University Council Minutes

02/17/2011 03:30 PM - R. C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120
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The University Council met on February 17, 2011 at the R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. The minutes from the December 2, 2010 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from the President included the following:

  • President Adams thanked Jimmy Williamson of the UGA Police Department, Ralph Johnson of Physical Plant, Mike Floyd of Food Services, and their staffs for the aid and assistance provided by their offices in keeping the campus safe and functioning during January's snow days.
  • The university is still in the process of observing the 50th anniversary of desegregation at UGA. The president acknowledged the generous contribution of Charlayne Hunter-Gault in donating her personal papers to the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies.
  • President Adams complimented the faculty for their involvement in the January 25-27 symposium on the Gulf of Mexico's Deepwater Horizon oil spill . Professor Samantha Joye in the Department of Marine Sciences was recognized for her work in studying the spill and its lasting effects.
  • Six professors have been named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The six honorees are professor and head of the Chemistry Department Jonathan Amster, D.W. Brooks Distinguished Professor of Animal Science and Foods and Nutrition Clifton Baile, professor of Microbiology and director of UGA's Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases Daniel Colley, Regents professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Plant Biology, and director of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center Alan Darvill, professor of Cellular Biology Roberto Docampo, and Regents professor of Food Microbiology and director of the Center for Food Safety Michael Doyle.
  • The annual Celebration of Support fundraiser was held on February 12, 2011. This event was designed to honor individuals and organizations whose gifts total one million dollars or more.
  • Five faculty members have been named Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professors. They are: Christy Desmet of the English department, Jody Clay-Warner of the Sociology department, Sybilla Beckmann Kazez of the Mathematics department, Karen Cornell of the Small Animal Medicine and Surgery department, and Wan-I Oliver Li of the Physiology and Pharmacology department.
  • President Adams acknowledged that the state legislative session is currently underway and stated that the university has been in consultation with Governor Nathan Deal since the November 2010 election on a variety of issues, including the topic of federal budget cuts.
  • President Adams informed council members on news concerning certain facilities on campus. A new ceramics building through the Lamar Dodd School of Art is now open. The construction of the Special Collections Library is on track and under budget. Renovations are beginning on the former Lamar Dodd School of Art building to turn the structure into the new home of the College of Environment and Design.
  • On March 25, members of the federal Department of Education will be on hand to sign the deed to transfer over the Navy School property to UGA.
  • President Adams reminded council members that during the first week of March a peer review team will be on campus for UGA's ten year Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) re-accreditation. This visit will be chaired by University of Alabama President Robert Witt and President of Texas A&M University R. Bowen Loftin, among other distinguished educators. President Adams thanked Bob Boehmer, Associate Provost for Academic Planning, for his role in the SACS re-accreditation process.
  • April 11-15 will be Honors Week at the university. Numerous events will occur during the week to honor teaching faculty, research faculty, and honors students.
  • President Adams addressed the issue of discrimination and sexual harassment on campus. The president stated that he abhorred recent allegations which have appeared in recent newspapers. He stated that the university will continue to improve and work on the process to educate the campus on the appropriate climate of respect which is desired. Two committees will be at work on this topic this year, the EOO office and a University Council committee which is reviewing the current handling of sexual harassment complaints. The president looks forward to hearing feedback from both of these committees. He hopes that all members of the campus will join him in being respectful and professional towards all of their colleagues. The president, while acknowledging that an overwhelming majority comport themselves in a professional manner, stated the reported incident is one too many and that the university plans to deal with the situation appropriately within the context of university policy and the law. The president closed his remarks by informing council members that he was willing to hear their concerns regarding this issue during the new business portion of the agenda.

