University Council Minutes

04/26/2012 03:30 PM - Tate Theater, Tate Student Center
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The University Council met on April 26, 2012 at the Tate Theater in the Tate Student Center. President Adams called the meeting order at 3:30 pm. The minutes of the March 22, 2012 meeting were approved as distributed.

The President's report to Council included the following remarks:

  • President Adams opened his remarks by thanking Dr. Jan Hathcote and Adam Lawrence of the Office of the Registrar for their service in supporting and coordinating the term's University Council meetings. The President also thanked Chuck Gruner for his role as Parliamentarian and Scott Shamp for his service as Chair of the Executive Committee.
  • The President spoke of the success of the events held during Honors Week at UGA, which occurred the prior week. Among the events held was the Alumni Association Award Luncheon, which honored former Dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Bill Flatt, former legislator Bob Argo, and the Seiler family of Savannah, Georgia.
  • Eight students have won national academic awards for the year. These include one Marshall Scholarship award winner, three winners of the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Scholarship, and four winners of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship award.
  • Since the last meeting of Council, the General Assembly has concluded its legislative session. The University will receive full formula funding. The President stated that $15 million was lost last year when the formula was not fully funded.  Also, $52.3 million was approved for the new Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital. The President hopes that ground will be broken at that facility before the end of the calendar year. As well, a 2.3% cut for Cooperative Extension was restored; $600,000 was also received for new researchers at the Agricultural Experiment Station at the Tifton Campus. The Carl Vinson Institute of Government received $200,000 in additional funds and $90,000 for the state accounting office. A total of $4 million was granted for major repairs and rehabilitation in the state and $1.5 million towards equipment for Agricultural Experiment Stations. As well, $3.5 million was funded for the Food Technology Center at the Griffin Campus and $2.5 million towards the 4-H facility at Rock Eagle. Lastly, $3 million was funded for the Rural Development Center in Tifton for renovations. Some of these items were included by legislators and were not requested by the University. The President expressed his appreciation for the funding received. The President also emphasized that the 2.3% cut will be absorbed centrally, allowing some flexibility in the deans' budgets on campus. The University will enter the year on solid footing financially and will be significantly better off this year than the last. The President did express disappointment in not granting across the board raises for faculty, but is hopeful that it will be a number one priority for the legislature when the body meets in January. The President also stated that the President's Faculty Advisory Committee had recently discussed the need for additional stipends for graduate teaching assistants and research assistants.
  • In August, moving to the UGA Health Sciences Campus will occur. The President thanked those involved with the work that has occurred, and is occurring, with regards to the campus. The UGA Child Care Center has been opened at the campus since January. Units of the College of Public Health are there as well. Work at Russell Hall, located at the GHSC campus, is being completed to convert space into classrooms and lab facilities. Housing, Campus Transportation, and Food Services will all be available when the campus is opened in August. Five hundred faculty, staff, and students will be at the campus, with the expectation that this number could double in the ensuing years. The morning of August 22, 2012 will mark the celebration of the opening of the campus, which will be opened to the public.
  • UGA has been working this Spring on University-related events throughout the state and region, including annual UGA Days which are occurring. Many in administrative roles on campus have been asked to travel across the country in support of issues such as student recruitment and development, among other issues. The President thanked those who have done this in support of the University.
  • The Campus Memorial Service will be held at the Chapel on May 1 at 6:00 pm. The President encouraged Council members and guests to attend.
  • Commencement will occur on May 11. The Graduate ceremony will be held at 10:00 am at Stegeman Coliseum, while the Undergraduate ceremony will be held at 7:00 pm at Sanford Stadium.
  • Concluding his remarks, the President thanked Council members for their hard work and efforts this semester and opened the floor for reports and action items from the various standing committees on the meeting's agenda.

The floor was opened for the following reports:

Action Items:

