachment d)

Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees - Peter Shedd reminded all standing committees to review the Bylaws and provide him with suggested changes for the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committee to consider.

Committee on Facilities - no report 
Committee on Student Affairs - no report
Educational Affairs Committee - no report
Faculty Admissions Committee - no report
Faculty Affairs Committee - no report
Faculty Conference - no report
Faculty Grievance Committee - no report
Faculty Post-Tenure Review - no report
Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee - no report
Strategic Planning Committee - no report

David Shipley presented, on behalf of the Faculty Affairs Committee, recommendations regarding faculty salaries (attachment e).  The vote was called and the recommendations were approved.  The President indicated that he will attach a cover letter to the Chancellor indicating his support when these resolutions/recommendations are forwarded to the Board of Regents. 

As an information item, Susan Mattern-Parkes addressed Council on the importance of faculty attendance at alumni events.

Katie Bowers, a representative from SGA, made two requests to the faculty:  please post their syllabi on the web to assist students as they make decisions on what courses to take; please submit their orders for textbooks in a timely manner; the amount of money the Bookstore gives for buy-back textbooks is determined by whether or not that book will be used the following semester.

Dr. Adams wished everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

University Council roster

Members represented by proxy

Adams, Michael
Akers, Mary Anne
Allen, Christopher
Anderson, Jim
Baginski, Steve
Bamber, Michael
Barstow, William
Beasley, Vanessa
Bothe, Anne
Bowers, Kathryn
Bride, Brian
Brooks, Dwight
Brosius, Peter
Burgess, Timothy
Calhoun, Georgia
Cason, Caroline
Caudill, Justin
Chepyator-Thomson, Rose
Childs, Adrian
Chinnan, Manjeet
Correa-Diaz, Luis
Daniels, Maurice
Davis, Jolene
DerVartanian, Dan
Dookwah, hugh
Duncan, Dennis
Dunham, Richard
Ely, Lane
Feldman, Daniel
Felson, Nancy
Florkowske, Wojciech
Frick, Janet
Gibbons, Alison
Giraudo, Silvia
Grab, Ryan
Grasso, Maureen
Harriman, Jay
Harris, Ruth
Harrison, Georgia
Hathcote, Jan
Hendrick, Rod
Hill, Janette
Hilton, Nelson
Hollett, Bruce
Houser, Thomas
Hume, Janice
Johnson, Jeremiah
Johnson, Loch
Jones, Catherine
Keith, Charles
Langston, David
Lauth, Thomas
Leonas, Karen
Lewis, Steven
Lipp, Erin
Little, Susan
Mace, Arnett
Macon, Rebecca
Maltese, John
Mattern-Parkes, Susan
McDougald, Larry
Merkle, Scott
Mewborn, Denise
Milford, Richard
Milton, Jason
Mohler, Brittany
Momany, Cory
Morehead, Jere
Nielsen, Kristin
Noakes, Scott
Norman, naomi
Oie, Svein
Peper, Jamie
Potter, William
Quick, Paul
Rathbun, Stephen
Ritz, Casey
Rothstein, Mitch
Sarasvati, Bala
Scott, Shannon
Shamp, Claudia
Shedd, Peter
Shipley, David
St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Stokes, Garnett
Suber, Matt
Taha, Thiab
Vail, Cynthia
Vencill, William
Weinberg, Scott
West, Joe
Williams, Phillip
Willis, Kirk
Womble, Myra
Woolums, Amelia
Wraga, William
Zinkhan, George
Angle, Jay
Clark, Culpepper
Fu, Zhen
Larson, Ed
Mauricio, Rodney
Miller, John
Roulston, Kathy
Warren, Robert