University Council Minutes

04/21/2011 03:30 PM - Tate Theater, Tate Student Center
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The University Council met on April 21, 2011 at the Tate Theater in the Tate Student Center. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:35pm. The minutes from the March 24, 2011 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

President Adams began the meeting with a budget status update which included a formal presentation with slides.

Following the conclusion of the budget update, the President continued with the remainder of his opening remarks:

  • President Adams thanked Jeff Dorfman, Executive Committee Chair, Chuck Gruner, Parliamentarian, and Adam Lawrence of the Office of the Registrar for their service in supporting the term's University Council meetings. The President also expressed his appreciation to Rebecca Macon for her service to University Council in her capacity as Registrar and Secretary to University Council and wished her well as she retires this summer.
  • The President reminded council members of the commencement exercises occurring on May 13. The Graduate ceremony will occur at 10:00am in Stegemen Coliseum. Karen Holbrook, former UGA Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and current Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Global Affairs at the University of South Florida, will deliver the commencement address. The Undergraduate ceremony will occur at 7:00pm in Sanford Stadium. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus will deliver the undergraduate commencement address. The President acknowledged the role of the Department of the Navy in the transfer of the Navy School Property to UGA.
  • A Candlelight Memorial Service will be held on May 3 at 7:00pm on the steps of the Chapel to remember the faculty, staff, and students who have died since last May.
  • UGA will sponsor the Nationwide Tour Stadion Golf Tournament at the UGA Golf Course from May 2-8.
  • President Adams concluded his remarks by following up his comments from last month's council meeting regarding the issue of non-discrimination and anti-harassment. He acknowledged the time spent by the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment regarding this topic and the report they provided for the day's agenda, as well as work being done by the Administrative Unit Review Team, which is reviewing the Equal Opportunity Office and will soon be providing recommendations for the EOO. He stated he found it appropriate for the EOO to review the Ad Hoc report for factual errors and articulated that the EOO, the Office of Student Conduct, and the UGA Ombudspersons are engaged directly with members of the UGA community with regards to individual concerns about discrimination and harassment. The President also wanted council members to be aware that the issue of sexual violence, in particular, is one that has gained increasing national attention. Since last month's meeting, the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights issued a letter to senior administration officials in universities that receive federal funds which asked that officials re-examine how acts of sexual violence are addressed on campuses across the nation. Between the new guidelines from the Department of Education and the Ad Hoc report, the President stated that adjustments and improvements would be made in how UGA examines and deals with these issues. President Adams promised to listen carefully to any discussion and thoughts council members had regarding the Ad Hoc report.  The President ended his remarks by stating that outside council may be engaged as recommendations from the Ad Hoc Report, the EOO review, and the federal guidelines are discussed for implementation to ensure compliance with state and federal law.

The floor was opened for the following reports and action items:

Action Items:

  1. Jan Hathcote, representing David Shipley, presented the following proposals from the Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal for a new major in Pharmaceutical Sciences (B.S.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal to offer a new dual degree in Social Work (M.S.W.) and Public Health (M.P.H.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    3. Proposal for a new major in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    4. Proposal to terminate the major in Mathematics Education (M.Ed., Ed.S.) in the Gwinnett and Henry County School Districts. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    5. Proposal to terminate the major in Early Childhood Education- Child and Family Development (M.A.T.). The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    6. Proposal to offer the existing major in Kinesiology (M.S. Non-Thesis) as an external degree on the Gwinnett Campus. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    7. Proposal to offer the existing major in Workforce Education (Ed.D.) as an external Degree on the Griffin Campus. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Marisa Pagnattaro presented the following action item from the Educational Affairs Committee:
    1. Proposal to approve the 2012-2013 Academic Calendar. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  3. Jerry Daniel presented the following action item from the University Staff Council:
    1. Proposal to endorse the University System of Georgia Staff Council Bylaws. The vote was called and the council voted to endorse the bylaws.
  4. Mark Brown presented the following action item from the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment:
    1. Proposal to endorse the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment. After a brief discussion, the vote was called and the council voted to endorse the report.
  5. Jeff Dorfman, representing Adrian Childs, presented the following action item from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
    1. Second Reading: Proposal for amendments to the University Council Bylaws. The vote was called and the proposal was approved.

There being no new business, the President thanked council members for a successful term of University Council and adjourned the meeting at 4:35pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rebecca Macon
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster
Represented by Proxy
Adams, Michael   Hamilton, Shane Munneke, Henry
Bennett, Rodney
Ainsworth, Scott Happek, Uwe Nairn, Alison
Ellenberg, Wells
Allen, Sheila   Harman, Ruth Nairn, Joe
Epps, W. Dennis
Assaf, Francis Hatcher, Schnavia Navara, Kristen
Gardner, Denise
Bamber, Michael Hein, Katie Netter, Jeff
Grant, Linda
Bennetzen, Jeff Helfman, Blake Oie, Svein
Johnston, Spencer
Bonaparte, Eric Hermanowicz, Joe O'Rouke, Jason
Karls, Anna
Brickman, Peggy Hilton, Nelson Pagnattaro, Marisa
Lee, David
Burgess, Timothy P.   Holladay, Steven Reap, James
Maerz, John
Burke, Tom Horne, Arthur Reyner, Claudia
Markham, Ryan
Caillault, J.P. Houser, Thomas Ritchie, Branson
Moshi, Lioba
Calabria, Ashley Houston, Jacquelyn Roberts, Phillip
O'Malley, Tracey
Campbell, Alan Huang, Yao-wen Roberts, Susan
Potter, William
Cannady, Shelley Hurley, David Rosemond, Amy
Schroeder, Paul
Clark, E. Culpepper Hyman, Alex Ross, Amy
Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda
Crane, Kaye Ivy, Stuart Samp, Jennifer
Tennent-Brown, Brett
Daniel, Jerry Jackwood, Mark Sarao, Sukhmani
Tobin, Courtney
Daniels, Maurice Jagor, Leigh Schuster, Richard
Tollner, Bill
Davis, Mallory Joerschke, Bonnie Severn, Jill
Williams, Phillip
Davis Barham, Jan Johnson, Loch Shamp, Scott

DeChicchis, Al Jolly, Laura D.   Sharp, Joshua

Delaney, Joshua Karahanna, Elena Shelton, Robin

Dorfman, Jeff Keen, Brenda Shetterley, Karen

Dyles, Julie Kidula, Jean Smagorinsky, Peter

Eberle, Roxanne Kim, Soyoung Stancil, Phillip

Elder, Deborah Kreshel, Peggy Stokes, Garnett

Ellis, Angela Langston, Keith Stooksbury, David

Fischer, Joan Lauth, Thomas   Sumichrast, Robert T.  

Foster, Mark Legette, Roy Sweaney, Anne  

Freeman, Melissa Live, David Taha, Thiab

Frick, Janet Lockhart, Lettie Thomas, Ian

Gartenberg, Mitch Macon, Rebecca   Vinod, Anush

Getch, Yvette Martin, Meredith Wagner, John

Gibson, Steven McDuff, Nancy Weaver, Jace

Gittleman, John   Melnik, Margaret Wrigley, Steve

Glenn, Travis Morehead, Jere   Wunderlich, John

Grasso, Maureen Mote, Thomas Yeung, Eric

Griffin, Eric

Guy, Talmadge