University Council Minutes

09/25/2019 03:30 PM - Tate Theatre, Tate Student Center
View Related Documents Online The University Council met on September 25, 2019. A quorum being present, President Jere Morehead called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

As the first order of business, the minutes of the April 24, 2019 meeting were approved as distributed.

President Morehead then delivered his report to the Council:
  • The president opened his remarks by thanking both current and new Council members for serving on the Council this year and explained the role of the Council in the campus governance process. The president introduced Executive Committee Chair David Shipley, Associate Vice President and Registrar and University Council Secretary Fiona Liken, and Parliamentarian Usha Rodrigues and thanked them for their assistance in facilitating this year's Council meetings.
  • The president then introduced Dr. Jack Hu, the senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, and welcomed him to his first University Council meeting.
  • Earlier this month, the Board of Regents approved plans for the renovation of the Spring Street building, which is the next step in the development of the Innovation District at the university. This project is expected to be completed by January of 2021 and will be funded through private donations.
  • The Board of Regents also recently approved several other capital projects important to the university that will soon be presented to the Governor for approval. These projects include funding for construction of the second building in the I-STEM complex, design and planning funds for a major facility to support Poultry Science, funding for new greenhouses for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and funding for the third phase of renovations to the Driftmier Building to support the College of Engineering. Operating funds to support the continued expansion of the Augusta University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership from 40 to 60 students were also included as well as seventy million dollars for major repair and renovation that will be spent throughout the University System of Georgia.
  • The president also mentioned the on-going renovation of Brumby Hall, which is undergoing an overhaul of its mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems as well as updates to its student living spaces and amenities. This should be completed by summer 2020.
  • The university has once again been ranked in the top 20 of U.S. News and World Report's list of best public universities for the fourth consecutive year.
  • A record number of applications for the fall 2019 freshman class were received. The class set new academic records for the university, and there are now over 38,900 student enrolled at the university.
  • The university once again reported double digits in the number of international grants offered to students and recent alumni through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Twelve students were selected, and this marks the sixth year in a row, and the tenth time in eleven years, that UGA has received ten or more offers.
  • The Commit to Georgia Campaign will conclude on June 30, 2020. So far, the campaign has exceeded its goal of 1.2 billion dollars by reaching 1.3 billion dollars raised.
  • The university was recognized for the sixth year in a row with the INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award. The president thanked Vice Provost Michelle Cook for her leadership on the many diversity initiatives at the university.
  • The president announced that earlier in the day the University Cabinet approved renaming the College of Education in honor of Mary Frances Early. This recommendation will now be forwarded to the Board of Regents for a final review.
  • Before closing his remarks, the president informed the Council that the annual ombudsperson report had been provided to him by Janyce Dawkins, the director of the Equal Opportunity Office, and will be available in the minutes. The president thanked Dr. Jenny Gaver, Mr. Steve Gibson, and Ms. Charisse Harper for their work as the three ombudspersons who work directly with faculty, staff, and students.
  • This concluded the president's report to the Council.
The floor was then opened for the following reports: The following action items were presented to the Council for consideration: The following information item was presented to the Council: There being no old or new business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster
Adams, Malcolm Glasser, Gary Moura, Marina
Anderson, Alex Goetcheus, Cari Mustard, David
Auer, Matthew Goodie, Adam Nesbit, Ryan
Ayers, Benjamin Gordon, Leslie Nolan, Lisa
Bai, Shuyang Graham, Toby Nuss, Michelle
Bartges, Joe Greene, Dale Nutt Hahn, Angela
Beck, Randy Hadden, Carla Oliver, Kerry
Bergstrom, John Hagood, Chase Pardue, Samuel
Birch, Suzanne Happek, Uwe Poulsen, Annette
Bonner, Joy Harding, Lindsey Prentiss, Amber
Borron, Abigail Harr, Logan Richards, Patricia
Brown, Wayde Henley, Jordan Rosemond, Amy
Brunow, Beate Herist, Keith Saleh, Eman
Bryant, Sam Himelboim, Itai Santus, Nina
Byers, Rachel Hu, Jack Schultz, Alisa
Callands, Tamora Huber, Mark Schuttler, Heinz-Bernd
Campbell, John Ivy, Stuart Scott, Robert
Caplan, Mary Jackson, Angel Yoo-Kyoung Seock
Carpenter, Tina Jagnow, Rene Robin Shelton
Cherkinsky, Alexander James, Kevin Shen, Ye
Chess, Shira John, Jeffrey Shepherd, Shelley
Choi, Jenny Johnson, Beverly Shipley, David
Cobran, Ewan Joye, Samantha Shrivastav, Rahul
Coco, Lindsay Kelley, Laura Smith, Kelly
Cona, Kelly Kern, Kathleen Smith-Garvin, Jennifer
Cooper, Jamie Key, David Snyder, Margaret
Coverdill, Jim Klosterman, Anastasia Spangler, Denise
Crawford, Melanie Lanzilotta, William Stigler, Stevie
Crepaz, Markus LeGette, Casie Sumner, Maxwell
Crowe, Doug Lemons, Derrick Sumners, Sarah
Cunha, Marcus Liken, Fiona Sweigart, Andrea
Dellaria, Nancy Magnan, Nicholas Tang, Lili
Dorsey, Alan Mallon, Anthony Thippareddi, harsha
Dougherty, Anjali Marshall, Michael Thomas, Ciera
Dove, Robert Martin-Williams, Jean Thomason, Olga
Dumont, Devin Masciadri, Milton Tiller, Lori
Dwivedi, Puneet Massey, Ann Toebben, Nick
Egberi, Afokeoghene Mastrovita, Mandy Turner, Kari
Epstein, Kira Mayfield, Mark Vencill, Theresa
Femia, Patrick McClellan, Ray Vining, Richard
Fox, Linda McDaniel, Matthew Viveiros, Maria
Francois, Sierra McDonald, Bill Walcott, Ron
Franklin, Lauren Mead, Daniel Watson, Joseph
Fresk, Kara Meadows, Braden Watson, Stephanie
Frum, Jennifer Medeiros, Patricia Wilhelm, Teena
Fuhrman, Nick Meichner, Kristina Wilson, Victor
Futris, Ted Michaelis, Vicki Winfield, Richard
Galvin, Luke Mize, Marie Wolf, Montgomery
Garvin, Chris MohanKumar, Sheba Woodson, Brock
Gaver, Jenny Morehead, Jere Zastre, Jason
Represented by Substitute
Bierema, Laura
Carson, Jim
Ceska, Jennifer
Dahlen, Joseph
Davis, Charles
Davis, Marsha
Durham, Stephan
Heynen, Nik
Hirt, Sonia
Hunt-Hurst, Patti
Lemons, Margaret
Leo, Donald
Peterson, David
Sabatini, Robert
Taha, Thiab
Tan, Li