University Council Minutes

12/02/2010 03:30 PM - R. C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120
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The University Council met on December 2, 2010 at the R.C. Wilson Pharmacy Building, Room 120. President Adams called the meeting to order at 3:35 pm. The minutes from the September 23, 2010 University Council meeting were approved as distributed.

The report from the President included the following:

  • President Adams thanked University Council members for their attendance in the midst of the semester's end and expressed appreciation for their continued hard work for the university.
  • President Adams congratulated the newly-elected officials in state and local government. He has had contact with Governor-elect Nathan Deal and has met with out-going Governor Sonny Perdue. The President expressed plans to meet with Athens Mayor-elect Nancy Denson.
  • On December 12-14, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government will host the 27th Biennial Institute for Georgia Legislators at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education.
  • President Adams expressed that he is looking forward to working with Governor-elect Deal and his administration. He congratulated Director of State Relations Chris Cummiskey on being nominated commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development and thanked him for his service to the university.
  • On October 19, the Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Ray Mabus, was present at the symbolic transfer of the Navy Supply School property. The property, which will be formally deeded to the university March 31, 2011, will be the site of a new child care center.
  • The UGA Board of Visitors will be comprised of community and business leaders from across the state with the goal of strengthening the relationship between the university and the state legislature. President Adams stated his belief that the UGA Board of Visitors will be beneficial to the university in a variety of ways.
  • Four UGA professors, Diane Edison, Jared Klein, Peter Rutledge, and Richard Siegesmund, were named Fulbright Scholars for the 2010-2011 academic year. This ranks UGA as the fourth-highest producer of Fulbright Scholars for the academic year.
  • Kelly Dawe of the Department of Plant Biology was awarded a $5 million grant to further study concerning improved varieties of corn, as well as techniques that could treat human diseases, such as cancer.
  • Researchers at the UGA Cancer Center published findings in November concerning the GnT-V enzyme and its ability to delay the onset and spread of cancer in mice. This delay is hoped to be applicable to humans.
  • Marshall Shepherd, an associate professor in the Department of Geography, was named the winner of the national Charles E. Anderson Award from the American Meteorological Society.
  • Tracy Yang was named a 2011 Rhodes Scholar. She is the 22nd Rhodes Scholar from UGA.
  • Betsy Katz, a 2009 graduate of the University of Georgia, was named a 2011-2012 George J. Mitchell Scholarship recipient.
  • President Adams acknowledged the upcoming commencement exercises on Friday, December 17. The Undergraduate ceremony will be held at 9:30am at Stegeman Coliseum. The speaker will be Pete Correll, chairman emeritus of Georgia-Pacific Corp. He will be receiving an honorary degree. Guest speaker for the 2:30 pm Graduate ceremony will be James Cobb, professor in the University of Georgia Department of History.
  • President Adams wanted University Council members to be aware of major upcoming events at the start of the new year:
    • The inauguration of Governor-elect Nathan Deal and constitutional officers in the state, many of whom are alumni to the university.
    • The Board of Regents will meet for the first time in 2011. This will be the first meeting since the Board of Regents approved an expansion of the engineering curriculum at UGA.
    • The 50th anniversary of desegregation at UGA will be commemorated on campus beginning January 9th. President Adams encouraged University Council members, faculty, and the student body to participate in celebrating this important historical milestone for the university.
  • President Adams closed his remarks by wishing University Council members a relaxing holiday break.
The floor was opened for the following reports:

Action Items:

David Shipley, chair of the Curriculum Committee, offered the following action items for consideration:

  1. Proposals from the University Curriculum Committee:
    1. Proposal for a new Bioenergy Systems Research Institute.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal for a new Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Education and Human Development (IIREHD).  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.
    3. Proposal to change the name of the Department of Speech Communication to the Department of Communication Studies.  The vote was called and the proposal was approved.   
The following information items were presented by Marisa Pagnattaro, chair of the Educational Affairs Committee:
  1. Academic Honesty Annual Report (attachment i)
  2. New Regents Test Procedure (attachment j)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca L. Macon
University Council Secretary

University Council Roster
Represented by Proxy
Adams, Michael   Harman, Ruth Nairn, Alison
Angle, Jay Scott
Allen, Sheila   Hatcher, Schnavia Nairn, Joe
Assaf, Francis
Anderson, Alex Hein, Katie Navara, Kristen
Brown, Justin
Banaee, Arash Helfman, Blake Netter, Jeff
Delaney, Joshua
Blair, Camille Hermanowicz, Joe Norman, Naomi
Grant, Linda
Bonaparte, Eric Hernandez, Sonia Oie, Svein
Grasso, Maureen
Brainard, Benjamin Hilton, Nelson O'Malley, Tracey
Ivy, Stuart
Brown, Lonnie Horne, Arthur O'Rouke, Jason
Joerschke, Bonnie
Burgess, Timothy P.   Houser, Thomas Pagnattaro, Marisa
Mauricio, Rodney
Caillault, J.P. Houston, Jacquelyn Porter, Delene
Melnik, Margaret
Calabria, Ashley Huang, Yao-wen Reap, James
Moore, Holly
Cannady, Shelley Hurley, David Ritchie, Branson
Rhodes, Leara
Clark, E. Culpepper Hyman, Alex Roberts, Phillip
Robinson, Wes
Covich, Alan Jackwood, Mark Roberts, Susan
Schuster, Barbara L.
Daniel, Jerry Jagor, Leigh Ross, Amy
Stancil, Phillip
Daniels, Maurice Jolly, Laura D.   Saltz, David

Daniels, Richard Karahanna, Elena Samp, Jennifer

Davis, Mallory Karls, Anna Sanford, Paula

Davis Barham, Jan Keen, Brenda Sarao, Sukhmani

DeChicchis, Al Kidula, Jean Schroeder, Paul

DeMaria, Don Kim, Soyoung Severn, Jill

Dorfman, Jeff Kriesel, Warren Shamp, Scott

Dyles, Julie Kushner, Sidney Shelton, Robin

Eberle, Roxanne Langston, Keith Shetterley, Karen

Ellenberg, Wells Lauth, Thomas   Southwood, Robin

Ellis, Angela Lee, David Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda

Freeman, Melissa Legette, Roy Stokes, Garnett

Frick, Janet Lockhart, Lettie Stooksbury, David

Gale, Jerry Macon, Rebecca   Sumichrast, Robert T.  

Gardner, Denise Maerz, John Sweaney, Anne  

Gartenberg, Mitch Martin, Meredith Taha, Thiab

Getch, Yvette McDuff, Nancy Tennent-Brown, Brett

Gibson, Steven Miller, William Thomas, Ian

Gittleman, John   Morehead, Jere   Tir, Jaroslav

Glenn, Travis Moret, Lauren Tollner, Bill

Griffin, Eric Moshi, Lioba Turner, Kari

Hamilton, Shane Mote, Thomas Vinod, Anush

Happek, Uwe Munneke, Henry Wagner, John

Myhre, Karin Wilder, Shannon O

Williams, Phillip  

Wunderlich, John