The University Council met on November 2, 2006 in Room 145 of Brooks Hall. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m.
The minutes from the October 4, 2006 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.
President Adams' report included the following:
The floor was opened for standing committee reports as follows:
Executive Committee (attachment a)
Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics (attachment b)
Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees (attachment c)
Dr. James Anderson gave the standing committee report from the Educational Affairs Committee (attachment d). Dr. Adams asked if there were any objections to Dr. Anderson presenting his information item while at the podium and no objections were heard. Dr. Anderson then gave an overview of the 2005-2006 Academic Honesty Annual Report (attachment e).
Faculty Affairs Committee (attachment f)
Benefits Committee (attachment g)
Committee on Facilities - no report
Committee on Student Affairs - no report
Faculty Admissions Committee - no report
Faculty Conference - no report
Faculty Grievance Committee - no report
Faculty Post-Tenure Review - no report
Faculty/Staff Parking Appeals Committee - no report
Strategic Planning Committee - no report
University Libraries Committee - no report
Dr. William Vencill gave the standing committee report from the University Curriculum Committee (attachment h).
Dr. Vencill stated that the proposal for a major name change for Counseling and Student Personnel Services to College Student Affairs Administration under the (Ph.D.) had been withdrawn from the agenda.
Dr. Vencill then presented the revised Academic Affairs Policy Statement #14, General Education Curriculum on behalf of the Curriculum Committee (attachment i). Following extensive discussion, question was called. The vote was taken and the proposal was approved.
Due to time restraints, Dr. Adams stated that the last two information items would be carried over to the next Council meeting in December. The meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council roster |
Members represented by proxy |
Adams, Michael Akers, Mary Anne Allen, Sheila Anderson, Jim Anderson, Wyatt Baginski, Steve Bailey, Laura Bamber, Michael Barstow, William Beasley, Vanessa Bennett, Rodney Benson, George Bergmann, Carl Bowers, Kathryn Bride, Brian Brooks, Dwight Brown, Mark Bullock, Charles Butchart, Ron Calhoun, Georgia Cason, Caroline Castenell, Louis Chinnan, Manjeet Cornell, Karen Daniels, Dick Daniels, Maurice Davis, Jolene DeLuca, Katy DerVartanian, Dan Dookwah, Hugh Duncan, Dennis Dunham, Richard Dunn, Del Dunning, Arthur Edison, Diane Feldman, Daniel Florkowske, Wojciech Fowler, Laurie Frick, Janet Fu, Zhen Fuller, Rahmel Gant, Chris Gibbons, Ali Glenn, Jamarl Grab, Ryan Grasso, Maureen Harriman, Jay Harris, Ruth Harrison, Georgia Hathcote, Jan Hill, Janette Hill, Michael Hilton, Nelson Hodler, Thomas Hollett, Bruce Hook, James Houser, Thomas Hume, Janice Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, Loch Keith, Charles Langston, David Lauth, Thomas Leonas, Karen Lewis, Steven Lipp, Erin Little, Susan Love, Sarajane Mace, Arnett Macon, Rebecca Maier, Robert Maltese, John Mattern-Parkes, Susan Mauricio, Rodney McDougald, Larry Merkle, Scott Mewborn, Denise Miller, John Mohler, Brittany Momamy, Cory Munneke, Henry Newman, Amanda Nielsen, Kristin Noakes, Scott Peper, Jamie Porterfield, Richard Pryzbyla, Alan Quick, Paul Rathbun, Stephen Roulston, Kathy Saltz, David Scott, Lindsey Shamp, Claudia Shedd, Peter Shipley, David St. Pierre, Elizabeth Stokes, Garnett Suber, Matt Taha, Thiab Vail, Cynthia Vencill, William Weinberg, Scott West, Joe
Williams, Phillip Willis, Kirk Womble, Myra Woolums, Amelia Wraga, William Wright, David Yager, Patricia Zinkhan, George |
Allen, Christopher Angle, Jay Scott Brosius, Peter Caudill, Justin Childs, Adrian Felson, Nancy Jones, Catherine
Larson, Ed Norman, Naomi Oie, Svein Potter, William Risler, Ed Scott, Shannon |