University Council Minutes
04/20/2022 03:30 PM - Online, Zoom Webinar. Please email for information.
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The University Council met on April 20, 2022, via Zoom Webinar for the final meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year. A quorum being present, President Jere Morehead called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Parliamentarian Usha Rodrigues provided a brief overview to remind Council members of the procedures for voting and discussion during the meeting.
As the first order of business, the president asked for a motion to approve the
minutes of the February 16, 2022, meeting. A motion was made by Janet Westpheling to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Barbara Biesecker. A vote was called, and the minutes were approved with 158 in favor and 1 abstention.
President Morehead then presented his report to the Council:
- The president began his report by expressing his gratitude for the collective effort of so many participating in University Council. The president thanked three key committees for their work over the last two years: the Preventative Measures Advisory Board, the Medical Oversight Task Force, and the University Council COVID Response Committee. The president thanked the members of all of these groups for their work.
- The president took a moment to recognize the work of Vice President for Government Relations Toby Carr and his teams’ efforts during the most recent legislative session. Vice President Carr will be leaving UGA at the end of the month. Griff Doyle will assume the roll of vice president for government relations on an interim basis following Vice President Carr’s exit. The president thanked Vice President Carr for his service and wished him the best.
- A $5,000 cost of living increase has been approved for state employees. This was reflected in the amended FY22 budget and also maintained in the FY23 budget that was also recently approved. The president stated that these raises will be extremely beneficial to the dedicated faculty and staff at the UGA. An ArchNews email was shared with campus that addressed details about these pay increases and covered several frequently asked questions.
- The USG was allocated $229 million to eliminate the special institutional fee. This will reduce the cost of attendance for all undergraduate and graduate students. When combining the fee reductions with the 4% increase made to graduate assistantship stipends last year, the university is better prepared to recruit the best and brightest graduate students.
- The university received construction funding for phase 1 of the Science Hill modernization project and design funding for phase 2. Over $1 million was provided to support the Integrative Precision Agriculture initiative and major repair and renovation funds were allocated to the University System which will support ongoing improvements to campus facilities and infrastructure. The president thanked Governor Kemp, the General Assembly, the Chancellor, and the Board of Regents for their ongoing support of the University of Georgia.
- The Board of Regents approved the next step in the process to renovate the Holmes/Hunter Academic Building. This project is being funded by private donations, primarily a $15 million gift from the Woodruff Foundation, and is scheduled to be completed in 2024.
- Dr. Marshall Shepherd has been recognized by the Southeastern Conference as the SEC Professor of the Year. This annual award is given to an SEC faculty member whose record of teaching and research places them among the elite in higher education.
- The university is currently celebrating Honors Week, and there are several faculty, staff, students, and alumni being honored for their work.
- Last month, the university completed a key step in reaffirmation of accreditation by SACSCOC. A 10-member review committee visited campus in late March and had zero recommendations regarding UGA's compliance with the commission’s standards. The second step in this process is the university’s quality enhancement plan to improve student learning and success. The president extended his sincere appreciation to all of those that have played a role in the reaffirmation process up to this point, with special thanks to Dr. Meg Amstutz, Alan Aycock, Maggie Parker, and Katie Chapman from the Provost’s Office, along with Dr. Nathan Moore in the President’s Office for their excellent work leading this project.
- Reading Day is in two weeks, followed by finals and spring commencement on Friday, May 13. The graduate ceremony will be held at 9:30 a.m. in Stegman Coliseum, and the undergraduate ceremony will take place at 7:00 p.m. in Sanford Stadium. Dr. Jennifer Frum, Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, will deliver the graduate commencement address, and Ed Bastian, CEO of Delta Airlines, will serve as the undergraduate speaker.
- Before closing his report, the president thanked those who served in leadership roles on the University Council this year.
- This concluded the president’s report to the Council.
The floor was then opened for the following reports:
The following action items were presented to the Council for consideration.
- Chair Susan Sanchez presented the following proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
- Proposal to create a School of Computing. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved 157 in favor, 3 against, and 6 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new minor in History of Science, Medicine, and Engineering. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved 164 in favor, 2 against, and 6 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new minor in Personal Health and Well-Being. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved 158 in favor, 4 against, and 10 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new minor in Classics and Comparative Cultures. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 168 in favor, 2 against, and 4 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new Undergraduate Certificate in Cybersecurity and Privacy. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 169 in favor, 1 against, and 5 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Alternative Dispute Resolution. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 162 in favor, 4 against, and 10 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Social Determinants of Health. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 162 in favor, 2 against, and 8 abstentions.
