University Council Minutes

11/20/2019 03:30 PM - Tate Theatre, Tate Student Center
View Related Documents Online The University Council met on November 20, 2019. A quorum being present, President Jere Morehead called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

As the first order of business, the minutes of the September 25, 2019, meeting were approved as distributed.

President Morehead then delivered his report to the Council:
  • The president opened his remarks by informing the Council that a record has been set for completion rates at the University. The six-year completion rate has increased to 87%, and the four-year completion rate has increased to 69%. Additionally, the first-year retention rate has matched the University's all-time high of 96%. The president stated that many of the initiatives that the University has implemented to enhance academic performance are working.
  • UGA continues to be a leader in the area of study abroad. The University is ranked 13th nationally for the number of students who study abroad and is ranked number nine on the list of short-term study abroad programs, according to the Open Doors ranking from the Institute of International Education.
  • The president has approved a request from the Experiential Learning Committee to award nearly $140,000 in scholarships to students fulfilling the Experiential Learning requirement.
  • The University has topped 480 new need-based Georgia Commitment Scholarships established by the ongoing capital campaign. The president stated that he is optimistic the number will reach 500 by the time the campaign ends on June 30.
  • Beginning spring 2020, student-paid course and lab fees will be eliminated at the University. The Office of Instruction will establish a process for all departments and units to apply for annual funding through the central budget.
  • The amount of support available to graduate students facing critical and unexpected financial needs is tripling. This year, the University has set aside $100,000 with another $100,000 next year in private funding to supplement the graduate student emergency fund.
  • Provost Hu and the president have approved proposals to establish eight new endowed professorships through private donor support and four new Georgia Athletic Association professorships in Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Engineering. The deans of Arts and Sciences, Environment and Design, Pharmacy, and Education have been notified that their colleges will receive matching funds to create four new UGA Foundation professorships.
  • A team of UGA researchers has been awarded a record-setting NIH grant. The team's goal is to develop a universal flu vaccine. The total of the grant could reach as high as $130 million, which would make it the largest grant ever awarded to the University.
  • The president has been representing the Southeastern Conference on the NCAA committee formed on name, image, and likeness. A preliminary report was recently issued on the work completed by the committee.
  • The Board of Regents has approved the naming of the College of Education for Mary Frances Early. A formal celebration will occur on February 25, 2020, in conjunction with the annual Mary Frances Early Lecture.
  • The University has joined the Aspire Alliance, a 35-member national institution alliance that works to enhance faculty diversity and the use of inclusive teaching practices in the STEM disciplines.
  • Vice President for Research David Lee has awarded a grant to a 22-member interdisciplinary team of UGA faculty members to study the history of slavery at the University from the time of UGA's founding through the Civil War. The President's Office is providing the funding for this research project, which should culminate in one or more scholarly publications by the summer of 2021.
  • This concluded President Morehead's report to the Council.
The floor was then opened for the following reports: The following action items were presented to the Council for consideration:
  • Chair John Maerz presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
