University Council Minutes

03/24/2011 03:30 PM - R. C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120
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The University Council met on March 24, 2011 at the R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm. The minutes from the February 17, 2011 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from the President included the following:

  • President Adams opened his remarks by stating that members of the federal Department of Education will be present in Athens on March 25 to sign the deed transferring the Navy School property over to the University of Georgia. The president thanked key individuals involved in this five year process. The property will be used to establish the University of Georgia Health Sciences Campus with renovations set to be completed in time for the Fall semester of 2012.
  • The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will use March 25 to mark the release of the final admission lists for student acceptance to UGA for Fall Semester 2011. About 9,000 students will receive decision letters.
  • On March 24, the President's Cabinet passed a revised policy banning smoking on the new Health Sciences Campus and prohibiting it within 35 feet of building entrances and exits on the main campus in Athens. Also prohibited is smoking near heating and air-conditioning systems and on walkways which have a covering.
  • The CURO symposium, showcasing undergraduate research, presentations, and thesis roundtables, among other activities and displays, is to be held at the Classic Center in Athens on April 4.
  • President Adams alerted council members to Honors Week at UGA, beginning April 11 and ending April 15. Activities during the week include the Faculty Recognition Banquet, the Public Service and Outreach Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon, the traditional Honors Day program and Honors Program Graduation Banquet, the UGA Research Foundation Annual Awards Banquet, and an Awards Luncheon sponsored by the UGA Alumni Association honoring the 2011 Alumini Association Award Recipients.
  • The NCAA has re-certified the UGA Athletic Program as a member of Division I. The re-certification process occurs by the NCAA every ten years.
  • President Adams expressed his commendation regarding what he called the most successful SACS re-accreditation process in which he has participated. UGA received zero areas of non-compliance and zero recommendations. President Adams specifically offered gratitude to Professor Bob Boehmer, Professor David Shipley, and Dr. Rodney Mauricio for their hard work and dedication towards the stellar performance by UGA in the re-accreditation process.
  • The president thanked those faculty who have signed on to teach a First-Year Freshman Seminar for Fall Semester 2011 and encouraged other faculty to participate in the program.
  • President Adams spoke briefly on next year's budget, sighting that he will provide a full report on the subject at the next University Council meeting.

The floor was opened for the following reports and action items:

Action Items:

  1. David Shipley presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal for a new major in Environmental Health Science (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Local Food Systems. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    3. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in International Agriculture. Withdrawn by the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
    4. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Disaster Management. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    5. Proposal for the following name changes within the recently renamed Department of Communication Studies: From Speech Communication (A.B., M.A., Ph.D.) to Communication Studies (A.B., M.A., Ph.D.) and From Minor in Speech Communication to Minor in Communication Studies. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    6. Proposal to terminate the Academic Affairs Policy Statement #12, Competence in Oral Communication and Basic Use of Computers. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Marisa Pagnattaro presented the following proposal from the Educational Affairs Committee:
    1. Proposal to revise the Withdrawal Policy. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Thiab Taha presented the following proposals from the Faculty Affairs Committee:
    1. Proposal for revisions to the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure.  Dr. Taha requested that the revisions contained in the action item be voted on individually and withdrew item number one, concerning abstentions, for consideration.  The remaining revisions were called for a vote and approved.
    2. Proposal for revisions to the Academic Affairs Policy Manual, Section 1.02- Teaching Faculty Ranks. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  4. Adrian Childs presented the following proposal from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws and Committees:
    1. First Reading: Proposal for amendments to the University Council Bylaws.  After a brief discussion, the first reading was approved.

New Business:

President Adams responded to questions from concerned faculty members regarding a recent article on sexual harassment which appeared in The Red and Black.  This article detailed a case in which an Open Records request for sexual harassment reports resulted in the release of documents containing un-redacted names of students.  The president stated that he was concerned over this serious matter and has put his trust in the appropriate campus legal avenues to obtain a resolution to the issue.  The president also noted that further discussion would occur following the release of an upcoming report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment at the April 21, 2011 University Council meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rebecca L. Macon
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster
Represented by Proxy
Adams, Michael   Hamilton, Shane Nairn, Joe
Angle, Jay Scott
Ainsworth, Scott  Happek, Uwe Neville, Michael
Banaee, Arash
Allen, Lewis Harman, Ruth Oie, Svein
Brainard, Benjamin
Allen, Sheila Hatcher, Schnavia O'Malley, Tracey
Davis, Mallory
Anderson, Douglas Hein, Katie O'Rouke, Jason
DeChicchis, Al
Andrews, Gayle Helfman, Blake Pagnattaro, Marisa
Gibson, Steven
Assaf, Francis Hermanowicz, Joe Potter, William
Grasso, Maureen
Bennett, Rodney Holladay, Steven Przybyla, Alan
Hilton, Nelson
Bonaparte, Eric Houser, Thomas Ritchie, Branson
Horne, Arthur
Burgess, Timothy P.   Houston, Jacquelyn Roberts, Phillip
Jajor, Leigh
Burke, Tom Huang, Yao-wen Rosemond, Amy
Joerschke, Bonnie
Caillault, J.P. Hurley, David Samp, Jennifer
Jolly, Laura
Calabria, Ashley Hyman, Alex Schuster, Richard
Karahanna, Elena
Campbell, Alan Ivy, Stuart Severn, Jill
Lee, David
Cannady, Shelley Jackwood, Mark Shamp, Scott
Norman, Naomi
Clark, E. Culpepper Johnson, Loch Shelton, Robin
Porter, Delene
Crane, Kaye Johnston, Spencer Shetterley, Karen
Rawls, Raytheon
Delaney, Joshua Keen, Brenda Smagorinsky, Peter
Robinson, Dawn
Dorfman, Jeff Kerr, William Southwood, Robin
Sanford, Paula
Dyles, Julie Kidula, Jean Stancil, Phillip
Schroeder, Paul
Eberle, Roxanne Kim, Soyoung Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda
Tobin, Courtney
Elder, Deborah Kriesel, Warren Stokes, Garnett

Ellenberg, Wells Langston, Keith Sumichrast, Robert T.  

Ellis, Angela Legette, Roy Sweaney, Anne  

Fischer, Joan Macon, Rebecca   Taha, Thiab

Freeman, Melissa Martin, Meredith Tennent-Brown, Brett

Frick, Janet McDuff, Nancy Thomas, Ian

Gardner, Denise Melnik, Margaret Urbauer, Jeff

Gartenberg, Mitch Miller, William Vinod, Anush

Getch, Yvette Morehead, Jere   Wagner, John

Gittleman, John   Moret, Lauren Wilder, Shannon O

Glenn, Travis Moshi, Lioba Williams, Phillip  

Grant, Linda Munneke, Henry Williams-Woodward, Jean

Griffin, Eric Nairn, Alison Willis, Kirk

Yeung, Eric