The floor was opened for the following reports:

Action Items:

  1. Jan Hathcote, representing David Shipley, presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal for a new major in Higher Education (M.Ed.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal to offer the existing major in Reading Education (M.Ed.) as an external degree online. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    3. Proposal to offer a major in Epidemiology (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    4. Proposal to offer a Graduate Certificate in Latin American and Caribbean studies. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    5. Proposal to terminate the majors in Special Education (Ed.D.) and Mathematics Education (Ed.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    6. Proposal to terminate the Master of Crop and Soil Sciences (M.C.S.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    7. Proposal to terminate the Graduate Certificate in Global Policy Studies. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    8. Proposal to deactivate the major in Creative Writing (M.F.A.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Marisa Pagnattaro presented the following proposals from the Educational Affairs Committee:
    1. Proposal to revise the Course Challenge Policy. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal to revise the Final Exam Scheduling Conflict Policy. Following a brief discussion, the vote was called and the proposal was approved.
New Business:
President Adams invited comments on the topic of sexual harassment as a follow up to his comments in the President's Report.  A robust discussion followed, including questions regarding the definitions of sexual harassment and diversity as well as the importance of clear avenues for students to seek support.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary


University Council Roster
Represented by Proxy
Adams, Michael   Glenn, Travis Moret, Lauren
Angle, Jay Scott
Ainsworth, Scott Goetz, Joe Moshi, Lioba
Anderson, Alex
Allen, Lewis
Allen, Sheila
Grant, Linda Mote, Thomas
Brown, Justin
Anderson, Douglas Grasso, Maureen Munneke, Henry
Harman, Ruth
Andrews, Gayle Griffin, Eric Nairn, Alison
Horne, Arthur
Assaf, Francis Hamilton, Shane Nairn, Joe
Kim, Soyoung
Bamber, Michael Happek, Uwe Netter, Jeff
Lee, David
Banaee, Arash Hatcher, Schnavia Norman, Naomi
Robinson, Dawn
Bennett, Rodney Hein, Katie Oie, Svein
Robinson, Wes
Bennetzen, Jeff Helfman, Blake O'Malley, Tracey
Smagorinsky, Peter
Blair, Camille Hermanowicz, Joe O'Rouke, Jason
Stevenson, Katherine
Bonaparte, Eric Hilton, Nelson Pagnattaro, Marisa
Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda
Brainard, Benjamin Holladay, Steven Porter, Delene
Tennent-Brown, Brett
Brickman, Peggy Houser, Thomas Przybyla, Alan
Tir, Jaroslav
Brown, Lonnie Houston, Jacquelyn Ritchie, Branson
Wilder, Shannon O
Burgess, Timothy P.   Hurley, David Roberts, Phillip

Burke, Tom Hyman, Alex Roberts, Susan

Calabria, Ashley Ivy, Stuart Rosemond, Amy

Campbell, Alan Jackwood, Mark Ross, Amy

Cannady, Shelley Jagor, Leigh Saltz, David

Crane, Kaye Joerschke, Bonnie Sarao, Sukhmani

Daniel, Jerry Jolly, Laura D.   Schroeder, Paul

Davis, Mallory Karahanna, Elena Schuster, Richard

Davis Barham, Jan Karls, Anna Severn, Jill

DeChicchis, Al Keen, Brenda Shamp, Scott

Delaney, Josh Kerr, William Sharp, Joshua

DeMaria, Don Kidula, Jean Shelton, Robin

Dorfman, Jeff Kriesel, Warren Shetterley, Karen

Dyles, Julie Langston, Keith Stokes, Garnett

Ellenberg, Wells Lauth, Thomas   Stooksbury, David

Ellis, Angela Legette, Roy StPierre, Elizabeth

Fischer, Joan Live, David Sumichrast, Robert T.  

Freeman, Melissa Lockhart, Lettie Sweaney, Anne  

Foster, Mark R Macon, Rebecca   Taha, Thiab

Frick, Janet Markham, Ryan Thomas, Ian

Gardner, Denise Martin, Meredith Urbauer, Jeff

Gartenberg, Mitch Melnik, Margaret Wagner, John

Getch, Yvette Miller, William Williams, Phillip  

Gibson, Steven Morehead, Jere   Willis, Kirk

Wunderlich, John

Yeung, Eric