- Proposal to change the name of the major in Art: Interdisciplinary Art and Design (A.B.) to Art: Interdisciplinary Art (A.B.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 162 in favor and 9 abstentions.
- Proposal to change the name of the major in Foods and Nutrition (M.S., M.S. Non-Thesis, Ph.D.) to Nutritional Sciences (M.S., M.S. Non-Thesis, Ph.D.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 167 in favor, 1 against, and 3 abstentions.
- Proposal to change the name of the major in Classical Languages (M.A.) to Classics (M.A.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 168 in favor, 3 against, and 7 abstentions.
- Proposal to offer the existing major in Learning, Design, and Technology (Ed.S.) online. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 163 in favor, 3 against, and 6 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new graduate-level university-wide requirement, GradFIRST Seminar Series. Following discussion, a vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 108 in favor, 45 against, and 20 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 154 in favor, 1 against, and 13 abstentions.
- Chair Elizabeth St. Pierre and Chair Harsha Thippareddi presented the following proposals from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees and the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee:
- First Reading: Proposal to revise the bylaws of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. Following an extensive discussion, a vote was called, and the proposal was approved with 102 in favor, 19 against, and 39 abstentions.
- First Reading: Proposal to revise the operating policy of the Faculty Post-Tenure Review Appeals Committee. An extensive discussion occurred on the proposal. During discussion, a motion was made by Joseph Fu to amend the proposal by revising a sentence in the proposal to read, “The appellant has a right to be accompanied by an advisor, such as an attorney, of their own choosing during the hearing.” The motion was seconded by Puneet Dwivedi. A vote was called, and the motion was approved with 129 in favor , 7 against, and 19 abstentions. Following further discussion, a motion was made by Jack Hu to close debate. The motion was seconded by Beth Woods. A vote was called, and the motion to close debate was approved with 115 in favor, 13 against, and 25 abstentions. A vote was then called on the amended proposal, and the amended proposal was approved with 98 in favor, 16 against, and 39 abstentions.
- Chair Elizabeth St. Pierre presented the following proposals from the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees:
- Chair Janette Hill presented the following proposals from the Faculty Affairs Committee:
- Proposal for revisions to 1.06-1 Written Annual Evaluation policy. During discussion, a motion was made by Barbara Biesecker to add the language, “however, remediation cannot be required of a faculty member outside of the contract period” to the proposal. The motion was seconded by Bram Tucker. A vote was called, and the motion was approved with 124 in favor and 17 abstentions. A motion was made by Ruth Poproski to change the phrase “in the faculty handbook” to “in UGA faculty policies.” The motion was seconded by Matthew Auer. A vote was called, and the motion was approved with 119 in favor and 13 abstentions. Discussion concluding, a vote was called, and the amended proposal was approved with 116 in favor, 1 against, and 12 abstentions.
- Proposal for a new policy on Student Success Activities. During discussion, a motion was made by Erin Dolan to add the following text to the proposal: “Consistent with the USG Academic and Student Affairs Handbook, Section 4.4 Faculty Evaluation Systems, and recognizing that faculty members can promote student success in a variety of ways, assessment should focus on documenting a faculty member’s quality involvement in a small number of student success activities to maximize effectiveness and engagement.” The motion was seconded by Janette Hill. A vote was called, and the motion was approved with 117 in favor, 5 against, and 8 abstentions. Discussion concluding, a vote was called, and the amended proposal was approved with 119 in favor, 2 against, and 9 abstentions.
