Executive Committee Minutes

03/30/2022 03:30 PM - Online, Zoom Webinar. Please email univcouncil@uga.edu for information.
View Related Documents Online The University Council Executive Committee met on March 30, 2022. A quorum being present, Chair Barbara Biesecker called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Those in attendance to present action items were Elizabeth St. Pierre of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees; Harsha Thippareddi of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee; Janette Hill of the Faculty Affairs Committee; Susan Sanchez of the University Curriculum Committee; and Alexander Medina of the Human Resources Committee.
Guests to the meeting included Malcolm Adams, Alex Anderson, Kent Barnett, Benjamin Britton, Toby Carr, Tamora Callands, Jaime Camelio, Alan Dorsey, Mario Erasmo, Lindsey Harding, Donald Leo, Hillel Levin, Michael Marshall, Stephen Mihm, Stacey Neuharth-Pritchett, Marisa Pagnattaro, Roberto Perdisci, Annette Poulsen, Jessica Roberts, Usha Rodrigues, Alton Standifer, Thiab Taha, Ron Walcott, and Elizabeth Weeks.
  1. As the first order of business, a motion was made by Jeff Netter that was seconded by Amy Rosemond to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2022, meeting. A vote was called, and the minutes were unanimously approved.
  2. Action Items- Prior to the presentation of the action items, a motion was made by Jack Hu that was seconded by Janet Westpheling to allow the proposals from the Faculty Affairs Committee to be considered before the proposals from the University Curriculum Committee. A vote was called, and the motion was unanimously approved.
    1. Proposals from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees and the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee:
      1. Proposal to revise the bylaws of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. Following discussion, a vote was called, and the proposal was approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda with 21 in favor and 1 against.
      2. Proposal to revise the operating policy of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. During discussion, Elizabeth St. Pierre stated that the proposal was amended prior to the beginning of the meeting. Provost Hu made a motion requesting that the committee consider the amended proposal. The motion was seconded by Janet Westpheling. The committee then discussed the motion to consider the amended proposal. Discussion concluding, a vote was called, and the motion was unanimously approved. Discussion then occurred regarding the amended proposal. Following discussion, a vote was called, and the proposal was approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda with 19 in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention.
    2. Proposals from the Faculty Affairs Committee:
      1. Proposal for revisions to 1.06-1 Written Evaluation Policy. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      2. Proposal for a new policy on Student Success Activities. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
    3. Proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
      1. Proposal to create a School of Computing. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      2. Proposal for a new minor in History of Science, Medicine, and Engineering. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      3. Proposal for a new minor in Personal Health and Well-Being. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      4. Proposal for a new minor in Classics and Comparative Cultures. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      5. Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity and Privacy. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      6. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      7. Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Social Determinants of Health. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      8. Proposal to change the name of the major in Art: Interdisciplinary Art andDesign (A.B.) to Art: Interdisciplinary Art (A.B.). A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      9. Proposal to change the name of the major in Foods and Nutrition (M.S., M.S. Non-Thesis, Ph.D.) to Nutritional Sciences (M.S., M.S. Non-Thesis, Ph.D.). A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      10. Proposal to change the name of the major in Classical Languages (M.A.) to Classics (M.A.). A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      11. Proposal to offer the existing major in Learning, Design, and Technology (Ed.S.) online. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      12. Proposal for a new graduate-level university-wide requirement, GradFIRST Seminar Series. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
      13. Proposal for a new Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture. A vote was called, and the proposal was unanimously approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda.
    4. Proposals from the Human Resources Committee:
      1. Resolution for $15/Hour Minimum Hiring Rate. Following discussion, a vote was called, and the proposal failed to be forwarded to the University Council with 6 in favor, 9 against, and 6 abstentions.
      2. Resolution to gather data on special raises. Discussion occurred on the proposed resolution. During discussion, a motion was made by David Shipley to call the question and close debate. The motion was seconded by Luke Naeher. A vote was called, and the motion to call the question was unanimously approved. A vote was then called, and the proposal was approved to be placed on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda with 12 in favor, 5 against, and 4 abstentions.
  3. Information Items:
    1. From the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
      1. Second Reading: Proposal to revise the bylaws of the Facilities Committee. The proposal will appear on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
      2. Second Reading: Proposal to revise the bylaws of the Program Review and Assessment Committee. The proposal will appear on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
      3. Second Reading: Proposal to revise the duties of the Executive Committee. The proposal will appear on the April 20, 2022, University Council agenda for a second required reading and vote.
  4. There was no old business to come before the committee:
  5. New Business:
    1. Election of the Executive Committee chair-elect for 2022-2023. The nominees for the election were Tony Mallon, Jeff Netter, and Elizabeth St. Pierre. A ballot was distributed via a poll in Zoom to members. After tallying votes, it was announced that Elizabeth St. Pierre was elected. She will serve as chair-elect during 2022-2023 and as a chair during 2023-2024.
    2. Confirmation of new members to the Program Review and Assessment Committee. Chair Biesecker called for a vote to confirm a new slate of candidates to serve in vacancies on the Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) for a two-year term, 2022-2024. The Executive Committee unanimously voted to confirm the slate of candidates.
There being no further new business, the meeting adjourned at 5:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council
Executive Committee Members Present
Barbara Biesecker
Abigail Borron (substitute Maria Navarro)
Trisha Branan
Stephan Durham
Savannah Hembree
Janette Hill
Jack Hu
Derrick Lemons
Fiona Liken
Tony Mallon
Milton Masciadri
Carter Marks
Luke Naeher
Jeff Netter
Kerry Oliver
Rachel Reed
Amy Rosemond
David Shipley
Jacek Siry
Elizabeth St. Pierre
Pamela Turner
Janet Westpheling

Voting Record of March 30, 2022, Meeting