  1. David Shipley, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, presented the following proposals:
    1. Proposal to offer the existing major in Interdisciplinary Studies (A.B.) on the Griffin Campus. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    2. Proposal to revise the Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 1, New Degree and Major Programs. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    3. Proposal to revise the Academic Affairs Policy Statement No. 4, Academic Programs – Deactivation or Reactivation and/or Termination or Reinstatement. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    4. Proposal for a new Center for Gambling Research (CGR). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    5. Proposal for a new Center for Molecular Medicine. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    6. Proposal to offer an Undergraduate Certificate in Legal Studies. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    7. Proposal to terminate the major in Veterinary Pathology (M.S.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    8. Proposal to offer a major in Linguistics (M.A. Non-Thesis Option). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    9. Proposal to offer the existing major in Educational Psychology with Area of Emphasis in Gifted Education (M.Ed. and Ed.S.) as an online degree program. A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    10. Proposal for a new major in Narrative Media Writing (M.F.A.). A vote was called, and the proposal was approved.
    11. Proposal for a new College of Engineering. Following a brief discussion, a vote was called and the proposal was approved.
  2. Jeff Dorfman, Chair of the Committee on Statutes, Bylaws, and Committees, presented the following proposal:
    1. Second Reading: Proposal for amendments to the University Council Bylaws. Dr. Dorfman made a committee motion to amend the list of faculty with academic rank which appears in Part V, Section I of the Bylaws. The list as presented, and which was previously approved in the first reading of the Bylaws changes, included faculty ranks which are not considered academic. Therefore, a change would need to occur to amend the list in order to abide with the University Statutes definition of academic rank. The motion was moved by the committee, a vote was called, and the motion to correct the list of faculty was approved. Discussion was then opened to discussion regarding the overall changes to the Bylaws. A discussion then occurred regarding Part I, Section 1. B. 6., which explains the changes as to how the Executive Committee can receive agenda items for consideration and placement on the University Council agenda. Following the conclusion of the discussion, a vote was called and the second reading of the Bylaws changes was approved.

There being no further business, the President reminded Council members of Commencement on May 11 and wished everyone well for the Summer semester.

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Jan Hathcote, Registrar
Secretary to University Council

University Council Roster

Adams, Michael 

Grant, Linda

Morehead, Jere

Allen, Sheila

Grasso, Maureen

Mosher, Marshall

Anderson, Alex

Griffin, Michele

Moshi, Lioba

Assaf, Francis

Griffith, Jennifer

Munneke, Henry

Becker, Tyler

Hajduk, Stephen

Nairn, Alison

Bamber, Michael

Hamilton, Shane

Nairn, Joe

Becker, Lee

Happek, Uwe

Neville, Michael

Biesecker, Barbara

Harman, Ruth

Oie, Svein

Brainard, Benjamin

Harrison, Mark

Orpinas, Pamela

Buntin, David

Harshman, Melissa

Quesada, Margaret

Burd, Adrian

Hathcote, Jan

Reap, James

Burgess, Timothy

Hebert, Thomas

Riley, David

Burgess, William

Hein, Katie

Roberts, Phillip

Burke, Tom

Hermanowicz, Joe

Robinson, Dawn

Calabria, Ashley

Hernandez, Sonia

Ruppersburg, Hugh

Cannady, Shelley

Hilton, Nelson

Sanford, Paula

Clark, E. Culpepper

Holladay, Steven

Schroeder, Paul

Clutter, Michael

Jagor, Leigh

Schuster, Richard

Cramond, Bonnie

Jolly, Laura

Shamp, Scott

Daniels, Richard

Karahanna, Elena

Smalley, Tim

Davis, Mallory

Keen, Brenda

Snyder, Margaret

DeChicchis, Al

Kerr, William

Southwood, Robin

DeMaria, Don

Landrum, Tom

Stabb, Eric

Dove, Robert

Langston, Keith

Stancil, Phillip

Dyles, Julie

Lauth, Thomas

Stickney, John

Elder, Deborah

Lee, David

Stitt-Gohdes, Wanda

Ellis, Angela

Legette, Roy

Stooksbury, David

Farmer, Mark

Live, David

Sumichrast, Robert

Fischer, Joan

Lockhart, Lettie

Taha, Thiab

Fox, Linda

Luken, Emily

Thomas, Ian

Freeman, Melissa

Mastin, Davis

Trap, Diane

Frick, Janet

McDonald, William

Urbauer, Jeff

Frum, Jennifer

McLaurin, Clay

Wagner, John

Getch, Yvette

Melnik, Margaret

Wallinga, Charlotte

Giraudo, Silvia

Mobley, Charles

Williams, Phillip

Gittleman, John

Moore, Mary

Wyld, Sandra

Yabsley, Michael

Zhang, Hongyu


Represented by Proxy

Ainsworth, Scott

Angle, Jay Scott

Bennett, Rodney

Daniel, Jerry

Daniels, Maurice

Davis Barham, Jan

Eberle, Roxanne

Epps, W. Dennis

Horne, Arthur

Ivy, Stuart

Kalivoda, Karen

Kim, Soyoung

Mote, Thomas

Netter, Jeff

Pagnattaro, Marisa

Potter, William

Saltz, David

Schmidt, Kelsey

Schuster, Barbara

Shetterley, Karen