- Chair Alexander Medina presented the following proposal from the Human Resources Committee:
There being no old or new business, the meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Fiona Liken, Registrar
Secretary to University Council
University Council Roster
Abdelwahab, Mennah |
Adhikari, Koushik |
Altizer, Sonia |
Amstutz, Meg |
Andrews, Tessa |
Atkins, Rebecca |
Auer, Matthew |
Ayers, Benjamin |
Barnett, Kent |
Bartges, Joe |
Bewg, Patrick |
Bierema, Laura |
Biesecker, Barbara |
Bivins, Danny |
Blankenship, Sara |
Boudreau, Maric |
Bourlai, Thirimachos |
Branan, Trisha |
Brightwell, Rebecca |
Brocato, John |
Brown, Wayde |
Burg, Karen |
Burns, Sarah |
Cain, Taylor |
Callands, Tamora |
Camus, Al |
Carpenter, Tina (substitute Paul Demere) |
Caulfield, Amanda |
Cherkinsky, Alexander |
Christ, Margaret |
Cobran, Ewan |
Colson, Gregory |
Cona, Kelly |
Conner, Joann |
Cook, Julian |
Cotterell, Michael |
Crepaz, Markus |
Cunha, Marcus |
Darbisi, Carolina |
Darley, Andrew |
Davis, Charles (substitute Maria Len-Rios) |
Davis, Marsha |
Deka, Subhraleena |
DeMaria, Don |
DeVault, Travis |
Dolan, Erin |
Dorsey, Alan |
Duberstein, Kylee |
Durham, Stephan |
Dwivedi, Puneet |
Eggenschwiler, Jonathan |
Emerson, Kerstin |
Evans, Ellen |
Farmer, Mark |
Finch, Morgan |
Frum, Jennifer |
Fu, Joseph |
Fuhrman, Nick |
Fusillo, Lisa |
Garrett, Jim |
Gassman, Brenna |
Gerlach, Chris |
Glenn, Travis |
Goodie, Adam |
Gordon, Leslie |
Graham, Toby |
Greene, Dale |
Grey, Timothy |
Guay, Mary |
Habteselassie, Mussie |
Hallman Martini, Rebecca |
Harding, Lindsey |
Harvey, Stephen |
Hembree, Savannah |
Henriott, Bryson |
Henry, Kendall |
Herndon, Keith |
Heynen, Nik |
Hill, Daniel |
Hill, Janette |
Hirt, Sonia |
Hu, Jack |
Huber, Mark |
Hughes, Hilary |
Injaian, Allison |
James, Kevin |
Jantzi, Sarah |
Jaskyte Bahr, Kristina |
Ji, Pengsheng |
Jones, Diann |
Jones, Shana |
Ke, Yuan |
Klass, Haley |
Krimer, Paula |
Leach, Erin |
Leahy, Brendan |
Leclerc, Monique |
Lemons, Derrick |
Leo, Donald |
Lewis, Zachary |
Liken, Fiona |
Little, Laura |
Lollis, Mary Nichols |
Loudermilk, Grayson |
Madonna, Anthony |
Magnan, Nicholas |
Maillo-Pozo, Sharina |
Malladi, Anish |
Mallon, Anthony |
Markewitz, Daniel |
Martin-Williams, Jean |
McBride, Walt |
McClellan, Ray |
McClung, James |
McDonald, Bill |
McHale, Brittany |
Mead, Daniel |
Medeiros, Patricia |
Medina, Alex |
Mehta, Khushi |
Meichner, Kristina |
Meskin, Aaron |
Miller, Kristen |
MohanKumar, Sheba |
Mojock, Christopher |
Moore, George |
Moore, Myra |
Morehead, Jere |
Morrison, Alison |
Muszynski, Artur |
Nesbit, Ryan |
Netter, Jeff |
Nuss, Michelle |
Olmsted, Joseph |
Pagnattaro, Marisa |
Palmer, Chadwick |
Park, Andrew |
Patel, Parth |
Paton, Chad |
Peake, Jason |
Peduzzi, Alicia |
Perren, Samuel |
Phua, Joe |
Piotrowski, Stacey |
Place, Nick |
Pless, Jennie |
Poland, Mary |
Poproski, Ruth |
Pringle, Catherine |
Reifsteck, Fred |
Renwick, Margaret |
Renzi-Hammond, Lisa |
Rivero, Rosanna |
Roberts, Jessica |
Rubenstein, Eric |
Rutledge, Peter B. "Bo" |
Saleh, Eman |
Samples, Tim |
Santesso, Esra |
Seock, Yoo-Kyoung |
Severns, Paul |
Shelton, Kisha |
Shelton, Robin |
Shipley, David |
Sial, Ashfaq |
Singh, Rakesh |
Siry, Jacek |
Smith, Kelly |
Smolko, Timothy |
Spangler, Denise |
St. Pierre, Elizabeth |
StaRomana, Benny |
Stigler, Stevie |
Stone, Rebecca |
Story, Carson |
Summerlin, Donald |
Taha, Thiab |
Thomason, Olga |
Toebben, Nick |
Tucker, Bram |
Turner, Pamela |
Villegas, Alejandra |
Walcott, Ron |
Wallace, Isabelle |
Watson, Joseph |
Watson, Richard |
Westpheling, Janet |
White, Elizabeth |
Wieling, Elizabeth |
Wilson, Victor |
Wojdynski, Bartosz |
Wolf, Montgomery |
Woods, Beth |
Woodson, Brock |
Worthy, Sheri |
Wright, Bradley |
Wurzburg, Elizabeth |
Xiao, Qian |
Yao, Angela |
Zhen, Chen |
Zheng, George |
Voting Record of April 20, 2022, Meeting