    • Proposal to change the name of the following major: A vote was called and the proposal was approved.
      • From: Master of Environmental Planning and Design (M.E.P.D. Thesis and Non-Thesis)
      • To: Master of Urban Planning and Design (M.U.P.D. Thesis and Non-Thesis)
    • Proposal for a new major in Cybersecurity and Privacy (M.S. Non-Thesis). A vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    • Proposal to merge existing programs into the major in Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.): A vote was called and the proposal was approved.
      • Change the name of the major in Integrative Conservation and Geography (Ph.D.) to Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.)
      • Create a new Area of Emphasis in Anthropology under the major in Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.)
      • Create a new Area of Emphasis in Ecology under the major in Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.)
      • Create a new Area of Emphasis in Forestry and Natural Resources under the major in Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.)
      • Create a new Area of Emphasis in Geography under the major in Integrative Conservation (Ph.D.)
      • Deactivate the major in Integrative Conservation and Anthropology (Ph.D.)
      • Deactivate the major in Integrative Conservation and Ecology (Ph.D.)
      • Deactivate the major in Integrative Conservation and Forestry and Natural Resources (Ph.D.)
The following information items were presented to the Council: There being no old or new business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster
Adams, Malcolm Hadden, Carla Murph, Mandi
Anderson, Alex Hagood, Chase Mustard, David
Auer, Matthew Hahn, Angela Naeher, Luke
Ayers, Benjamin Harding, Lindsey Nelson, Scott
Bai, Shuyang Hensel, Kyle Nesbit, Ryan
Beck, Randy Herist, Keith Pardue, Samuel
Bergstrom, John Heynen, Nik Peterson, David
Bierema, Laura Himelboim, Itai Poulsen, Annette
Bonner, Joy Hirt, Sonia Prentiss, Amber
Borron, Abigail Holmes, Callie Rivero, Rosanna
Brooks, Kay Hu, Jack Rosemond, Amy
Brunow, Beate Huber, Mark Sabatini, Robert
Bryant, Sam Hunt-Hurst, Patti Saleh, Eman
Byers, Rachel Ivy, Stuart Santesso, Esra
Callands, Tamora Jackson, Angel Scheyett, Anna
Caplan, Mary Jagnow, Rene Schuttler, Heinz-Bernd
Carpenter, Tina James, Kevin Scott, Robert
Carson, Jim Johnson, Beverly Shelton, Robin
Cherkinsky, Alexander Joye, Samantha Shen, Ye
Choi, Jenny Kelley, Laura Shepherd, Shelley
Cobran, Ewan Kern, Kathleen Shipley, David
Cona, Kelly Klosterman, Anastasia Shirley, Maurice
Cooper, Jamie Kong, Fanbin Siry, Jacek
Coverdill, Jim Krause, George Smith-Garvin, Jennifer
Crawford, Melanie Lee, David Snyder, Margaret
Crepaz, Markus LeGette, Casie St. Pierre, Elizabeth
Crumsey Forde, Jasmine Lemons, Derrick Stigler, Stevie
Cunha, Marcus Leo, Donald Sumner, Maxwell
Dahlen, Joseph Liken, Fiona Sumner, Spencer
Davis, Marsha Lombardini, Leo Sweigart, Andrea
DeMaria, Don Mallon, Anthony Taha, Thiab
Dougherty, Anjali Mani, Sudhagar Tang, Li
Dumont, Devin Marotta, Anthony Tang, Lili
Durham, Stephan Marshall, Michael Thippareddi, Harsha
Dwivedi, Puneet Martin-Williams, Jean Thomas, Ciera
Epstein, Kira Masciadri, Milton Thomason, Olga
Femia, Patrick Massey, Ann Tiller, Lori
Fox, Linda Mastrovita, Mandy Tuberville, Tracey
Francois, Sierra McClung, James Vencill, Theresa
Franklin, Lauren McDaniel, Matthew Villari, Caterina
Fresk, Kara McDonald, Bill Walcott, Ron
Frum, Jennifer Mead, Daniel Watson, Joseph
Fuhrman, Nick Meadows, Braden Williams, Jarred
Gabara, Rachel Medeiros, Patricia Wilson, Victor
Garvin, Chris Meichner, Kristina Winfield, Richard
Glasser, Gary Michaelis, Vicki Wolf, Montgomery
Goodie, Adam Mize, Marie Woodson, Brock
Gordon, Leslie MohanKumar, Sheba Zastre, Jason
Graham, Toby Moore, Mary  
Greene, Dale Morehead, Jere  
Represented by Substitute
Birch, Suzanne
Campbell, John
Ceska, Jennifer
Chess, Shira
Davis, Charles
Dellaria, Nancy
Dorsey, Alan
Goetcheus, Cari
Henley, Jordan
Lemons, Margaret
Murphy, Amy
Nuss, Michelle
Oliver, Kerry
Seock, Yoo-Kyoung
Shrivastav, Rahul
Smith, Kelly
Spangler, Denise
Thomas, Ciera
Vining, Richard
Wilhelm, Teena